300字范文 > 淮河干流 mainstream of the Huaihe River英语短句 例句大全

淮河干流 mainstream of the Huaihe River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-18 18:48:51


淮河干流 mainstream of the Huaihe River英语短句 例句大全

淮河干流,mainstream of the Huaihe River

1)mainstream of the Huaihe River淮河干流

1.The relationship bettveen nitrogen contamination and dissolved oxygen inmainstream of the Huaihe River;近年来淮河干流氮污染状况与变化趋势


1.The sections with Grade II ~ III water quality in the mainstream of the Huai River account for 66.7%.淮河干流Ⅱ~Ⅲ类水质的断面占66.7%;

prehensive Judgment to Project Designing of Flood Storage and Detention Area of Huaihe River s Main Stream;淮河干流行蓄洪区规划方案综合评价

3.1-D Water Quality Simulation for Mainstream of Huaihe River (from Lu Taizi to TianJiaan);淮河干流(鲁台子至田家庵河段)一维水质模拟

4.2-D Water Quality Simulation for Mainstream of Huaihe River(from Lu Taizi to Tianjiaan)淮河干流(鲁台子至田家庵河段)二维水质模拟

5.Analysis on erosion and deposition in Wujiadu-Xiaoliuxiang reach of the main stem Huaihe River淮河干流吴家渡至小柳巷河段泥沙冲淤分析

6.Analysis on Sediment Transport Balance of Huaihe River Main Stream from Lutaizi to Wujiadu淮河干流鲁台子至吴家渡河段输沙平衡分析

7.Application of analytic hierarchy process in water quantity allocation of Huaihe River mainstream层次分析法在淮河干流水量分配中的应用

8.Water Quality Variation and Reasons Analysis on the Mainstream of Huaihe River in Recent Years近年来淮河干流区水质变化及原因分析

9.Study on Water Allocation in the Region of Main Stream and Its Branches of the upper and Middle Reaches in Huaihe Basin;洪泽湖以上淮河干支流水资源量分配初步研究

10.The Flood of Huai River in 1950 and the Measures that New Chinese Government Took to Hardness it;1950年淮河流域水灾与新中国初步治淮

11.Study on effect of intervention and status on sanitary of drinking water of flood areas, Huaihe river in Anhui安徽省淮河流域洪涝灾害地区饮水卫生状况及干预效果研究

12.Distribution and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mussels from the Middle and Lower Main Stream of Huaihe River淮河中下游干流贝类体中多环芳烃的分布及风险评价(摘要)(英文)

13.Study on PAHs from the Heavy Chemical Accumulation Area in the Main Stream of the Middle Reaches of Huaihe River淮河中游重化工聚集区干流水体中多环芳烃研究

14.The small river is a branch of the Huai River.这条小河是淮河的一条支流。

15.Study on Ability of Agriculture System’s Sustainable Development in Huaihe River Basin--Based on Empirical Proof from Anhui Province;淮河流域农业可持续发展能力研究——基于安徽淮河流域的经验证据

16.According to the theory of the valley ecosystem, we put forward some feasible research plans in order to accelerate the regulation of the pollution of the Huai River.提出应用流域生态系统的理论促进淮河水污染治理,并提出当前宜先行研究的若干方面。

17.Analyzing the Water Environment of Tourism Development in the Huaihe River Valley淮河流域旅游业发展的水环境分析

18.That afternoon we passed through the Hwai River region.那天下午我们经过淮河流域。


the Area of the main stream of Huaihe River淮河干流区

3)Bengbu reaches of Huaihe River淮河干流蚌埠段

4)Huaihe River Basin淮河流域

1.Water quality and cluster analysis ofHuaihe River Basin in ;淮河流域水质状况和聚类分析

2.Research on influence of dams" union dispatch on water quality inHuaihe River Basin;淮河流域闸坝联合调度对河流水质影响分析

3.Study on the comprehensive treatment to control the non-point source pollution inHuaihe River Basin;淮河流域非点源污染综合治理研究

5)Huaihe River valley淮河流域

1.Consideration about water pollution control ofHuaihe River valley;淮河流域水污染治理的思考

2.The Basic Characteristics of Agricultural Disasters in Huaihe River Valley During the Han and Tang Dynasties;淮河流域汉唐时期农业灾害发展的基本特征

3.Rainstorm Flood over Huaihe River Valley in and Contrast Analysis with ;淮河流域暴雨洪涝及的对比分析

6)Huaihe valley淮河流域

1.Innovation of measures to control water pollution inHuaihe valley;淮河流域水污染治理与措施创新

2.A Study on the Management Mechanism for Transboundary Water Pollution in the Huaihe Valley;淮河流域跨界水污染管理机制研究

3.Historic importance of Huaihe Valley in the Pre-Qin Dynasty;先秦秦汉时期淮河流域的历史地位


