300字范文 > 辩证否定 dialectical negation英语短句 例句大全

辩证否定 dialectical negation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-07 03:38:09


辩证否定 dialectical negation英语短句 例句大全

辩证否定,dialectical negation

1)dialectical negation辩证否定

1.The outside force which is the necessary condition and one of the basic forms ofdialectical negation plays a decisive role in the direction and nature of the development of things.外力的存在是实现否定的必要条件 ,是辩证否定的基本形式之一。


1.On the Dialectical Negation Law of China s Administration Reform and Its Inspirations;论我国行政体制改革的辩证否定规律及其启迪

2.Dialectically Negative Idea during Building Atom Structure Models;谈原子结构模型建立过程中的辩证否定思想

3.The view of western philosophy has developed from the ontology into the theory of knowledge, and from the dialectic negation to the contemporary ontology.西方哲学观从本体论发展到知识论,通过辩证否定,发展到当代哲学的存在论。

4.The logic of disintegration --A reflection on Negative Dialectics;辩证法:瓦解的逻辑——《否定的辩证法》解读

5."Black hole" of Negation --Oppugning Negative Dialectic of Theodor W. Adorno;否定的黑洞——阿多诺否定的辩证法质疑

6.“Negative Dialectics”in the River of Time:A Historical Annotadon of Adomo s Negative Dialectics;时间川流中的“否定的辩证法”——阿多诺《否定的辩证法》的历史性注释

7.Marcuse s Negative Dialectic & Its Historical Fate;马尔库塞否定的辩证法及其历史命运

8.The Transcendence from Negative Dialectics to Environmental Ethics从否定的辩证法到环境伦理学的超越

9.Negative Dialectics: A Philosophical Construction in New Music;“否定的辩证法”:新音乐空间中的哲学建构

10.On the Revelation of Negation in the Three Forms of Dialectics浅析否定性在辩证法三种形态中的彰显

11.The Problem is to Change the World--The Surpassing of Ollman s Dialectics of Internal Relations over Adorno s Dialectics of Negative;问题在于改变世界——论奥尔曼“内在关系的辩证法”对阿多诺“否定的辩证法”的超越

12.any defensive pleading that affirms facts rather than merely denying the facts alleged by the plaintiff.证明事实而非一味否定起诉人提供事实的防御性辩护。

13.On the Negative Dialectics of Subjectivity:Along with a Discussion of Deconstruction’s Blind Spot;关于主体性的否定性辩证法:兼论解构主义的误区

14.The Negative Dialectics and Constellation:the Way to Ensure the Realization of Adorno s Reflective and Critical Spirit;否定辩证法与“星丛”:阿多诺的反思批判精神及其方式

15.Auschwitz and Negative Dialectics--A Marxism critic;奥斯威辛与否定的辩证法——一个马克思主义向度的批判

16.T. W. Adorno: Let Heidegger Contradict Himself;阿多诺:让海德格尔自己反对自己──《否定的辩证法》解读

17.Practical Dialectics: Exposition of Marx Dialectics;实践辩证法:马克思辩证法的定性阐释

18.To ignore the new historical conditions is to cut things off from their historical context, to divorce oneself from reality, and to abandon dialectics for metaphysics.那种否定新的历史条件的观点,就是割断历史,脱离实际,搞形而上学,就是违反辩证法。


negative dialectics否定辩证法

3)Dialectical Negation辩证否定观

1.A Comment on Comrade Deng Xiaoping s New Contributions to theDialectical Negation;简论邓小平对辩证否定观的新贡献

4)negative dialectics否定的辩证法

1.Auschwitz and Negative Dialectics——A Marxism critic;奥斯威辛与否定的辩证法——一个马克思主义向度的批判

2.The philosophy of Marxism has the features of anegative dialectics,which points out the necessity and possibility to realize the combination of the two schools of environmental ethics,anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism,each taking the other as the "object" and relying on the other to confirm and realize the existence of self.马克思主义的辩证法是否定的辩证法,它指明了环境伦理学两大学派从"分殊"走向"统一"必要性与可能性:人类中心主义与非人类中心主义是互为"对象"的,双方都必须从其"对立面"那里"确证"并"直观"自身;非人类中心主义,正是人类中心主义"现实性"与"感性"的外化形式;建构"无中心的人类中心主义",这是环境伦理学"发展的环节"。

5)negational dialectics否定性的辩证法

6)Negative Dialectics否定性辩证法

1.On theNegative Dialectics of Subjectivity:Along with a Discussion of Deconstruction’s Blind Spot;关于主体性的否定性辩证法:兼论解构主义的误区

2.When we analyze the works of Marx,we find that Marx regards negative dialectics as dialectics essence in a way.传统理论观点认为辩证法的实质和核心是对立统一规律,但是认真解读马克思的"真正原本",从某种意义上来说,马克思是把与实践联系起来的"否定性辩证法"作为实质的。


