300字范文 > 都市乡村旅游 Urban-rural tourism英语短句 例句大全

都市乡村旅游 Urban-rural tourism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-04 02:37:17


都市乡村旅游 Urban-rural tourism英语短句 例句大全

都市乡村旅游,Urban-rural tourism

1)Urban-rural tourism都市乡村旅游

1.With the development of ShanghaiUrban-rural tourism,an increasing number of rural tourist spots gradually rise,Corresponding travel-related industries have gradually developed.上海都市乡村旅游于二十世纪九十年代初引起社会各界的高度关注,随着上海都市乡村旅游的深入发展,越来越多的乡村旅游景点逐渐兴起,与之相适应的旅游相关产业也逐渐发展起来,上海都市乡村旅游产业链逐渐完善,产业集群模型初步形成。


1.Research on the Development of Urban-rural Tourism Industrial Cluster in Shanghai上海都市乡村旅游产业集群发展研究

2.The Inside differentiated Designing of Rural Tourism Product--A Case Study On Yi-du City;县域乡村旅游产品内部差异化设计——以宜都市乡村旅游为例

3.Main Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Chengdu Rural Tourism;成都市乡村旅游存在的主要问题及对策

4.The Consumer Behavior Study of Shanghai Countryside Tourism Based on Segmentation of Life Style;基于生活方式细分的上海都市乡村旅游游客消费行为研究

5.Tourism Development and Rural Urbanization of Daizuyuan Community;旅游发展与傣族园社区的乡村都市化

6.On the Theory of Rural Tourism Stakeholders in China--A Case Study on the Hongsha Village in Chengdu;乡村旅游利益主体研究——以成都市三圣乡红砂村观光旅游为例

7.Research on Residents Attitudes to and Perceptions on Rural Tourism Development--A Case Study of Sansheng County of Chengdu;乡村居民对乡村旅游发展的感知和态度——以成都市三圣乡为例

8.Research on Influencing Factors about Rural Tourism Development of Chengdu Suburb Destinations;成都市城郊乡村旅游地发展的影响因素分析

9.Theory and Practice of Metropolitan Suburban Rural Tourism Development;大都市城郊乡村旅游发展的理论与实践研究

10.Analysis of Comfortable Index in Climate and Superiority of Rural Tourism Resources in Shuangliu County,Chengdu City成都市双流县乡村旅游优势与气候舒适度分析

11.Urbanization and Rural Tourism Development in Suburbs: A Case Study of Heming Village in Qionglai City;城市化与城市近郊乡村旅游开发研究——以成都邛崃市鹤鸣村为例

12.Development Strategies of Rural Tourism in the Warm Spot Tour Cities温点旅游城市乡村旅游发展策略研究

13.Research ofcommunity resident"s attitude towards countryside tourism--take Chendu city Shanshen county Hongsha village as example社区居民对乡村旅游乡村性的认知态度研究——以成都市三圣乡红砂村为例

14.Analyses of Effective Factors about the Peasantry Increasing Income with Rural Tourism Development at Hongsha Village in Chengdu成都市红砂村乡村旅游发展对农民增收的影响因素分析

15.Survey and Research on the Rural Ecotourism of Tuanjie Village in Kunming City;昆明市团结乡乡村生态旅游调查研究

16.On the Community-Involved Rural Tourism in Urban Outskirts--Take Bishan County in Chongqing for Example都市近郊乡村旅游社区参与策略研究——以重庆市璧山县为例


18.Potential Demand Analysis of the Rural Tourism Market in Beijing北京市乡村旅游市场潜在性需求研究


urban rural tourism都市型乡村旅游

1.According to this new creasing point and , the paper makes a defination onurban rural tourism, and taking Shanghai as an example, discusses on Shanghaiurban rural tourism development and some current problems, and based on the analysis and apocalypse in both abroad and domstic rural tourism development experience, it makes a research on creative approach and measures of Shanghai urban rural tou.作为都市旅游业一个新的增长点和亮点,本文首先对都市型乡村旅游概念进行诠释,并以上海市为例,探讨上海都市型乡村旅游发展及主要问题,基于国内外乡村旅游发展经验的分析与启示,探究上海都市型乡村旅游发展创新途径与措施,对研究我国都市地区的乡村旅游具有借鉴意义和示范作用。

3)village travel market乡村旅游市场

1.The Baoligen Temple scenic spot is mainly oriented towards thevillage travel market.指出根据宝力根寺风景区的特点,主要面对乡村旅游市场,其形象设计应定位为辽西地区生态环境最好的休闲度假村,其旅游市场营销策略为开发佛家斋菜、野菜宴、骑马射箭、生态农业和经典别墅等旅游项目,实行时间差别定价策略,开拓旅行社和散客两大群体的营销渠道策略,品牌宣传、区域与户外广告相结合的宣传促销策略,并全面提高服务意识和服务质量。

4)rural tourism乡村旅游

1.System analysis on conservation for eco-environment inrural tourism;乡村旅游生态环境保护的系统观分析

2.Promote new rural construction byrural tourism;以乡村旅游促进新农村建设

3.On the Landscape Crisis in Rural Tourism Development;论乡村旅游开发中的景观危机

5)Countryside tourism乡村旅游

1.Evaluation model of countryside tourism s rural feature: A case study of Wuyuan in Jiangxi province;乡村旅游的乡村性测评模型——以江西婺源为例

parison betwen China and foreign countries on countryside tourism research;中外乡村旅游研究的比较

3.Research ofcommunity resident"s attitude towards countryside tourism——take Chendu city Shanshen county Hongsha village as example社区居民对乡村旅游乡村性的认知态度研究——以成都市三圣乡红砂村为例

6)village tourism乡村旅游

1.Interactive effects of ecological cultural tradition and eco-environmental construction ofvillage tourism site: A case study on Azhedi Yi People Village of Shilin County in Yunnan Province.;乡村旅游地生态文化传统与生态环境建设的互动效应——以云南石林县彝族阿着底村为例

2.A study on community participation invillage tourism——A case study of Langde Village of Southeast Guizhou Province;乡村旅游社区参与研究——以黔东南苗族侗族自治州雷山县郎德村为例

3.However,we can not ignore the fact that the environmental problem to a degree has formed a threat to the continual developing for Thevillage tourism area.以乡村生活、乡村民俗和田园风光为特色的乡村旅游正逐渐从单一型向融观光、参与、康体、休闲、度假、娱乐等为一体的综合型方向发展,但不容忽视的是,环境问题已对乡村旅游开发地区的持续发展构成了一定程度的威胁。




