300字范文 > 课程运作机制 curriculum operation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

课程运作机制 curriculum operation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-26 03:00:55


课程运作机制 curriculum operation mechanism英语短句 例句大全

课程运作机制,curriculum operation mechanism

1)curriculum operation mechanism课程运作机制

1.Taking a wide view of the world s curriculum reform from the relation between power division of curriculum and subjects of curriculum operation,and the features of the curriculum operation procedure,thecurriculum operation mechanism shows three kinds of trends:government control-school execution,government guidance-school lead,and government supervision-school independence.从课程权力配置、课程运作主体和课程运作程序考察世界各国的课程改革,可以发现,课程运作机制主要有三种模型,一是政府控制-学校执行模型;二是政府引导-学校领导模型;三是政府监督-学校自主模型。


1.Research on the Transformation of Operational Mechanism of Curriculum in the Current Primary and Middle Schools of China--A Researching Project Needing Urgent Attention;我国当前中小学课程运作机制的转变研究——一个亟待关注的研究课题

2.School-Level Curriculum: Term Selection, Developmental Prospect and Operating Mechanism Conception校级课程:术语选择、发展前景及运作机制构想

3.The Facture of Multimedia Courseware for The Course of Machine Design;《机械设计》课程多媒体课件的制作

4.Making of Illustrative Courseware in《 Application of Computer 》;《计算机应用》课程演示课件的制作

5.Analysis of Management Mechanism of Undergraduate Curriculum in UK Universities英国大学本科课程管理运行机制分析

6.The courseware made in Authorware;运用Authorware制作课件

7.Study on the Operating Mechanism of the Curriculum Resources Construction in Distance Education远程教育课程资源建设的运行机制研究

8.Thinking about Computer Music Making Course Teaching;关于计算机音乐制作课程教学的思考

9.Talking about the Creation and Appliction of Multimedia Class-piece in Mechanical Principle Class;浅谈机械原理课程多媒体课件的制作与使用

10.The process of making CAI classroom courseware;谈计算机辅助课堂教学课件的设计制作过程

11.The Attribute and Two Representative Running Mechanisms of the Curriculum Reform;课程改革属性及两种典型运行机制的研究

12.Reform on the Course of Mechanical Drawing and Computer Graphics Based on Working Progress基于工作过程的机械制图课程改革之实践

13.The Making of Multimedia Teaching Courseware of A New English Course;运用Powerpoint制作《新编英语教程》多媒体教学课件

14.Application of Project Teaching Method in teaching of Homepage Design and Making项目教学法在《页面设计与制作》课程中的运用

15.The Writing Mechanism and Writing Teaching Mechanism;写作的机制和写作教学的机制——兼论新课程写作教学的有关问题

16.Towards the Operational Mechanisms of Meaning in Translation: A Cognitive Approach;翻译过程中意义运作机制的认知研究

17.On the Operative Mechanism and Procedures of Policing Crisis Management in China;论我国警务危机管理的运作机制和流程

18.Reflections on the Operation Process and Mechanism of Secondary Teachers Representative Conference in Higher Education Establishments;高校二级教代会操作程序与运作机制的思考


The Mechanism of Curriculum Operation课程运作的机制

3)curriculum operation课程运作

1.Firstly, the current monitoring institutions of our country just focus on the monitoring of curriculum executing, and pay no attention tocurriculum operation (curriculum decision-making, curriculum designing, curriculum executing, and curriculum evaluation).首先,我国现有监控机构的关注点聚焦在课程实施领域,无法关涉对课程运作(课程决策、课程设计、课程实施、课程评价)的整体监控。

2.In the process ofcurriculum operation, the function of monitoring mechanism is to supervise, control, and guide curriculum.在课程运作过程中,监控机制的功能包括课程的监督、调控和指导,要实现这三方面功能,需要我们在明晰课程监控机制机理的基础上,通过监控课程改革方案研制、课程改革实验进程、课程执行情况,不断矫枉纠偏,这样才能保障课程改革的顺利推进。

3.We can reveal the internal methods and principles of the curriculum decision-making in the process of thecurriculum operation,by analyzing the functions,subjects,modes and procedures of its mechanism deeply.我们通过对课程决策机制的功能、主体、范型以及程序的深入探析,揭示在课程运作过程中课程决策的内在方式及其原理。

4)curriculum mechanism课程机制

1.In analyzing the enforcement and types ofcurriculum mechanism,a systemic investigation of the modern curriculum operation mechanism can help improve the three-levelcurriculum mechanism.系统考察现代课程运作机制,分析课程机制发生和课程机制的不同类型,可以为进一步完善三级课程机制提供参考。

5)function mechanism of hidden curriculum in colleges and universities高校隐蔽课程作用机制

6)curriculum operation system课程运作系统


