300字范文 > 城市化河道 urbanization river英语短句 例句大全

城市化河道 urbanization river英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-28 16:22:45


城市化河道 urbanization river英语短句 例句大全

城市化河道,urbanization river

1)urbanization river城市化河道

2)urban river城市河道

1.Effects of depth of sediment dredging inurban rivers on release of nitrogen and phosphorus;城市河道底泥疏浚深度对氮磷释放的影响

2.Ecological bank and its application in regulation ofurban rivers;生态护坡及其在城市河道整治中的应用


1.Study on the Test of Biological Purification for Urban Polluted River Water;城市河道污染水体生物净化试验研究

2.Research and Discovery of Chemical Remediation in Urban River Sediment城市河道底泥化学修复的探索与研究

3.Research on Quality Improvement Method of City-Waterway Surveying and Mapping Projects城市河道测绘工程质量改进方法研究

4.Water Quality Determination and Pollution Prevention of Urban Man-made Lake in the River;城市河道人工水面的水质测定及污染防治

5.Characteristics of Phosphorus Adsorption and Release by Sediment of the Suzhou River;苏州城市河道底泥对磷吸附释放特征的研究

6.The Money Raising of Urban Riverway Repairement Project and Consideration on it;城市河道整治工程建设资金筹措及运作思考

7.Water Pollution and Control for Man-made Lakes Across the River城市河道人工水面水质污染及控制研究

8.Analysis the Design Effect of Urban River Course Landscape浅析把握城市河道景观设计效果的方法

9.Research on diversity and adaptability of ecological resortment of river embankment in cities城市河道生态驳岸多样性形式与适应性研究

10.Application of Ecological Embankment in Restoration of Urban Rivers生态护岸在城市河道生态修复中的应用

11.Anoxic Bioremediation of Urban Polluted River Water with Biofilm用生物膜缺氧修复受污染的城市河道水

12.Study Advance of Ecological Restoration Technique for Urban Stream in China国内城市河道水体生态修复技术研究进展

13.The Urban River Restoration and Ecological City Construction of Huangshui River in Xining City;西宁市湟水河道整治与生态城市建设

14.A Study on Construction Theory of the Urban Ecological River and Its Application in Nantong City, China;南通市城市生态河道构建理论及其应用

15.Discussion on the Influence Exerted by Riparian Land Use on Urban River Corridor: A Case Study of Suzhou Creek in Shanghai城市河岸土地利用对河流廊道功能影响初探——以上海苏州河为例

16.The Study of Water Environment of Rivers and Treatment Methods to Outskirts Unit of Shanghai上海市城郊结合部河道水环境研究和整治对策

17.Beijing Urban Ecological River Vegetation Building Preliminary Evaluation Study;北京城市生态型河道植被建设初步评价研究

18.The Study on the Layout and the Design of the Urban River System Around the City of Lang Fang;廊坊市环城河道水系景观的规划与设计研究


urban river城市河道

1.Effects of depth of sediment dredging inurban rivers on release of nitrogen and phosphorus;城市河道底泥疏浚深度对氮磷释放的影响

2.Ecological bank and its application in regulation ofurban rivers;生态护坡及其在城市河道整治中的应用

3)urban riverway城市河道

1.The growth test of different ornamental plants in the sewageurban riverway;不同观赏植物在城市河道污水中的生长试验

2.Through the analysis of function and costs abouturban riverway repairement project,this paper points out,under the traditional style,the components project capitals and the problems existed in it.通过对城市河道整治工程建设内容功能与费用的分析,指出了传统模式下建设资金组成及其存在的问题,对市场运作模式下建设资金筹措及运作进行了探讨。

3.The present condition and the cause of pollution of our country surban riverway are analyzed.分析了我国城市河道水体现状及其污染成因;指出了城市河道水体处理的必要性和紧迫性。

4)urban river course城市河道

1.Ecological and environmental water requirements ofurban river course: taking Chuanzihe river as an example;城市河道生态环境需水研究——以湖南省常德市穿紫河为例

2.Theurban river course is the essential factor in the sustainable development of the urban society and economy, is the carrier of urban river system,and also is an important component of the urban ecosystem.城市河道是城市社会、经济可发展必不可少的要素,是城市水系的载体,同时也是城市生态系统的重要组成部分。

3.Theurban river course is the essential factor in the sustainable development of the urban society and economy,is the carrier of urban river system,and also is an important component of the urban ecosystem.城市河道是城市社会经济发展必不可少的要素,是城市水系的载体,同时也是城市生态系统的重要组成部分。

5)City River城市河道

1.Experimental study on environmental dredging of a city river;城市河道环保疏浚的试验研究

2.In order to understand the growth of phytoplankton in city rivers in Suzhou City,and to provide scientific basis for the improvement of water environment,the water condition and the species composition of phytoplankton were investigated in Miaojia River in Suzhou City from May to December in .为了掌握苏州城市河道景观水体藻类富集、消长规律,为制订河道水环境质量改善方案提供科学依据,于5~12月对苏州苗家河试验区进行了水质状况以及浮游植物种类和数量的调查研究。

6)urban landscape rivers城市景观河道


河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)neaao non郎hUi河道洪水演进yanJ县n见河道洪水演算法。
