300字范文 > 流媒体服务器 streaming media server英语短句 例句大全

流媒体服务器 streaming media server英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 02:13:30


流媒体服务器 streaming media server英语短句 例句大全

流媒体服务器,streaming media server

1)streaming media server流媒体服务器

1.Anti-stealing-link system forstreaming media server;流媒体服务器防盗链系统

2.Research on the performance ofstreaming media server based on MMS;基于MMS的流媒体服务器系统性能的研究

3.In recent years,with the rapid development of streaming media applications,the requirement of both user concurrency and storage capacity ofstreaming media server is growing;in this context,clusterstreaming media server gradually becomes the mainstream of high-endstreaming media server.流媒体应用在近年来获得了飞速的发展,流媒体服务器在用户并发度和存储容量两个方面的需求日益增高,在这种背景下,集群式流媒体服务器逐渐成为高端流媒体服务器的主流。


1.Multimedia Data Management System for Dynamic Clustered Streaming System;动态集群流媒体服务器的媒体数据管理系统

2.The Research of Stream Media Server for House Security System;家庭安防系统中流媒体服务器的研究

3.Research of Load Balancing Algorithm on Streaming Server Cluster;流媒体服务器集群负载均衡算法研究

4.The Application of PVM Clusters in the Linux Streaming Media Server;PVM集群技术在流媒体服务器中的应用

5.Research on Performance Optimization of Distributed Stream Media Server流媒体服务器性能优化策略综合研究

6.Research on Scalable Streaming Media Server System Based on Open-frame;开放体系下可扩展流媒体服务器系统研究

7.Design and Implementation of Streaming Media Server of Digital Video Recorder;数字硬盘录像机流媒体服务器的设计与实现

8.Design and Implementation of a Performance Evaluation System of Stream Media Server;流媒体服务器性能测评系统的设计与实现

9.Modeling of Variable-Bit-Rate Video and Improvement of Streaming Server;可变码率视频建模与流媒体服务器性能的改进

10.Implementation and Grafting of Streaming Media Server Based on Embedded IP Camera;流媒体服务器在网络摄像机中的嵌入式实现

11.An adaptive caching scheme for multimedia streaming servers一种自适应的流媒体服务器缓存调度算法

12.Design and Realization of Mobile Streaming Media Server in 3G Network基于3G网络的移动流媒体服务器的设计与实现

13.Research and Realization of FMS-based Streaming Media Server Clusters基于FMS的流媒体服务器集群的研究及实现

14.Improved algorithm on proportional bandwidth allocation in streaming servers流媒体服务器比例带宽分配的改进算法

15.Design and Implementation of Streaming Media Server Based on Darwin基于Darwin的集群流媒体服务器系统的设计与实现

16.Design and Implementation of Streaming Media Proxy System;流媒体代理服务器系统的设计与实现

17.The Design and Implementation of SIP Streaming Media Broadcasting Server;SIP流媒体广播服务器的设计与实现

18.Research on Architecture of SIP-based Streaming Media Application Server;SIP流媒体广播应用服务器体系结构的研究


streaming server流媒体服务器

1.Research on interval caching policy instreaming server;流媒体服务器的间隔缓存管理策略研究

2.An adaptive caching scheme for multimediastreaming servers一种自适应的流媒体服务器缓存调度算法

3.The author uses the Avalanche 2500TM of SPIRENT to simulate the user flux and the net feature on the WCDMA platform and test the capability of thestreaming server, and in the light of the test data, compares and analyzes the statistic results.文章利用WCDMA试验网平台,使用SPIRENT的Avalanche 2500TM在网络应用层模拟真实的用户流量和网络特性,对流媒体服务器的性能做了测试,并根据测试数据对统计结果进行了相关的比较和分析。

3)stream media server流媒体服务器

1.The key criterion of astream media server’s performance is the capability of stream output and the number of concurrent requests it can support.流媒体服务器性能的关键指标是流输出能力和所能支持的并发请求数量。

2.With the analysis of the characteristics of stream media applications and embedded systems, this paper presents a high-performance I/O interface solution to the storage subsystem ofstream media servers based on the embedded Linux.本文在分析流媒体应用特征的基础上,结合嵌入式系统的特点,提出了一种基于嵌入式Linux系统的流媒体服务器存储子系统高性能I/O接口的解决方案,在内存管理、DMA控制以及文件系统方面进行了设计和优化,并对该系统作了性能测试和分析。

3.The system completes video capturing,compression,storage,transmission by building embeddedstream media server;on this condition,the real-time surveillance for remote video is realized by building embedded web server.通过构建嵌入式流媒体服务器完成了视频的采集、处理、存储和传输;在此基础上搭建嵌入式Web服务器实现了对远程视频的实时监控。

4)ClearServer streaming media serverClearServer流媒体服务器

5)Darwin StreamingDarwin流媒体服务器

6)Real media serverReal流媒体服务器


