300字范文 > 流浪未成年人 Vagrant Minors英语短句 例句大全

流浪未成年人 Vagrant Minors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-15 23:14:36


流浪未成年人 Vagrant Minors英语短句 例句大全

流浪未成年人,Vagrant Minors

1)Vagrant Minors流浪未成年人

1.The Analysis of the Causes ofVagrant Minors" Deviance Behavior流浪未成年人越轨行为的成因分析


1.The Psychological Characteristic and Rescue about the Wandering Juveniles;流浪未成年人的心理特征与心理救助

2.A Comparative Study on Diversion in Juvenile Justice Process between China and Germany中德未成年人司法分流制度比较研究

3.A minor under the supervision of a guardian.未成年人在保护人监护下的未成年人

4.The parents of a minor shall be his guardians.未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。

5.Study on Procedure Distributaries of Juvenile Delinquency Case at Investigation Link未成年人犯罪案件侦查环节程序分流研究

6.On Procedure Divergence of Minor s Crime Cases in Detective Stage;未成年人犯罪案件在侦查环节的程序分流

7.At the height of the Great Depression, 250,000 teenagers alone were freight-hopping and became hobos.在高度大萧条后,25万青年人沿着铁路并成为了流浪汉。

8.The legal guardian of a minor and of the minor"s property.监员人未成年人及未成年人财产的合法监护人

9.Those ascending to6000 and mastering Bodhisattva will be the new wave of leadership for the coming25- year cycle.提升到6000股并掌握菩萨的那些人将成为未来25年周期内领导阶层的新浪潮。

10.Strengthen comprehensive management of public security,the prevention and reduction of juvenile delinquency;未成年人侵害未成年人犯罪的特点、成因和对策

11.Article16 The parents of a minor shall be his guardians.第十六条未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。

12.Heredis substitutio pupillaris未成年人的继承替代

13.legal custody of child对未成年人的合法监护

14.Inter-American Convention on the Repatriation of Minors美洲未成年人遣返公约

15.No tobacco sales to minors禁止售烟给未成年人

16.guilty of a minor misdeed.指有罪行的未成年人。

17.The Current Situation and Solutions of Ideological and Moral Education on Non-native Minors in Xiamen;厦门市外来流动人口未成年人思想道德教育现状及对策研究

18.Research on the Protection of Minors" Rights and Interests of Minority Nationality Floating Population少数民族流动人口中的未成年人权益保护问题研究



1.Analysis on status and influence factors of tobacco sales tominors;烟草商店向未成年人售烟情况及影响因素分析

2.Performance, cause and remedy onminors’ bad conduct;未成年人不良行为的表现 成因及矫正

3.Discussion on public libraries and ideological and ethical construction ofminors;浅谈公共图书馆与未成年人思想道德建设


1.General Situation and Characteristic of Psychology Depression Issue among theMinors in America and Russia;美、俄未成年人心理抑郁问题概况及特点

2.Ethic review in clinical research: children and minors;儿童与未成年人临床试验的伦理审查

3.A Study of the Risk Factors of the Force Crimes among theMinority in Beijing and Nanjing;北京、南京两地未成年人暴力犯罪的危险因素探讨


1.A Discussion on Developing the Public Library Service to the Juvenile;公共图书馆开展未成年人服务工作探析

2.Bring Books to the Users:An Introduction to the“Suzhou Ambulant Book Caravan for the Juvenile”;把图书送到读者身边——记“苏州市未成年人流动图书大篷车”

3.Realization of the Core Value of Libraries in the Moral Education construction of Juvenile;图书馆在未成年人思想道德教育建设中核心价值的实现


1.The criminal psychology developmentjuveniles and the replying measure;未成年人犯罪心理的发展及应对措施

2.The reasons whyjuveniles are crazy about network under the angle of social ecology;社会生态视角下未成年人网络痴迷的成因

3.The Role Analysis of Juveniles Watching Erotic Scene in Movies;未成年人在电影性爱场面观看中的角色分析

6)the minor未成年人

1.Questioning the Appropriateness of the Fine Punishment on the Minor;质疑未成年人罚金刑之适用

2.In our country,there exist defects inthe minor criminal litigation system.呈上升趋势的未成年人犯罪是社会失控的表现之一,已成为东西方国家目前共同面临的社会问题。

3.It discusses the necessity and feasibility of reforming the pre-trial procedure and actualizing long-distance testifying ofthe minor.以未成年被害人、证人为切入点,研究了未成年人言词证据举证中的保障如实陈述原则、迅速原则、人文关怀原则。


