300字范文 > 精细规划 fine urban planning英语短句 例句大全

精细规划 fine urban planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-10 21:29:55


精细规划 fine urban planning英语短句 例句大全

精细规划,fine urban planning

1)fine urban planning精细规划

1.So it’s very useful that to evaluating city public transportation accessibility in the use offine urban planning.所以,随着城市规划学科的不断发展,制定规划决策的依据必须走向精细化,即所谓的“精细规划”。


1.You must carefully map out embedded systems’ displays, developing a hierarchy of information.你必须要精细规划嵌入系统的显示屏,开发信息的构架。

2.Blueprint planning蓝图规划,详细规划

3.We should try to achieve this objective by 1970 through careful and rational planning.我们好好精打细算,合理规划,争取在一九七○年达到这个目标。

4.Article 18 The plan for a city shall, as a rule, be worked out in two stages, i.e. comprehensive planning and detailed planning.第十八条 编制城市规划一般分总体规划和详细规划两个阶段进行。

5.Of course, careful planning and diligent supervision by the designer, together with the utmost standardization, are essential to attain these objectives.当然,要达到这些目标,设计者细心的规划,精心的监理以及最大程度的标准化都是必不可少的。

6.The Study of the Public Supporting Facilities in Regulatory Plan;控制性详细规划中公共配套设施规划研究

7.Research on Regulatory Detailed Planning Drawing-up Based on Planning Management;基于规划管理的控制性详细规划编制研究

8.Using the Urban-Rural Planning Law to Reform Regulatory Plans基于《城乡规划法》的控制性详细规划改革探讨

9.Lean Logistics Techniques in Vehicle Manufacturing Enterprises;汽车制造企业的精益物流规划和管理

10.Study on Motion Trajectory Planning of Precision Parallel Robot精密并联机器人运动轨迹规划的研究

11.Their plans for an increase have all been carefully calculated.他们增产的计划都是精打细算出来的。

12.THE OBJECTS TO BE CONTROLLED IN THE REGULATORY DETAILED PLANNING:The Implication from the Local Planning Legislation of America控制性详细规划应当控制什么——美国地方规划法规的启示

13.The detailed plan for a city shall be examined and approved by the people "s government of the city.城市详细规划由城市人民政府审批;

14.Withdrawal of lake water should be carefully regulated.抽取湖泊中的水,应当加以仔细地规划。

15.Planning requires realistic diagnosis of the opportunity situation.规划需要现实地细心研究机会的情况。

16.An outline is a detailed plan of your composition.所谓提纲,就是文章的详细写作规划。

17.Evaluation-and-Analysis Study on the Effectiveness of Regulatory Detailed Planning;控制性详细规划实效性评价分析研究

18.Thinking on the Compilation of Regulatory Detailed Planning in View of Development Control;从开发控制谈控制性详细规划的编制


meticulous planning精心规划

3)fine partition精细划分

4)Finely Delineate精细刻划

5)Fine regional planning精细区划

6)Detailed plan详细规划

1.From now on, we should strengthen system planning of towns, lay stress on the characteristics of town planning and increase the coverage of detailed planning for the purpose of making high-level planning for the development of the construction of towns.长治市城市规划工作存在着种种问题 ,今后应加强城镇体系规划 ,注重城市规划特色 ,提高详细规划覆盖率 ,为城市建设发展做出高水平的规

2.The key control technology of urban planning in detailed plan stage of China is Regulatory Plan as carrier, which includes the establishment and management.城市规划的主要作用是为了控制和引导城市有序地发展,中国的城市规划体系总体上可以分为总体规划和详细规划两个层次,其中详细规划阶段的城市规划核心控制技术是以控制性详细规划为载体的控制技术,其中包括控制性详细规划的编制和实施管理。


精心特别用心;细心:~制作 ㄧ~治疗ㄧ~培育良种 。
