300字范文 > 企业社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility英语短句 例句大全

企业社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 11:52:37


企业社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility英语短句 例句大全

企业社会责任,Corporate Social Responsibility

1)Corporate Social Responsibility企业社会责任

1.The Theoretical Summary of Research on theCorporate Social Responsibility——Based on the Society Level and Enterprise Level;企业社会责任的理论综述——基于社会层面和企业层面

2.The relation research between corporate social capital and corporate social responsibility;企业社会资本与企业社会责任关系研究

3.Corporate Governance for Tourism Enterprises on the Basis of theCorporate Social Responsibility;基于企业社会责任的旅游业公司伦理规范治理探讨


1.Responsibility and Social Responsibility of Enterprises and Responsibility of Accounting: Their Relation and Integration企业责任、企业社会责任、会计责任:关系和整合

2.Corporate Social Responsibility or Businessman Social Responsibility;企业社会责任,还是商人社会责任?

3.Social Compliance Management System and CSC9000T;企业社会责任与CSC 9000T

4.Social Responsibility of Corporate--The Choice of the Enterprise and Society to Win;企业社会责任——企业与社会共赢的选择

5.Enhancing the Chinese Enterprises Social and Environmental Responsibilities;论强化我国企业社会责任与环境责任

6.An Analysis of the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Government Social Responsibility;企业社会责任与政府社会责任的关联性分析

7.An Analysis on Corporate Social Responsibility and Building of Harmonious Society;论我国企业社会责任与和谐社会构建

8.Corporate Social Responsibility and the Building of Harmonious Society;浅析企业社会责任与和谐社会的构建

9.On Corporate Social Responsibility in the Perspective of Harmonious Society;试论和谐社会视野下的企业社会责任

10.Orienting Social Responsibilities and Building a Harmonious Society;明确企业社会责任 着力共建和谐社会

11.Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility and Boosting Harmonious Development of Society;社会和谐发展环境下的企业社会责任

12.Thinking of enterprises social liability and the construction of harmonious society;企业社会责任与构建和谐社会的思考

13.Corporate Social Responsibility and Harmonious Community Constructing;论企业社会责任建设与构建和谐社会

14.Social Accountability with a View to Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野下的企业社会责任标准

15.Intensifying the Social Responsibilities of Enterprises and Accelerating the Development of Harmonious Society;强化企业社会责任 促进和谐社会发展

16.Building a Harmonious Society vs the Enterprise s Social Responsibility;构建和谐社会与企业社会责任的思考

17.Research on Corporate Social Responsibility at the Background of Harmonious Society和谐社会背景下的企业社会责任研究

18.The Enterprise Social Responsibility Construction under Harmonious Society Perspective和谐社会视野下的企业社会责任构建



1.China s Labor Rights Protection Based on the Idea ofCSR;基于企业社会责任理念的中国劳工权益保护

2.Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) in View of Time and Space;基于时空观的企业社会责任探讨

3.Overseas Practice ofCSR Reporting and Implication;海外企业社会责任披露制度及借鉴

3)enterprise social responsibility企业社会责任

1.Enterprise Social Responsibility under the Framework of Economy Law;经济法视野下的企业社会责任

2.The article explored how to perfect the extra motive mechanism of enterprise social responsibilities to build responsible competitive social environment absorbing experiences and drawing lessons from westernenterprise social responsibility movement based on the characters of pre.企业社会责任,作为时代发展和社会进步的产物,体现的不仅是企业主体的态度和行为方式,更是政府和社会主体的态度和行为表达。

3.Different from the broad sense ofenterprise social responsibility, the social responsibility of the transnational corporate has a unique legal - system to realize.跨国公司社会责任不同于一般意义上的企业社会责任,因此也有其特殊的法律实现机 制。

4)corporation social responsibility企业社会责任

1.Discussing the Corporation Social Responsibility of Commercial Insurance in Establishing a Harmonious Society;论商业保险在构建和谐社会中的企业社会责任

2.applied in the evaluation ofcorporation social responsibility.研究企业社会责任评价技术对于建立市场经济新秩序有重要的现实意义。

3.The Corporation Social Responsibility will absolutely become a important focus of the corporation’s competition in the new age.在经济全球化趋势下,企业社会责任必然会成为企业在新世纪竞争的一个焦点。

5)social responsibility企业社会责任

1.Nowadays,enterprises have to shouldersocial responsibility and private enterprises are not an exception.通过对民营企业承担社会责任的经济学分析,得出承担社会责任不仅有利于企业可持续发展、增进整个社会的福利,而且也有助于提高企业的核心竞争力,因此,社会各界应共同努力,通过强化民营企业社会责任的约束与激励,促进民营企业承担社会责任。

2.The whole society is emphasizing that corporate should bear theirsocial responsibility.本文采取理论研究和现实分析相结合的方法,首先从理论上对企业社会责任研究进行梳理,对国外与国内、不同历史时期、不同观点的相关理论进行比较、评析;进而对我国民营企业履行社会责任的现状进行描述和分析,尝试从民营企业、政府和社会组织等不同角度提出具体的推动民营企业社会责任的解决方案和策略,以期为促进民营企业社会责任方面的实践活动提供借鉴和参考。

3.The practice is consistent with the spirit ofsocial responsibility.中国提出建立以人为本、全面协调、可持续的科学发展观,并倡导构建和谐社会,这从精神上与企业社会责任运动的原则是相一致的。

6)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)企业社会责任

1.The issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been gaining international attention since the 1990s and the relationship between CSR and Corporate Financial Performance(CFP)has become the focus of current empirical researches.20世纪90年代以来,企业社会责任问题引起了国际社会越来越广泛的关注,企业社会责任与财务绩效的关系也是近年来实证研究的焦点。

2.Both the government and society have shown increasingly great concerns for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).构建和谐社会是目前中国的首要任务之一,企业社会责任的承担越来越受到政府及社会各界的关注。


