300字范文 > 管束支撑结构 Supporting structure for bundle英语短句 例句大全

管束支撑结构 Supporting structure for bundle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-18 12:03:12


管束支撑结构 Supporting structure for bundle英语短句 例句大全

管束支撑结构,Supporting structure for bundle

1)Supporting structure for bundle管束支撑结构

2)tube-bundle support管束支撑

1.Thetube-bundle support is important component in tubular heat exchanger.管束支撑是管壳式换热器的重要元件,改变管束支撑的的形状和结构是强化传热的重要手段,文中详细描述和分析了弓形折流板、整圆形折流板、折流杆、螺旋隔板、空心圆环、管子自支撑结构、抗振折流杆和旋流片的结构特点和传热特性,并对各种管束支撑的传热性能比较。

2.This paper summarizes the developing survey on thetube-bundle supports in the shell and tube heat exchangers.综述了管壳式换热器壳程内换热管束支撑结构的发展概况。


1.Development of heat transfer enhancement and tube bundle support at shell side of shell-and-tube heat exchangers管壳式换热器壳侧强化传热与管束支撑方式的研究进展

2.Test Study on Mechanical Property of Double-Tube Buckling-Restrained Braces;双管式屈曲约束支撑力学性能的试验研究

3.The supporting and water-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels; woody tissue.木质部在维管束植物中的起支撑作用和输水作用的组织,主要由管胞和管道组成;木质组织

4.Install the exhaust pipe support.安装排气管支撑物。

5.tube and coupler shoring管形有连接钩的支撑

6.Experiment Study and Theoretical Analysis of Buckling-restrained Brace;屈曲约束支撑的试验研究和理论分析

7.Simplified calculation on length of line-contact of buckling-restrained brace屈曲约束支撑线接触长度的简化计算

8.Improvement and experimental study of domestic TJ-Ⅰ Type Buckling-Restrained Brace国产TJ-Ⅰ型屈曲约束支撑的性能研究

9.Stiffness and Strength Criteria for Design of Buckling-Restrained Braces屈曲约束支撑设计的刚度与强度准则

10.a thin strip of metal or bone that is used to stiffen a garment (e.g. a corset).用钢丝等硬物支撑衣服的细带(如旧时的束腹)。

11.Applied Research in Multi-storey Steel Frame of Buckling-Restrained Braces;约束屈曲支撑在多层钢框架中的应用研究

12.The Application of Buckling-restrained-braces in the Classroom Builiding Seismic Retrofitting屈曲约束耗能支撑在教学楼加固工程中的应用

13.Research on the story drift and allowable value index of buckling restrained braced frame structure屈曲约束支撑框架层间位移及其限值的探讨

14.The Application of Buckling Restrained Braces in Structural Design of Hongqiao Magnetic Aerotrain Station屈曲约束支撑在磁浮虹桥站结构设计中的应用

15.Inverse Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Under the Bottleneck-Type Hamming Distance瓶颈型Hamming距离下约束最小支撑树的反问题

16.Inverse Cost Limit of Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Under Hamming Distance哈明距离下费用受限制约束最小支撑树反问题

17.Vibration Analysis of Beams Covered with Multiple Standoff Constrained Layer Damping Patches多点敷设支撑层的粘弹性约束阻尼梁振动分析

18.Damping performance of grounded monolayer ovaloid shell with buckling-restraining braces单层落地椭球壳约束屈曲支撑的减震性能


tube-bundle support管束支撑

1.Thetube-bundle support is important component in tubular heat exchanger.管束支撑是管壳式换热器的重要元件,改变管束支撑的的形状和结构是强化传热的重要手段,文中详细描述和分析了弓形折流板、整圆形折流板、折流杆、螺旋隔板、空心圆环、管子自支撑结构、抗振折流杆和旋流片的结构特点和传热特性,并对各种管束支撑的传热性能比较。

2.This paper summarizes the developing survey on thetube-bundle supports in the shell and tube heat exchangers.综述了管壳式换热器壳程内换热管束支撑结构的发展概况。

3)new pattern baffle新型管支撑结构

1.The developments on heat transfer enhancement in thenew pattern baffle of shell-and-tube heat exchangers are presented by this paper.本文讨论了管壳式换热器新型管支撑结构在强化传热方面所取得的一些进展、传热机理及应用范围,并简介了CFD技术同管壳式换热器结合研究的情况,提出将几种强化技术和计算机辅助设计手段结合起来是将来换热器的发展方向。

4)supporting structure支撑结构

1.Tube bundle-supporting structure of the corrugated pipe heat exchanger;波纹管换热器管束支撑结构

2.Influence of the Supporting Structure of the Tube Bundles of a Heat Exchanger on the Performance of the Shell Side;换热器管束支撑结构对壳程性能的影响

3.Mechanical analysis of secondary mirrorsupporting structure;次镜支撑结构的力学性能分析

5)support structure支撑结构

1.Analysis onsupport structure between dam and powerhouse for Longyangxia Hydropower Station;龙羊峡水电站厂坝间支撑结构体性态分析

2.Support structure of large-aperture telescope primary mirror;大口径望远镜主镜支撑结构研究

3.Application of carbon/epoxy composites tosupport structures of space payloads碳/环氧复合材料在航天有效载荷支撑结构中的应用

6)Bracing structure支撑结构

1.This paper discusses the system of bracing structure in deep excavation by using a special program BSC (Bracing Structure Calculation),including scheme of structural system,method of calculation of internal forces and displacement of structural system,and the problerms in the calculation needing attention.本文就深基坑开挖工程中的内支撑结构体系进行了讨论,包括结构体系方案的选择、结构体系的内力和位移计算方法等,并指出了计算中值得注意的问题。

2.【Method】 With FEM,the structure static and dynamic analysis of lishui ditch aqueduct bracing structure was made,and using site detection concrete strength and according to current code,its bearing capability was checked.【目的】针对汶川大地震使沥水沟渡槽支撑结构遭受了不同程度的损坏,及其该渡槽已运行30多年存在不同程度老化的现状,对沥水沟渡槽承载力进行复核,为其加固或重建决策提供参考。


