300字范文 > 一号双机 SNDP英语短句 例句大全

一号双机 SNDP英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-27 06:31:04


一号双机 SNDP英语短句 例句大全




1.Application and Research of SDNP in the Fixed Network Business Intelligence Environment固网智能化环境下一号双机业务的应用与发展

2.Design and Implementation of Sales Subsystem of Product "Two Phones Just One Number" Based on Intellectualized Pstn Network;基于固网智能化的一号双机产品前台营业子系统的设计与实现

3.double quotation marks ((""))双引号((""))

4.Application of bi-stable stochastic resonance theory in weak signal detection;双稳随机共振在弱信号检测中的应用

5.May be either a double-cell signed number or a double-cell unsigned number depending on context.依上下文2可以是一个双单元有号数或是一个双单元无号数.

6.The first pair was a bit tight, so he asked for the next size .第一双有些紧,所以他要大一号的。

7.They got closer and closer to the Gemini ahead of them.他们与第一艘双子号飞船越来越近了。

8.Exit Signal - Transmit process termination information.链接退出信号的一个双向的传输路径。

9.A double room for the 15th. The name is Smith.一个双人房间,时间: 15号,姓名: 史密斯。

10.Technology Research and Realization for Domestic Double MSISDN in Single SIM Card Service;国内一卡双号业务技术的研究与实现

11.A novel duplex Radio-over-Fiber system simultaneously transmit baseband signal一种同时传输基带信号的RoF双工系统

12.A bimolecular decay is used to explain the dependence of dynamics of the Kerr signal on the incident light intensity.一个双激发子弛豫机制被用来解释克尔信号动力学特性对入射光强度的依赖性。

13.The Perception of Double Auditory Signals Transmitted by Headphone耳机传送双重听觉信号的知觉特点研究

14.Research on Separation of Twin-Spool Aero-Engine Vibration Signals双转子航空发动机振动信号分离技术研究

15.Stability Analysis of Small Signal Model for Brushless Doubly-fed Machine无刷双馈电机的小信号模型稳定性分析

16.Study on Activity Float Transitivity in Activity-on-Arc Network Planning双代号网络计划中工序机动时间传递性研究

17.An Empirical Research on the Dual-processing Mechanism of False Recognition错误再认的双加工机制——兼作信号检测论的分析

18.Bispectrum Analysis for Vibration Data of Crankshaft Bearing in Diesel Engine柴油发动机曲轴轴承振动信号的双谱分析


Double MSISDN in Single SIM Card一卡双号

1.Technology Research and Realization for DomesticDouble MSISDN in Single SIM Card Service;国内一卡双号业务技术的研究与实现


1.The Analysis and Design ofSSMN;一机多号业务的分析与设计

4)Much machine of one number一号多机

5)One-computer with Double Network一机双网

1.Exploration of How to RealizeOne-computer with Double Network;探索实现“一机双网”的方法

6)double sheets from a machine一机双板

1.Through practice exploration, problems existed in cast~rolling"double sheets from a machine"process have been expounded from the process theory and operation skill in the paper.通过实践探索,从工艺理论和操作技能两方面详细叙述了铸轧"一机双板"工艺在生产中存在的几个问题,并提出了相应的解决方案。


