300字范文 > 政府收支分类改革 reform of government revenue & expenditure classification英语短句 例句大全

政府收支分类改革 reform of government revenue & expenditure classification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-24 04:39:11


政府收支分类改革 reform of government revenue & expenditure classification英语短句 例句大全

政府收支分类改革,reform of government revenue & expenditure classification

1)reform of government revenue & expenditure classification政府收支分类改革


1.On Reform of Classification of Government Income and Expenses and Governance Effect;关于政府收支分类改革与政府治理效果的研究

2.Reformation of Sorting Govermmentai Income and Outcome & Accountant Handbook for Govermment Unit;政府收支分类改革与行政单位会计实务

3.the Construction of the Informationized Platform of Fiscal Accounting Based on the Reform of the Classification of Government Incomeand Expenses;基于政府收支分类改革的财政会计信息化建设

4.How water sector adapts to government reform on income and expenses谈水利部门如何适应政府收支分类改革

5.On the Influence of the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense on China s Budget for Education;政府收支分类改革对教育经费预算的影响

6.On Understanding of Implementing the Reform of the Classification of Government Revenue and Expenditures and Corresponding Suggestions对实施政府收支分类改革的认识与建议

7.Fiscal reform will focus on improving the public finance system, transfer payment system and budget management system, and reforming the classification of government revenue and expenditures.财政改革重点集中在改善公共财政体系,转移支付体系和预算管理体系以及政府收支分类改革。

8.How the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense Influence on Financial Investment and Assessment for Education;政府收支分类改革对财政性教育经费投入与评价的影响

9.The Analysis About The Government s Income And Expenses Classification Reform s Effect On Higher Academy Budget Management Model;政府收支分类改革对高校预算管理模式影响分析

10.On the Construction of All-round Budget Supervision System in Our Country--A Research Based on the Classification Reform of Government Revenue and Expenses;论我国全面预算管理监督制度的构建——基于政府收支分类改革的研究

11.Understanding of the Setting up and Classification System of Reformed Government Revenue and Expenditure Subjects改革后的政府收支科目设置分类体系理解

12.The Research on Expenditure Budget Management from the Perspective of the Governmental Revenue and Expenditure Classified of China;基于政府收支分类体系改革的支出预算管理研究

13.The Composition Analysis of China"s Financial Input to Science & Technology and Policy Implication after the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense财政收支分类改革后财政科技投入构成分析及政策启示

14.Fiscal Equalization after the Reform of Tax-sharing System in China;分税制改革、财政均等化与政府间转移支付

15.My Opinions on Reform Trends of Some Problems of Governmental Fiscal Revrnues and Expenditures of Our Country;我国政府财政收支管理若干问题改革趋势之我见

16.The Research on the Reform of the Governmental Revenue and Expenditure Classified of China in GFS Pattern;以GFS为模式构建我国政府收支分类体系研究

17.Classification of Final Expenditures of Government by Purpose政府最终支出目的分类

18.Research on China s Balance of Payments Policy under the Exchange Rate Regime Reform;汇率体制改革背景下的我国国际收支政策分析


the categorization reform of government income and expense财政收支分类改革

1.Afterthe categorization reform of government income and expense,the composition of Science & Technology input has changed greatly,this paper analyses the conversion between the new government income and expenses classification and the old one,the new composition results,a key subject and some policy Implication is given.财政收支分类改革后科技投入的科目、构成发生了很大变化,本文在对新旧科目转换对比的基础上,分析了新科目下科技投入构成及重点科目,给出建设"创新型"国家的科技投入政策启示。

3)government expense and receipt classification政府收支分类

1.The scheme ofgovernment expense and receipt classification will be implemented from January 1,.从1月1日起执行的政府收支分类方案,将有助于建立起我国财政信息管理系统,但因其基础数据主要来自会计系统,改革现行的预算会计制度势在必行。

4)government reform政府改革

1.Value Judgments of Contemporary Government Reform;当代政府改革的应然价值取向

2.Public Finance Reform Facilitates New Government Reforms;以公共财政改革为切入点推进新一轮政府改革

3.Institutional Structural Analysis of Government Reform Paradox;政府改革困境的制度结构性视角分析

5)governmental reform政府改革

1.Its contents include people s congress,political consultation,democracy within the Party,democracy at grass roots,legal construction andgovernmental reforms.按照这样的理解,我们把改革开放三十年来中国政治发展的主要内容归结为以下六个方面:人民代表大会、政治协商、党内民主、基层民主、法制建设和政府改革。

2.Government response,a vital and generally pursued goal of thegovernmental reform in contemporary era,is in accordance with the guideline and the total demand of building a harmonious society,and the new pattern of social administration.政府回应性是当代政府改革普遍追求的重要目标,政府回应性与我国构建和谐社会的指导思想与总要求以及社会管理新格局等相互契合,突出政府回应性是构建和谐社会的内在要求,因此,和谐社会背景下的政府改革有必要将建设回应型政府作为目标之一。

3.With the differences in research methods and approaches as the starting point,this paper reviews the research achievements in the study of the experience in thegovernmental reform in western countries.从研究方法、研究视角的异同出发,综述了近十几年来西方国家的政府改革的经验研究成果。

6)Reform of Government政府改革

1.This article discusses mainly the development of NPO from the reform of government.本文主要从政府改革这一视角对非营利组织的发展进行探讨。


