300字范文 > 分流比 diversion ratio英语短句 例句大全

分流比 diversion ratio英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-04 10:24:10


分流比 diversion ratio英语短句 例句大全

分流比,diversion ratio

1)diversion ratio分流比

1.Effect of mouth-cutting project at Lijiasha ondiversion ratio;李家沙水道切嘴工程对其分流比的影响

2.Spur dike has a critical effect on the diversions of main channel and branch channel in the process of regulating bifurcated channel,and different layout of spur dike has a different effect ondiversion ratio.在分汊河段整治过程中,丁坝对改变主、支汊分流起了关键性作用,而不同的丁坝布置将对分流比产生不同的影响,因此必须对此作进一步的研究。

3.On the basis of the river regime analysis of Liansharong Waterway, the river-bed variation , velocity , flow pattern, scouring and silting distribution in the reach and thediversion ratio of Lijiasha Waterway before and after the outcut work of Huoshaotou are studied.在分析莲沙容水道河势的基础上 ,对实施切嘴工程前、后火烧头分流区的河床形态、流场和泥沙冲淤分布 ,以及李家沙水道的分流比进行了物理模型试验 ,并建立了李家沙水道分流比与水面比降的关系式 。


1.Analysis on Division Ratio of Bifurcated Channel and Riverbed Evolvement of Minjiang River;闽江下游分流口河段分流比及河道演变分析


3.Set head pressure, split flow, and septum purge flow to appropriate levels.设置相应的柱头压、分流比、隔垫吹扫。

4.The Comparison between the Third Party Logistics and the Fourth Party Logistics;第三方物流和第四方物流的比较分析

5.Economic compartive analysis of traditional logisticsand modern logistics;传统物流与现代物流的经济比较分析

parison of several turbulent models for calculating turbulent separated flows passing on sill几种紊流模型在底坎紊流分离流计算中的对比

7.flow dividing valve分流阀(单一液流按一定比例自动分成两个支流的流量控制阀)

parative Analysis of Hemorheology Indexes Between Beagle Dog and Human比格犬和人血液流变学指标的比较分析

9.Advantages Of Fourth Party Logistics Comparing With Third Party Logistics;第四方物流与第三方物流相比的优势分析

10.Theoretical Evolution of Realism:A Comparative Analysis of Three Schools;现实主义的理论流变——三种流派之比较分析

parative Analysis on Logistics of Automobile and Its Parts in China;中国汽车零部件物流与整车物流的比较分析

12.The Flow-match Technology in the P2P Analysis System流比对技术在P2P流量分析系统中的应用

13.The Comparative Analysis between the Development of the Third Party Logistics and the Fourth Party Logistics第三方物流与第四方物流发展的比较分析

14.Flow Channel Analysis and Its Improvment of Pure Water Hydraulic Proportional Relief Valve一种纯水比例溢流阀的阀口流道分析及改进

parative Analysis on Logistics and Developing Logistics Finance by Finance Industry物流业与金融业发展物流金融业务比较分析

parative analysis of water pollution governance of Thames River basin and Taihu basin泰晤士河流域与太湖流域水污染治理比较分析

17.Research on Flow Ratio Change Based on Temperature-coefficient Method流温法热分配系统流量比例变化的研究

parative Analysis of the Market Demand in China and America About Third Party Logistics中美第三方物流市场需求的比较分析


split ratio分流比

1.At the same time,a new kind of power correlation was found by measuring flow rate andsplit ratio which was connected with pressure, pressure drop and pressure drop ratio on de-oiling hydrocyclones, and we discovered water outlet should keep a rational back pressure when hydrocycloens were in proper function by means of real testing and theoretical analyses.通过分段测试得到水力旋流器内部各分段压力损失占总压损失的比例情况 ,同时得到脱油型静态水力旋流器流量、分流比分别与压力、压力损失和压降比的拟合曲线近似呈乘幂关系。

2.We analyze the results on how thesplit ratio R(overflow rate to feed rate ratio) and the feed rate Q_F influence the length weighted length L_1.文章在实验的基础上 ,通过分析分流比 R(溢流 /进料流量 )以及进料流量 QF 对重均长度 L1 的影响 ,来研究装置的筛分效果。

3.The effects of the GC separation conditions,especially thesplit ratio,on the separation of the sample were studied.采用气相色谱法定量分析γ -氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷 (WD - 5 0 ) ,研究了气相色谱分离条件、尤其是分流比对样品分离效果的影响。

3)discharge ratio分流比

1.The flow fields in the pipe for 3 kinds of bifurcation angle are calculated and the influences of bifurcation angle,rib breadth ratio anddischarge ratio on flow head loss are studied.选用定常不可压缩流动的N S方程和RNGk ε湍流模型,计算了3种分岔角的流动,得到了分岔角、肋宽比和分流比对岔管水头损失的影响。

2.The regime of the north channel in the Yangtze Estuary is excellent with a stabledischarge ratio and a relatively small sand ratio.长江口南港北槽具有稳定的分流比和相对较小的分沙比 。

3.Thedischarge ratio of the southern branch of the Yangtze River in He Chang Zhou section is decreasing gradually due to the evolution of river channel.长江和畅洲段河床演变造成南汊分流比逐年下降。

4)water diversion ratio分流比

1.Thewater diversion ratio for the north and south braided channels is proposed.在定床物理模型试验的基础上进行了动床试验 ,验证优化防洪规划岸线在特大洪水作用下的河床演变规律 ,并提出治理南北港调整分流比措施的研究成

5)Division Ratio分流比

1.Analysis onDivision Ratio of Bifurcated Channel and Riverbed Evolvement of Minjiang River;闽江下游分流口河段分流比及河道演变分析

2.In the past, more emphasis has been put on the flow pattern and the division ratio of water and sediment discharge.本文从最小能耗率的原理出发,推导分汊河道的分流角、偏转角计算的理论公式,以角度计算公式的变换形式推导分流比公式,并介绍了最小能耗率原理的一些其它应用。

6)water distribution分流比

1.The variation features ofwater distribution,water lever and flow are simulated by using different discharges under different relative distances from the bifurcation of the braided river.以长江天兴洲河段为例,应用平面二维水沙数学模型,采用实测水沙数据进行率定与验证,模拟了不同流量级下采砂区相对分汊口距离不同采砂后分流比、水位和流速变化规律,模拟结果表明,在相同水流条件下,随着采砂区距分汊口距离的增加,采砂后主汊分流比与河段水位和流速变化都呈先增后减的规律。


