300字范文 > 血清抗体效价 serum antibody titer英语短句 例句大全

血清抗体效价 serum antibody titer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-01 04:04:30


血清抗体效价 serum antibody titer英语短句 例句大全

血清抗体效价,serum antibody titer

1)serum antibody titer血清抗体效价

1.This research determined the effects of propolis flavone(PF) onserum antibody titers and peripheral lymphocyte proliferation in vaccinated chicken and on proliferation of cultured avian splenic lymphocyte.以蜂胶黄酮(PF)为免疫增强剂,探讨其对免疫雏鸡血清抗体效价和外周血T淋巴细胞增殖以及对培养的鸡脾脏淋巴细胞增殖的影响。

2.ConclusionLHD has good clinical curative effect in treating FM-ABOI,could decrease theserum antibody titer,and prevent the occurrence of postpartum hemolytic disease in newborns.结论莲黄汤治疗母儿ABO血型不合有较好的疗效,能有效降低其血清抗体效价,预防产后新生儿ABO溶血病的发生。


1.The Relationship Between the Titer of Serum Antibody of Gravidas and Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn孕妇血清抗体效价与新生儿溶血病的关系

2.The relationship between the antibody titer of antepartum serum anti-A(B)blood type of IgG in pregnant women with O blood type and hemolytic disease of newborn“O”型孕妇产前血清IgG抗A(B)抗体效价与新生儿溶血病的关系

3.Determining indoor reference value of titer of anti-A/B IgG antibody in the pregnant women"s serum using microcolumn gel assay孕妇血清IgG抗A(B)抗体效价微柱凝胶法室内参考值测定

4.Study on Correlation between H5N1(Re-4) Avian Influenza Virus Serum Antibody in Chickens and that in Yolk蛋鸡卵黄与血清中H5N1亚型禽流感病毒Re-4株抗体效价相关性研究

parison of antiserum titers of different immunization procedures for preparation of bovine serum albumin不同免疫程序制备兔抗牛血清白蛋白抗血清的效价比较

6.Results High titers of antipeptide antibody were found in the sera from immunized rabbit s throughout the study period in contrast to those from control rabbits.结果与对照组相比,免疫组动物在整个免疫期间血清抗肽抗体效价均高。

7.Influence of immunization procedure on antiserum titer of porcine plasma fibronectin免疫程序对抗猪血浆纤维连接蛋白抗血清效价的影响

8.Effects of Chronic Ammonia Exposure on Natural Killer Cell Activity,Newcastle Disease Antibody Titer and Serum Lysozyme Levels of Broiler慢性氨气暴露对肉鸡NK细胞杀伤活性和血清新城疫抗体效价和溶菌酶的影响

9.The Levels of 15 SLE Associated Autoantibodies in Serum and Their Clinical Values;15种血清SLE相关自身抗体的水平及临床价值

10.The Evaluation of the Effect of Treatment in Combining Use of the Refined Antivenom of Naja Naja and Refined Antivenom of Bungarus Multicinctus on Patients With Ophiophagus Hannah Snake Bite精制抗眼镜蛇毒血清与精制抗银环蛇毒血清并用治疗眼镜王蛇伤的疗效评价

11.Relationship between Titer of Blood Group Antibodies of Pregnant Women with ABO or Rh Blood Type Incompatibility and Exchange Transfusion in Hemolytic Disease of Newborn InfantsABO、Rh血型不合孕妇血型抗体效价与新生儿溶血病换血的关系

12.Significance of blood group antibody titer detection in prenatal diagnosis孕产妇血型抗体效价测定在产前诊断中的意义

13.The titer of antiserum was detected by immunoelectrophoresis and double immunodiffusion.利用免疫电泳、向琼脂扩散试验分析和测定抗血清的效价。

14.ATS liter was measured by indirect immunofluorescence method.并用间接免疫荧光的方法对抗血清效价进行测定。

15.Clinical significance of anti-D IgG screening and titer detection in 286 RhD negative pregnant women286例RhD阴性孕妇血清IgG抗-D筛查与效价检测的意义

parison of the two methods of complete antibody neutrolization during the prenatal examination in patients with neonatal hemolytic disease血型物质和巯基乙醇中和完全抗体后IgG抗体效价比较

17.Iaboratory evaluation of 3557 serum about mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody with Passive agglutination assay被动凝集法检测3557份血清肺炎支原体抗体的实验室评价

18.antibody fingerprinting抗体指纹(法)[检查血清中的特征性抗体]


Titer of serum IgG antibody血清IgG抗体效价

3)antiserum titre抗血清效价

4)High-titre antiserum高效价抗血清

5)Serum tilter血清效价

6)serum antibody血清抗体

1.Deteetion of opposite passive hemagglutination inhibition experiment onserum antibody of population and domestic animals with epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) in Qu Fu.;曲阜市流行性出血热疫区人群及兔猪羊鸡血清抗体反向被动血凝抑制实验检测探讨

2.Effect of Yikang antai decoction onserum antibody and T cell subgroups in patients with immuno-recurrent abortion;抑抗安胎饮对免疫复发性流产患者血清抗体及T淋巴细胞亚群的影响

3.Methods Serum antibody of close contacts of one septicemic plague and one bubonic plague patients were detected by IHA.方法用IHA检测1例败血型鼠疫患者和1例腺鼠疫的密切接触者血清抗体。



1 用途抗生素效价的生物鉴定法——管碟法,是目前国际国内抗生素效价测量的通用方法。本仪器即为应用管碟法测量抑菌圈面积和直径,从而计算抗生素效价的专用仪器。2 使用范围仪器能自动测量抑菌圈直径,自动计算效价结果,输出符合《中华人民共和国药典》的生物统计分析报告。仪器结构设计合理,体积小,是集光、机、电、计算机为一体的高科技产品,仪器测量精度高,稳定性好,仪器的软件是在win 9x系统下运行,其画面简洁明快生动的特点,是新一代中文自动测量抗生素效价、抗生素残留、血药浓度、其它生物菌圈的测量分析计算的微机化数据处理系统。广泛应用于抗生素的生产厂、药检部门、科研部门、医院及大专院校的教学等领域。3 工作原理管碟法测量原理,是将抗生素摊布在特定试验菌的琼脂培养基内扩散,形成了抑制试验菌繁殖的含抗生素的球形区,成为透明的抑菌圈,再测量其直径或面积,通过抗生素浓度与面积的关系,求出抗生素效价。北京潮声公司生产的chb-1型抗生素效价测量仪即为此法测量的专用仪器。仪器通过ccd摄像机,摄入待测的抑菌圈图像,经采集系统,输入计算机,由计算机对图像进行处理计算,并依据生物统计原理,计算抗生素效价,输出生物统计分析数据报告。并能完成抗生素残留、血药浓度、其它生物菌圈的测量计算。仪器结构分为三部分:1)图像成像工作平台2)ccd摄像机摄录及图像处理部分3)计算机处理及输出部分4 主要功能1)一剂量、二剂量、三剂量法测量抗生素效价及计算其它生物统计分析数据。2)二剂量、三剂量的组间合并计算,用f、pt、sm数据进行的合并计算。3)运用直角坐标显示剂量反应曲线的平行性。4)可人为校正错位的菌圈,即手工定位。5)剔除及修整个别缺损及异常情况时的抑菌圈。6)自动分析计算手工测量的抑菌圈结果。7)抗生素残留、血药浓度、其它生物菌圈的测量计算。8)规范化的自检测系统。9)打印报告。5 技术指标1)效价测量精度:≤ 1%2)重复测量精度:≤ 0.02mm3)效价重复测量精度:≤ 0.5%4)测定直径:1-100mm5)测量、计算标准曲线各项参数1-3计量;6)效价、组间合并计算7)计算抗生素残留、血药浓度8)校正错位菌圈,并手工定位9)剔除个别缺损及异常抑菌圈平皿10)计算手工测量的抑菌圈结果11)电源: ∧c220v±10% 50hz±10% 功耗:≤ 100w12)环境要求:温度:18~26℃ 湿度:≤85rh13)主机外型尺寸:435×320×265mm重量:24kg
