300字范文 > 启蒙思想家 enlightenment thinkers英语短句 例句大全

启蒙思想家 enlightenment thinkers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-06 13:22:04


启蒙思想家 enlightenment thinkers英语短句 例句大全

启蒙思想家,enlightenment thinkers

1)enlightenment thinkers启蒙思想家

1.The article analyses the reasons from the influences of tradition,enlightenment thinkers and Nopoleone Buonaparte.从传统的影响、启蒙思想家的影响和拿破仑个人的影响三方面剖析了其产生的原因。

2.This idea is inherited and developed by theenlightenment thinkers.该书集中体现了卜加丘作为新兴资产阶级代言人的思想,反对封建制度、反对宗教、倡导人的解放等等,这些思想均被后来的启蒙思想家们所继承和发扬。


1.On the Educators Theories of Putting What is Learned into Practice during Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty;明清启蒙思想家经世致用教育思想研究

2.On the Political Thought of the Scottish Enlightenment Thinker Adam Ferguson;论苏格兰启蒙思想家弗格森的政治思想

3.The Thoughts about Social Steadiness of theThree Famous Thinkers between Ming and Qing;明清之际三大启蒙思想家的社会安定思想

4.Voltaire, F.M.A. de.伏尔泰(1694-1778,法国作家、哲学家、启蒙思想家)。

5.Western thinkers in age of Enlightenment claim that mankind can have permanent peace after Enlightenment, but it is not true.西方启蒙思想家认为启蒙之后可望实现永久和平,但事实不然。

6.Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692) was a philosopher and an enlightenment thinker during the end of Ming dynasty and the beginning of Qing dynasty.王夫之(1619——1692年),明末清初哲学家,启蒙思想家。

7.Montesquieu was a famous enlightenment thinker of France in the 18th century.孟德斯鸠是18 世纪法国著名的启蒙思想家。

8.On the Scottish Enlightenment Thinkers" Civil Society Theory苏格兰启蒙思想家的市民社会理论研究

9.On Customs,Civilizing and Nation"s prosperity and Decadence of illuminative ideologists in the period of the late Ming Dynasty and the beginning Qing Dynasty明清之际启蒙思想家论风俗、教化和国运兴衰

10.Thought on Enlightenment Thinkers to Rebuild the National Character During the New Cultural Movement;新文化运动中启蒙思想家改造中国国民性思想的思考

11.inzhanasi was a famous enlightening Mongolian thinker in China in 19th century.尹湛纳希是19世纪我国蒙古族著名的启蒙思想家。

12.Rousseau inchina--A Review of Huang Zongxi s Thoughts of Democracy and Rule of Law;中国的卢梭——伟大的启蒙思想家黄宗羲民主法治思想述评

13.In latter-day,YanFu was the famous idealistic torchbearer,Caiyuanpei was the famous educationist.严复是近代著名的启蒙思想家,蔡元培是近代著名的教育家。

14.On the esthetic theory and calligraphy art of Fu Shan, enlightening ideologist of 17th century论17世纪启蒙思想家傅山的艺术审美理论及书法艺术

15.National Administration and Political Reform: On Wei Yuan, a Great Thinker in the 19th Century经世致用 变法图强——论19世纪中叶启蒙思想家魏源

16.National Administration and Political Reform: On Wei Yuan, a Great Thinker in the 19th Century;经世致用 变法图强——论19世纪中叶启蒙思想家魏源

17.Denis Diderot was one of the greatest philosophers and writers in the Age of Enlightenment in France.狄德罗是法国启蒙时代伟大的思想家和作家。

18.The Ideology of the Historian and the Wisdom of the Master--On Ideological Enlightenment and Cultural Reconstruction;史家之思 师者之智——读《思想启蒙与文化重建》


Illuminative ideologists明清启蒙思想家

3)ideological enlightenment思想启蒙

1.Because the advocating of civil,rights had a great significance ofideological enlightenment, moreover,people s awaking of civil rights would certainly lead to the appeal for the reform of the governmental system.它公开以宣传"民权"为宗旨,对君权、封建主义进行了有力的批判,淋漓尽致地揭露了封建专制政权对人的压抑、束缚和不合理性,在一定程度上激起了广大知识分子和普通民众的觉醒和反抗之心,对中国的民权思想启蒙起到了促进作用。

2.They wereideological enlightenment,cultural revival and anti-tradition,which showed the complex aspects of the movement from various angles.新时期前期我国学术思想界对“五四”的阐释,经历了从一元到多元的转变,形成了“思想启蒙”、“文艺复兴”和“反传统”三种基本的诠释模式,从不同角度展示了“五四”的复杂面相。

3.The effect of Westernization Movement in history is not only on economy but also greatly on contemporaryideological enlightenment in China.洋务运动的历史作用不仅仅表现在经济上,其对中国近代思想启蒙的影响也是巨大的。


1.This article will research itsenlightenment significance from urban culture angle of view.本文重点从都市文化的角度分析其现代思想启蒙意义,作为一种都市意象它是如何影响着都市人的消费、休闲和娱乐方式的;它与都市文学、都市电影一道,成为中国早期都市文化的典型意象之一;从其产生的文化背景来看,它是现代都市市民追求自由、平等的启蒙思想的体现。

2.From the viewpoint of development within last 500 years, there have been such recycling phenomena in this period:enlightenment→ political revolution→ scientifical revolution→ technological revolution,→ industrial revolution→enlightenment.50 0年的社会发展存在着如下的周期循环 :思想启蒙→政治革命→科学革命→技术革命→产业革命 ,至今已经历了三次循环 ,每次循环都把社会推向新的阶段 ,都发生思想中心、科学中心、技术中心、世界强国的转移。

3.The Yihetuan Movement (also known as the Boxer movement, 1900), not only heavily attacked imperialism s slicing melon policy, but also offered an impetus to the political struggles of the bourgeoisie, especially to the Chineseenlightenment in the early 20th century.它尤其给20世纪初中国社会的思想启蒙以深刻的影响。

5)enlightening thought启蒙思想

1.His ideas about critical tradition,emancipation of individual personality,equality and universal fraternity reflect theenlightening thought.王阳明是中国早期启蒙思想家,他的启蒙思想产生于孕育着资本主义萌芽时代的明代中叶,他的学说中关于批判传统、重视人的个性解放及平等、博爱的思想,都闪烁着启蒙思想的光辉。


1.After defected to Japan, he absorbed European and American modern thoughts systematically through reading Japanese books, and began originalenlightenment activities.流亡日本之后 ,梁启超通过阅读日文书籍 ,系统地吸收了西方的近代思想 ,形成了自己的启蒙思想体系。

2.The missionaries contributed to the spreading of Western culture and science in China as well as to their combination with Chinese culture, which had brought somewhat influences on the earlierenlightenment thinkers in China.传教士在第一次"西学东渐"过程中促进了西方文化、科学在中国的传播以及与中国文化的融汇,也给中国早期启蒙思想家带来了或多或少的影响。


