300字范文 > 劳动主观条件 subjective condition of labor英语短句 例句大全

劳动主观条件 subjective condition of labor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-28 09:03:09


劳动主观条件 subjective condition of labor英语短句 例句大全

劳动主观条件,subjective condition of labor

1)subjective condition of labor劳动主观条件

2)working conditions劳动条件

1.However, for the meeds of enterprise management and convenience and the costs saving, almost without exception, the modern enterprises tend to regulate theworking conditions and rights and obligations of both employers and employees, which should be agreed by labor contract, by enterprise labor regulations unilaterally as the basis of contract and labor relations.在现实劳动关系中,企业劳动规章往往是决定劳动者权利义务和劳动条件的最为主要依据,并呈取代劳动合同、集体合同之势;由于其系企业单方制定与变更却具有约束劳动关系相对方的法律效力,因此,有关企业劳动规章法律效力的问题一直是劳动法领域的一个重要争点。


1.3. Labour protection and working conditions;(三)劳动保护和劳动条件;

2.reasonable labour conditions (measures)合理的劳动条件(措施)

3.That "labour laws shall be put into effect to improve working conditions";“实行劳动法,改善劳动条件”;

4.--- Civilized and safe working conditions are provided for prisoners engaging in reform through labour.--在劳动改造中,为罪犯提供文明、安全的劳动条件。

5.Civilized and safe working conditions are provided for prisoners engaging in reform through labour.——在劳动改造中,为罪犯提供文明、安全的劳动条件。

6.No one is concerned about their working conditions!没有人关心她们的劳动条件!

7.These greatly improved their working conditions.这些大大改善了他们的劳动条件。

8.measures tending to improve working conditions有助于改善劳动条件的措施

9.Push forward demands for better working conditions and higher wages提出改善劳动条件和增加工资的要求

10.work done for low wages in bad conditions劳动条件恶劣而工资低微的工作.

11.unequal pay and conditions, eg for women不平等的工资和劳动条件(如对妇女的).

12.They are negotiating for an improvement in working conditions.他们正在为改善劳动条件举行谈判。

13.We pushed forward demands for better working conditions and higher wages.我们提出改善劳动条件和增加工资的要求。

14.the condition for capital is wage-labour.资本的条件是雇佣劳动。

15.6. Conditions for terminating the labour contract;(六)劳动合同终止的条件;

16.Discussion on Labor and Labor Value in Socialist Conditions;社会主义条件下劳动和劳动价值探析

17.Conditions And Liabilities of Labor s Unilaterally Terminating a Contract;浅议劳动者单方解除劳动合同的条件及责任

18.Labour and labour value theory in the condition of socialist market economy;社会主义市场经济条件下的劳动和劳动价值论


working conditions劳动条件

1.However, for the meeds of enterprise management and convenience and the costs saving, almost without exception, the modern enterprises tend to regulate theworking conditions and rights and obligations of both employers and employees, which should be agreed by labor contract, by enterprise labor regulations unilaterally as the basis of contract and labor relations.在现实劳动关系中,企业劳动规章往往是决定劳动者权利义务和劳动条件的最为主要依据,并呈取代劳动合同、集体合同之势;由于其系企业单方制定与变更却具有约束劳动关系相对方的法律效力,因此,有关企业劳动规章法律效力的问题一直是劳动法领域的一个重要争点。

3)Subjective condition主观条件

1.The conditions of the conveyance according to leagal action include subjective condition and objective condition.依法律行为的物权变动的条件包括主观条件和客观条件。

2.The subjective condition is faith emotion and faith will.认为法律信仰的基础是公平-正义性、自由-人权性、效率-利益性、保障-救济性;形成的客观条件为仪式、权威和普遍性,主观条件为信仰情感和信仰意志。

4)subjective conditions主观条件

1.Thesubjective conditions for justifiable defense includes defending consciousness and defending will, defending motivation and defending aim while provoking defense and accidental defense can not be included in thesubjective conditions for justifiable defense.正当防卫的主观条件包括防卫认识和防卫意志、防卫动机和防卫目的。

2.This article is aiming at exploring and illustrating the objective basis,subjective conditions and essential strategies for carrying out ambiguity teaching.本文探讨、阐述了实施模糊教学的客观基础,主观条件和基本策略。

5)subjective and objective conditions主客观条件

1.It is the outcome that thesubjective and objective conditions combine mutually.这一现象的产生不是偶然的,是我国社会经济和政治以及私营企业主群体自身等各个方面发展的必然结果,是主客观条件相结合的产物。

6)initiative condition主动条件

1.And higher education excess oninitiative conditions can be divided into higher education excess on compensation and technology progress deviation conditions.根据高等教育过度形成的主客观原因,可以划分为主动条件下和被动条件下的高等教育过度,其中主动条件下的高等教育过度又可划分为补偿条件下和技术进步偏向条件下的高等教育过度。


