300字范文 > 民间艺术形式 Folk art form英语短句 例句大全

民间艺术形式 Folk art form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-13 20:31:26


民间艺术形式 Folk art form英语短句 例句大全

民间艺术形式,Folk art form

1)Folk art form民间艺术形式


1.The Use of Chinese Folk Art Forms in the Three-dimensional Animated Image中国民间艺术形式在三维动画形象中的运用

2.The Formal Beauty and the Aesthetic Modernity of the Demiurgic Art and the Folk Arts and Crafts;造物艺术暨民间工艺的形式美及其审美现代性

3.Creating Expressive Forms of Television Art Promoting National and Folk Culture;创新电视艺术表现形式 弘扬民族民间文化

4.Artistic form and culture consciousness of folk art work kite;风筝作为民间美术品的艺术形式和文化意义

5.The Anthropological Explanation on " Tangka" Regarded as Artistic Style of Folk Religion of the Tibetans;对藏族民间宗教艺术形式——“唐卡”的人类学阐释

6.Jianzhi"Embroidery,The Characteristics of North of Shaanxi Qin Embroidery剪纸绣——论陕北民间刺绣艺术的形式特征

7.On the Formal Characteristics of the Folk and Palace Performing Arts in the Song Dynasty From the Historical Perspective;从史学角度看宋代民间表演艺术及宫廷表演艺术的形式特征

8.The artist adopts the paper-cutting art of folk art as the main format.作者以民间美术中的剪纸艺术为主要艺术形式,并以其多彩多面貌来探讨民族文化的本源哲学。

9.The tongue twister is a distinctive language art form in Chinese folk literature.急口令是中国民间文学中比较独特的语言艺术形式。

10.they borrow a lot from the Nepalese folklore, especially with regard to the artistic form;注重对民间文学的发掘 ,从中汲取题材和艺术表现形式 ;

11.During its development, it incorporated much from the farming songs, "Lingge"(a kind of folk song), folk wushu (a form of physical culture), acrobatics and traditional operas.并在发展过程中不断吸收农歌、菱歌(民歌的一种形式)、民间武术、杂技以及戏曲的技艺与形式,

12.Temporal and Spatial Form in Faulkner s Narrative Art;福克纳叙事艺术中的时间和空间形式

13.Quyi refers to folk vocal art forms such as ballad singing, story-telling, comic dialogue, clapper talk and crosstalk.我的译文:曲艺指民间表演艺术形式,如民歌、讲故事、幽默段子、绕口令和相声。

14.Discussion on the Aesthetic Patterns of the National Folk Technology s Formed in Qing-Zang Highland;论青藏高原民族民间工艺审美模式的形成——以藏族民间工艺为个案

15.The Inspiration from Folk Paper-cut to Modern Graphic Design;民间剪纸艺术对现代图形设计的启示

16.Exploration of the Spatial Art Manifestation of Rhythmic Gymnastics From the View of Spatial Esthetics从美学视角透析艺术体操空间艺术表现形式

17.Construction of Special Legislation Protection Model of Folklore民间文学艺术特别法保护模式的构建

18.An Evaluation of Confucianism in Guizhou"s Folk Art and Literature贵州民族民间文艺形式中的儒家伦理精神评介


Expression of Folklore民间文学艺术表现形式

3)the expressions of folklore民间文学艺术表达形式

4)National art form民族艺术形式

5)folk art民间艺术

1.On the Influence of Folk Art on Ren Bonian′s Drawings——Also on the historical causes of the combination of thefolk art with the traditional literati paintings in shangshai school of painting;民间艺术对任伯年绘画的影响——兼谈海派绘画中将民间艺术与传统文人画相结合的历史原因

2.Thefolk art is the base of the Chinese national culture and national emotion.民间艺术是民族文化的母体与根基,承载了民族的情感,在中华文化的历史演进过程中占有极其重要的地位。

6)folk arts民间艺术

1.Attach importance to the protection and inherition offolk arts in the Western exploitation;西部开发应重视民间艺术的保护及传承

2.Inheritance and creation on Chinesefolk arts;论民间艺术的继承与创新

3.Arts education,which shows no respect for thefolk arts of its own nation,is but a shallow education with the loss of the core of mission and spirit.民族民间艺术是艺术的母体,更是宝贵的艺术教育资源。


