300字范文 > 高效率教学 high-efficiency teaching英语短句 例句大全

高效率教学 high-efficiency teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-27 05:03:49


高效率教学 high-efficiency teaching英语短句 例句大全

高效率教学,high-efficiency teaching

1)high-efficiency teaching高效率教学

2)high proficiency teaching method高效率教学方法


1.The Research of High Efficiency Teaching Strategy about Junior Middle School Physics Class under Information Technology Environment;信息技术环境下初中物理课的高效率教学方法探析

2.Design the High-efficiency Mathematics Teaching Method of Suiting Students;设计适合学生的高效率数学教学方法

3.The methods of improving mathemat-ics teaching in class;谈提高数学课堂教学效率的几种方法

4.Utilizing modern methods and measur es improve teaching quality and efficiency;利用现代教学方法提高教学质量和教学效率

5.Probability tree mcthod in probability theory s teaching;概率树法——概率论教学中的有效方法

6.The Covariance Analysis Method In AppraisingTeaching Efficiency of Middle School Course;中学课程教学效率的协方差分析方法

7.The guiding role of mathematics methodology in improving classroom teaching efficiency--Reflection on several ineffient mathematics teaching cases数学方法论对提高数学课堂教学效率的指导作用——从几个低效教学实例引发的思考

8.Optimizing of physical Education Teaching Methods and Enhancing the instruction in Studying Methods to Raise Teaching Efficiency;优化体育教法 加强学法指导 提高教学效率

9.Fostering the Students Interestin Learning Maths by Improving Teaching Methods;改善教学方法 提高数学教学效果

10.Improving Senior One Students" Writing with Process Approach运用“过程教学法”提高高一学生写作效率

11.Case Teaching: An Effective Method in Chinese Language Teaching Methodology in Teachers Colleges;案例教学:高师语文教学论之有效方法

12.Effective Method for Improving Teaching Quality-Objective Teaching;目标教学是提高教学质量的有效方法

13.Improvement on Teaching Effects of“ Two-lesson”by Innovation of Teaching Methods;改革教学方法,提高“两课”教学效果

14.Promoting Teaching Effect of Anatomy by Applying a Variety of Means运用多种教学方法提高解剖教学效果

15.Utilizing Flexible Teaching Methods Enhance the Effect of Professional Teaching灵活运用教学方法提高专业教学效果

16.Approach and Method of Improving Classroom-effect of College Mathematics Teaching;提高高校数学教学效果的途径和方法

17.A Discussion on the Elicitation Method of Teaching for theProbability Course in Academic Engineering college;高工专《概率论》教学方法改革刍议

18.An Exploration into SEFC English Methodology;激发学生学习兴趣 提高英语教学效率——高中英语新教材教法探讨


high proficiency teaching method高效率教学方法

3)improving teaching effective提高教学效率

4)mathematics teaching method of high-efficiency高效率数学教学方法

5)teaching efficiency教学效率

1.Study on improvingteaching efficiency of higher mathematics;提高高等数学教学效率的研究

2.Improving theteaching efficiency of wood science by using web site;发挥网络作用,增进木材学教学效率

3.A new survey of the problem aboutteaching efficiency in classroom;课堂教学效率问题的重新审视

6)efficiency of teaching教学效率

1.According to the substances the essay expounds how to use the modern teaching means to feasibly improve theefficiency of teaching in the class of mechanic cartography,enrich the teaching contents,and enhance the effectiveness of teaching.通过实例说明了如何运用现代化教学手段,切实提高机械制图课的教学效率,丰富教学内容,增强教学效果。

2.This article analyzes the relationship between the effect and theefficiency of teaching through multimedia.本文从多媒体教学特征及特点出发 ,分析多媒体教学系统中教学效率和教学效果之间的关系。


