300字范文 > 多元音乐文化听觉 idea Multivariant music culture sense of hearing英语短句 例句大全

多元音乐文化听觉 idea Multivariant music culture sense of hearing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-28 23:08:51


多元音乐文化听觉 idea Multivariant music culture sense of hearing英语短句 例句大全

多元音乐文化听觉,idea Multivariant music culture sense of hearing

1)idea Multivariant music culture sense of hearing多元音乐文化听觉

2)Multi-cultural Music Hearing System多元文化音乐听觉

3)Pluralistic music culture多元音乐文化

1.Owing ears that are able to appreciate the world s pluralistic music culture is the necessary significance for the basic music subjects and it is one of the abilities that music teaching personnel should have.拥有能欣赏世界多元音乐文化的耳朵不仅是基本乐科课程的题中应有之义,同样是从事音乐教育人员所应具备的能力之一。


1.Overseas Chinese Music, A Result of the Fusion of Multiple Musical Cultures多元音乐文化的融合——海外华人音乐

2.Getting Chinese Music Back to the World Multiculture;让中国音乐回归到世界多元音乐文化的正常序列中

3.Research on Xinjiang General Musical Education;新疆地区实施多元音乐文化教育的思考

4.Problems in the Multi-element Musical Culture Education in our Country and their Solutions;我国多元音乐文化教育存在的问题及解决思路

5.The Continuation of Nationality and Researchment of Mordenity in Multivariate Musical Culture Blended Circumstances;多元音乐文化交融环境中民族性的承续与现代性的探索

6.The Multi-cultural Music Education of the United States Standards for Music Education;美国《音乐教育标准》中的多元文化音乐教育

7.Music esthetic education under the multicultural educational background;多元文化教育背景下的音乐审美教育

8.World Folk Music Education in the View of Multiple Culture多元文化视野下的世界民族音乐教育

9.The Education of Plural Culture and Music for Text Understanding;作为理解课程文本的多元文化音乐教育

10.The Influence of Multicultural Music Education Idea on Music Education Innovation in China s Middle and Primary Schools;多元文化音乐教育理念对我国中小学音乐教育改革的影响

11.On the Multicultural Character of Asian Music;亚洲音乐文化的多元性——印度、中国、菲律宾音乐现状的比较研究一

12.Looking on the Relationship between Music and Dance from the Angle of World Multicuturalism从世界多元文化音乐的角度看音乐和舞蹈的关系

13.World Multiculturalist Music Education and Ethnomusicology in the Early 21st-Century China21世纪初:世界多元文化音乐教育与音乐人类学在中国

14.The Music Education of Ethnic Minority under the Multicultural Education;多元文化视角下的少数民族地区音乐教育

15.The Infiltration and Study on Multi-Culture in Music Teaching of Primary School;多元文化在小学音乐教学中的渗透与研究

16.Multicultural: Music Teachers Attitudes and Training;多元文化背景下的音乐教师态度与师资培训

17.Discussing Territorial Character of Variety Culture Music Education in High Normal Schools;谈高师多元文化音乐教育中的区域特色

18.The Summarization of International Symposium on Multicultural Music Education in the World;世界多元文化音乐教育国际研讨会综述


Multi-cultural Music Hearing System多元文化音乐听觉

3)Pluralistic music culture多元音乐文化

1.Owing ears that are able to appreciate the world s pluralistic music culture is the necessary significance for the basic music subjects and it is one of the abilities that music teaching personnel should have.拥有能欣赏世界多元音乐文化的耳朵不仅是基本乐科课程的题中应有之义,同样是从事音乐教育人员所应具备的能力之一。

4)multicultural music育多元音乐文化

5)musical audition音乐听觉

1.Recently the psychological researches related tomusical audition have applied various methods in various aspects and vigorouly developed.音乐听觉是指领会、想象、思考音乐印象的能力。

6)multi-cultural music education多元文化音乐教育

1.By the influence of the multi-cultural education thought and multi-cultural education curriculum,themulti-cultural music education has already become the global trends of contemporary music education reform,and the United States Standards for Music Education is leading to the world current ofmulti-cultural music education.受多元文化教育思想和多元文化教育课程的影响,多元文化音乐教育已经成为当代音乐教育改革的世界性思潮,而美国《音乐教育标准》的出台则领导了世界多元文化音乐教育的潮流。


