300字范文 > 传统审美理想 traditional arts ideal英语短句 例句大全

传统审美理想 traditional arts ideal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-11 23:23:53


传统审美理想 traditional arts ideal英语短句 例句大全

传统审美理想,traditional arts ideal

1)traditional arts ideal传统审美理想


1.Impact of Subversion from Modern Avant-garde Art on Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Ideals;论现代前卫美术对中国传统审美理想的颠覆

2.The Conflict of Traditional and Modern, Subversion of Modern Avant-Garde Art to Traditional Aesthetic Ideal传统与现代的冲突——现代前卫美术对传统审美理想的颠覆

3.An Artistic Life:the Aesthetic Ideal of Traditional Chinese Scholar-officials;艺术化人生:中国传统士大夫的审美理想

4."Taste" and "Realizing" -- A Restricted View on Chinese Traditional Taste Idea;“味”与“悟”——中国传统审美思想管窥

5.Utopia and Rehabilitation of Traditional Aesthetic Culture in China;梦想社会与中国传统审美文化的复兴


7."Integration of Form and Spirit"-the Supreme Realm of Aesthetic Ideal;“形神统一”——艺术审美理想的最高境界

8.The Research on Aesthetic Thoughts about Harmony between Nature and Human Beings of China s Traditional Architecture;中国传统建筑“天人合一”的审美思想研究

9.In the design ideas, we pursue the perfect harmony between tradition and modern esthetics.在设计理念上追求传统与现代审美的完美融洽。

10.His realist oil paintings absorbed the essence of traditional Chinese paintings to reveal the Chinese artistic spirit and thought.在他的写实油画中,吸收了中国传统艺术的营养,体现了中国艺术的精神和审美理想。

11.Analysis of the Esthetic Conception and Construction Theory of Chinese Traditional Landscape Paintings;探析中国传统山水画意境审美及创构理念

12.The Fundamental Structure of European Traditional Music and Its Aesthetic Nature;欧洲传统音乐的原理性特质与审美特征

13.The Tea Set Aesthetic Design Studies of Traditional Culture Idea传统文化理念下茶的器具审美设计研究

14.Traditional Ecological Ethics Thought in YunNan National Minority and Its Modern View云南少数民族传统生态伦理思想及其现代审视

15.Americans are comfortable with an idealistic tradition.美国人民醉心于理想主义的传统。

16.Harmony of Nature and People--On the Aesthetic Thought of Chinese Traditional Landscape Paintings;自然与自我的和声——中国传统山水画审美思想刍议

17.Beauty VS Ugliness:An Analysis of the Aesthetic Ideals in Fine Arts;“美”与“丑”:美术作品中审美理想的剖析

18.Meditation of Tracing Chinese Traditional Culture to Its Source: Expression of Appreciating Ugliness under the Aesthetic Ideal;寻根之思:审美理想烛照下的审丑表达


traditional aesthetic idea传统审美思想

1.This article aims at China s modern art design education should increase cultured accumulation of national tradition from the perspective of the spirit of national culture,traditional aesthetic idea,primitive and folk art and so on.本文从民族文化精神、传统审美思想、原始与民间艺术等三个方面,论述了中国的现代艺术设计教育应该加厚民族传统文化的积淀。

3)aesthetic idea审美理想

1.And those lions represent differentaesthetic ideas in different dynasties.中国历代雕塑中的狮子造型大致可以按时代顺序分为四种:走狮、蹲狮、立狮和坐狮,代表了不同时代的不同审美理想,概括来说,可以总结为四种不同的审美类型:八方来朝的威仪理想、静穆宽广的人文象征、恢宏壮丽的盛世风采、趋于甜媚的世俗意味。

2.First, form that stresses the function of value shows certainaesthetic idea; second, form which gains independence expresses certain aesthetic feeling; t.本文试从三方面进行分析:一、强调价值作用的形式阐明了某种审美理想;二、取得自主地位的形式表达某种审美情感;三、作为艺术本质的形式揭示了形式感的本质作用。

3.Reynolds established the classicist writing principles, but hisaesthetic idea was influenced by the British empiricist aesthetics.本文从艺术创作,审美理想和审美鉴赏三个方面分析了雷诺兹的美学思想。

4)aesthetic ideal审美理想

1.There are Saves and Chinese Hero in Heart, Having no Intention of Skillful and Exquisitly ——Try talking about Xin Qiji saesthetic ideal;有心雄泰华,无意巧玲珑—试论辛弃疾的审美理想

2.Bronze mirror s art reflect people s pursuit of happy life,diversifying and unifiedaesthetic ideal,and polished technique in Tang dynasty.铜镜上的工艺美术,反映了唐人企望吉祥和瑞的生活追求、多样统一的审美理想和精湛的工艺水平。

5)aesthetical ideal审美理想

1.The mainaesthetical ideal of ZhangYan to poertry is "refined tastes","lucidity",and "aesthetic interest",which mutually interact and perfect."骚雅"、"清空"、"意趣"是张炎对词的主要审美理想,三者相互影响,相辅相成。

2.As a standard for criticizing statement Poetry and theaesthetical ideal, the words refined tastes, which appeared for three times in the origin of Statement Poetry, is discussed with a dialectical view of Point in this paper.《词源》中之“骚雅”共出现三次 ,可视为一种论词标准和审美理想。

3.The direction of humanity s artistic activities is guided byaesthetical ideal which is of great theoretical significance.审美理想决定着人类艺术活动的方向 ,有着重要的理论意义 ,但国内学术界对审美理想 ,特别是对康德、黑格尔审美理想的不同 ,缺乏研究。

6)aesthetic ideals审美理想

1.On Sociality and Aesthetic Ideals of Arts;论艺术的社会性和审美理想

2.The poetry of China and western countries shows differentaesthetic ideals and features .中西诗歌,由于文化传统上的差异,审美角度上的不同,侧重点不一样,表现着不同的审美理想和审美特征,充分体现了中西方不同的文化特点。

3.Through the contact with the ordinary people in the country, the wirier describes the folk customs in the western part of Hunan and interpretes a series of hisaesthetic ideals-the existent form of ideal life, the ideal social form and the wishes of trans-formation of the national spirits and characters.《边城》反映的是湘西边远小城茶峒镇的社会人生风貌,通过对乡村世界中普通人的交往显示出湘西的风俗,阐释了作家一系列的审美理想:理想的生命存在形式,理想的社会形态以及改造民族精神性格的愿望。


