300字范文 > 共建共享机制 The mechanism of joint development and sharing英语短句 例句大全

共建共享机制 The mechanism of joint development and sharing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-21 02:35:34


共建共享机制 The mechanism of joint development and sharing英语短句 例句大全

共建共享机制,The mechanism of joint development and sharing

1)The mechanism of joint development and sharing共建共享机制


1.The Information Resources of the E-government Building Together and Sharing the Coordination Principle in the Mechanism;电子政务信息资源共建共享机制中的协调原则

2.The Practice and Exploitation of Constructing and Sharing Foreign Language Teaching Resource--Exploiting the Mechanism of Constructing and Sharing Foreign Language Teaching Resource of Foreign Language Committee;外语教育资源共建共享的实践与探索——外语专业委员会资源共建共享机制的探索

3.Mechanisms and Challenges in Co-construction and Sharing of Foreign Language Educational Resources Based on Grid Technology;基于网格技术的外语教育资源共建共享机制及挑战

4.Construction and Promotion of Knowledge Sharing Mechanism: Knowledge Sharing in Hong Kong知识共享机制的构建与推进——知识共享在香港

5.The Study on the Benefits Balance Mechanism of Document Information Resources Construction and Sharing;文献信息资源共建共享的利益平衡机制研究

6.Policy Guarantee Mechanism of Information Resources Cooperative Building and Sharing in China我国信息资源共建共享的政策保障机制

7.Game Analysis of Establishing Information Sharing System among Banks;银行间建立信息共享机制的博弈分析

8.On the Construction of Shared Documentary Resources System of Yuxi Municipality;建立玉溪市文献资源共享机制的思考

9.Research on Knowledge Sharing Model and Sharing Mechanism in Supply Chain供应链知识共享模式及共享机制研究

10.Sharing the Light of Local Conditions to Build a New System of Public Cultural Services因地制宜 共建共享 构建公共文化服务新体系

11.The Organization of Co-Constructing and Sharing of Literature Resources of Yunnan Normal Acadmy Libraries;文献资源共建共享协作网的机构设置

12.A Research upon Knowledge Sharing Influence Factors and Mechanism in Construction Project Team;建筑施工团队知识共享影响因素及机制的研究

13.A Mechanism Research on Information Resources Sharing in Construction of Electronic School Initiatives;电子校务建设中信息资源共享机制研究

14.The Study on Formation and Development of Consulting Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Mechanisms;咨询企业知识共享机制建立与培育研究

15.Establishment of mechanism and measures for the opening and sharing of large-scale equipment in colleges and universities;高校大型仪器设备开放共享机制的建立与措施

16.On the Inter-institutional Resources Sharing Mechanism Construction of University Libraries Foreign Language Periodicals;高校图书馆外文期刊馆际资源共享机制的构建

17.Study and Practice on Sharing Mechanism of the Construction of Practice Training Base for Higher Vocational Schools;高职实训基地建设共享机制研究与实践

18.Study on the Connotation, Mechanism and Construction of Resource Sharing in Soft Science Research;软科学研究资源共享的内涵、机制与构建研究


sharing mechanism共享机制

1.Researches on library tacit knowledge transformation andsharing mechanism;图书馆隐性知识转化与共享机制研究

2.From the studies performed on the aspects of culture organization,motivation mechanism,system and technology,a theoretical model of knowledgesharing mechanisms is established in the paper.分析了医院管理中知识共享的障碍,从文化、组织、激励机制、制度和技术等层面对知识共享的实现进行研究,建立了知识共享机制的理论模型,为提高医院知识管理的能力和知识共享的效率提供了有效的途径。

3.Finally,the knowledgesharing mechanism and fulfill- ment model of medium- and small enterprises alliance is build.分析了中小企业联盟的内涵特征,根据我国中小企业网络、信息资源现状建立了基于ASP的运营模式,构建了中小企业联盟的知识共享机制以及实施模式。

3)Share mechanism共享机制

1.To significantly own, better configure and equitably use, especially fully share natural science and technology resources is becoming increasingly key factors to influence development of national science and technology or even national overall power, and to establish share mechanism is the key for exaltation of sharing degree.人类经济社会发展正在经历着重大转型,科技创新的主导作用日益显著,自然科技资源的拥有、配置和利用方式的优劣,特别是共享程度的高低,日益成为决定国家科技强弱甚至国家兴衰的关键因素之一,而共享机制的建立是提高共享程度的关键。

4)Mechanism of sharing共享机制

1.Discussion on mechanism of sharing information and materials of wild rice germplasm resources;野生稻种质资源信息与实物共享机制探讨

5)co-constructing and sharing共建共享

1.Research on the Co-constructing and Sharing of Literature Information Resources in Ningbo(Yinzhou District)University Zone;宁波(鄞州区)高教园区文献信息资源共建共享研究

2.The Organization of Co-Constructing and Sharing of Literature Resources of Yunnan Normal Acadmy Libraries;文献资源共建共享协作网的机构设置

3.Research and Practical Exploration on the Digital Resources Co-constructing and Sharing of Quality Courses精品课程数字化资源共建共享模式研究及探索


1.Finally,some ideas and suggestions are presented for the construction of a platform of science and technology literature resourcesharing in Chongqing.针对重庆市科技文献资源现状,分析重庆市科技文献资源建设存在的问题,总结国内文献资源共建共享的成功经验,提出建立重庆市科技文献信息资源共享服务平台的建议和设想。

2.This paper,through demonstrating the necessity and feasibility of co-construct andsharing of informaionin undeveloped areas,discusses the corresponding measures under Internet environment.通过阐述欠发达地区科技信息资源共建共享的必要性和可行性,探讨网络环境下促进科技信息资源共建共享的措施。


