300字范文 > 收入增长率 income increasing rate英语短句 例句大全

收入增长率 income increasing rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-20 21:31:45


收入增长率 income increasing rate英语短句 例句大全

收入增长率,income increasing rate

1)income increasing rate收入增长率

1.The paper analyzes the telecom serviceincome increasing rate and the post service income increasingrate by using the R/S analysis.本文应用R/S 分析法测定了电信业务收入增长率、邮政业务收入增长率的Hurst 指数,指出通信市场业务收入增长率存在强持久性,并初步测度了电信业务收入增长率的记忆周期长度,为进一步研究我国通信市场的波动特征提供了依据。


1.As a rough approximation of the rate of income growth per capita, one can subtract the rate of increase in population from the rate of growth in total income.人们可从总收入增长率中减去人口增长率,得出人均收入增长率的一个粗略近似值。

2.The rate of increase in communication operation turnover is rough 2.2 times that of the communication operation income.通信业务总量的增长率约为通信业务收入增长率的2.2倍。

3.Increment Rate of Farmer Income Fluctuate:Analysis of Influence Factors and Countermeasures;江西省农民收入增长率变动的影响因素分析

4.Increase revenue mix and growth rate of IMP product for responsible sales territory.提升所在销售区域内进口快件产品占公司整体的收入占比和营业收入增长率。

5.Negative effects of the excessively high increase rate of planned revenue;财政收入计划增长率过高的负面效应

6.Estimation and analysis of the rate of technological contribution of peasants income increase in Ningxia;宁夏农民收入增长科技贡献率测算与分析

7.Practical Analysis of Rural Financial Development Efficiency and Peasants Income Growth;我国农村金融发展效率与农民收入增长

8.Research of Continuable Revenue Increasing Mode in High-penetrated高普及率通信市场的收入可持续增长模式研究

9.The quality and efficiency of tax collection and administration was improved, which ensured tax growth.税收征管质量和效率明显提高,为税收收入的增长提供了保障。

10.China"s Tax Revenue Grew Faster Than GDP Growth Rate Analysis我国税收收入增长超GDP增长的分析

11.An Empirical Study of the Relationship of Price/Book Value (P/B), Growth Rate, and the Difference between Return on Investment Capital (ROIC) and Weighted Average Capital Cost (WACC);公司价值与投入资本收益率、增长率关系的实证研究

12.population growth and national income人口增长与国民收入

13.The tourism revenue totaled 22.8 billion yuan, up 15 percent.旅游收入228亿元,增长15%。

14.feasible limit of increase in financial revenue财政收入增长可行限量

15.Problems: The growth of farmers" income was slow.问题:农民收入增长缓慢

16.The incomes of urban and rural residents continued to go up.城乡居民收入继续增长。

17.The income of urban and rural residents has increased rapidly.城乡居民收入增长加快。

18.The income of urban and rural residents has gone up steadily.城乡居民收入稳步增长。


Pure Income Growth Rate纯收入增长率

1.Strategy Analyses of Effective Raise AgriculturePure Income Growth Rate;有效提高农业纯收入增长率的策略分析

3)the growth rate of Government Revenue财政收入增长率

4)income increase收入增长

1.Human-capital Investment in Rural Areas and Farmers Income Increase in China;我国农村人力资本投资与农民收入增长

2.Research of the Relationship between Rural Residents Income Increase and Economic Growth;农民收入增长与经济发展之间的关系研究

3.Analyses on the Concepts Interfering With Peasants Income Increase;阻碍农民收入增长的观念分析

5)income growth收入增长

1.The Impact of Income Growth and Income Distribution on The Poverty Reductionin Rural During China′s Transition Period——Method,Character and Evidence;转型期收入增长和收入分配对农村贫困减少的影响——方法、特征和证据

2.To analyse theincome growth and the income structure of Fujian rural residents from 1978 to 2001, the income gap of rural areas was studied by cluster analysis and the causes of income slow growth of Fujian rural residents were analysed.本文对改革开放以来福建农村居民的收入增长及收入构成变化进行实证分析 ,并用聚类的方法对农村区域的差距进行研究 ,分析近几年来福建农村居民收入增长缓慢的原因 ,为制定促进农村居民收入增长政策提供参考依据。

3.This paper establishes three structural models to examine the interactive relations betweenincome growth and final consumption in China.通过采用3SLS系统估计技术建立的3个结构模型来研究我国1978—间最终消费和收入增长之间的互动关系,其结论显示:我国最终消费对收入增长具有显著的促进作用,而且,强于投资和对外贸易对收入的影响。

6)income increasing收入增长

1.The farmer′sincome increasingly puzzles many economists.在进入20世纪80年代中期之后,国家采取许多政策,如取消农业税等促进农民收入增长,但效果仍然不明显。

2.It can not completely reflect the internal value of china s development if we simply takeincome increasing as our destination.单纯以收入增长作为发展目标具有片面性:一是不能从本质上完全体现中国发展的真实价值。


主营业务收入增长率 主营业务收入增长率——主营业务收入增长率是本期主营业务收入与上期主营业务收入之差与上期主营业务收入的比值。用公式表示为:主营业务收入增长率=(本期主营业务收入-上期主要业务收入)/上期主营业务收入×100%。主营业务收入增长率可以用来衡量公司的产品生命周期,判断公司发展所处的阶段。一般来说,如果主营业务收入增长率超过10%,说明公司产品处于成长期,将继续保持较好的增长势头,尚未面临产品更新的风险,属于成长型公司。如果主营业务收入增长率在5%~10%之间,说明公司产品已进入稳定期,不久将进入衰退期,需要着手开发新产品。如果该比率低于5%,说明公司产品已进入衰退期,保持市场份额已经很困难,主营业务利润开始滑坡,如果没有已开发好的新产品,将步入衰落。
