300字范文 > 土地税制改革 the land tax system reform英语短句 例句大全

土地税制改革 the land tax system reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-08 06:56:27


土地税制改革 the land tax system reform英语短句 例句大全

土地税制改革,the land tax system reform

1)the land tax system reform土地税制改革


1.Study on the Reformation of Land Taxation System Based on the Sustainable Land Use;基于土地资源可持续利用的土地税制改革研究

2.Shortcomings of China’s Land Value Increment Tax System and Countermeasures;中国土地增值税制的缺陷与改革对策

3.The solutions to the effects of land usage term in valuation for property taxation reform;房地产税制改革中土地使用年限问题的处理

4.Study on the Reformation of Land Taxation System Based on the Protecting Cultivated Land in China基于我国耕地保护的土地税收制度改革研究

5.(6) Reform the land system;(六)改革土地制度;

6.These changes might include such diverse activities as the reform of land tenure, corporate tax, credit, and banking structures.这些变革可以包括土地使用权、公司税法、信贷和银行体制的改革。

7.To collect property tax and real estate tax system reforms;试述物业税的开征与房地产税制改革

8.The Ground Rent System Should be Reserved--A Suggestion For The Real Estate Tax Reform;土地出让金制度应该保留——房地产税改革的一点建议

9.The Land Issue in Japan s Dynasty-clan System Period--The Background of the Land-tax Reform;日本朝藩体制时的土地问题——地税改革的历史背景

10.System of farmland contracted and rented by family: an effective way to depeen the reform of the system of the rent, tax, and fees on the rural land;家庭承包租赁制:深化农村土地租税费制度改革的有效途径

11.The Dissolution of the Managing Pattern:Land Reform and Taxation;经纪模式的消解:土地改革与赋税征收

12.Clarifying the Ownership of Collective Land and Promoting the Reform of Rural Tax and Fee;明晰集体土地产权 促进农村税费改革

13.Site Productivity Tax and China s Forest Taxation Reform;中国森林税制改革的方向——立地税——从森林税制,芬兰立地税看中国森林税制改革

14.A Study of Local Financial System Reform of the Divided Tax System;分税制条件下地方财政体制改革研究

15.Institution Research for System Reform of Chinese Real Estate Tax and Fee;中国房地产税费体制改革的制度研究

16.The Core of the Rural Refoum--The Reform for the Property Right System of the land;农村改革的核心:土地产权制度的改革

17.The Construction of Local Taxation System under the Frame of New Taxation Reform;试论新一轮税制改革框架下的地方税体系建设

18.On the Local Tax Growth After the Tax Sharing Reform in China;分税制改革以来我国地方税收增长研究


reform of local tax system地方税制改革

1.Problems in thereform of local tax system;地方税制改革存在的问题及对策

3)real estate tax system reform房地产税制改革

4)the land tax reform地税改革

1.Although the Meiji Reformation of Japan takes western Europe as the model,the land tax reform of the Meiji government has its own charactristic because of its historical and national peculiarity.明治维新时期进行的地税改革是日本近代化道路上重要的里程碑。

5)reform of tax system税制改革

1.The tax system of our country has taken on many segments that are not adapted to the development of economy;We should implement the nextreform of tax system as soon as possible.我国现行税制中已经存在着许多不适应经济发展的环节 ,亟需新一轮税制改革。

2.In order to deepen thereform of tax system,the ordinal arrangement should be carried out from the outside of the tax system,the reasonable design should be made from the inside of the tax system and the sound expansion should be considered from the function of tax system.1994年税制改革所确立的新税制在新形势下面临一系列亟待解决的问题。

6)taxation reform税制改革

1.The current bank taxation seriously lag behind othertaxation reform.我国现行银行税制严重滞后于其他税制改革,同其他国家相比,现行银行税制存在诸多问题和弊端,致使我国银行业税收负担沉重。

2.This reform was quite a good and successful example in the history of Chinesetaxation reform.嘉靖至万历年间,江南地区实行以门摊课为中心的税制改革,把按营业额比率而定的商税并入到定额营业税的门摊课中,实现了两税合征。

3.<Abstrcat> Based on the Path Dependence Theory in the new institutional economics, this paper analyses the difference in the tracks oftaxation reform from the aspects of institutional environment and arrangement.文章运用新制度经济学的路径依赖理论,从制度环境和制度安排两方面对税制改革的轨迹差异进行分析,阐明了路径依赖对税制改革的重大影响和作用机制:税收制度安排的差异叠加在不同的税收制度环境上,会把税收制度变迁引向不同路径,或者进入良性循环,或者陷入无效锁定。


土地税土地税land taxtUd1ShUi土地税(landtax)以土地为征税对象,以土地面积、等级、价格、收益或增值等为依据计征的各种赋税的总称。又称地税。它是历史上最早征收的一种税,各国普遍采用。最早的土地税,是指对土地本身征收的税,一般以面积大小确定税额多少;后来又以土地产出量和土质肥沃程度制定税率等级;再后又发展为按土地收益课税。由于各国土地制度不同,其税制、税种、征税办法和税率也不同。归纳起来大体有以下几种:①地价税。根据土地价格征税,包括土地原价税和土地增值税。前者是指按土地原始价格征税;后者按土地价格的增值量征税。②土地转让收益税。按转让(包括租赁转让)收益征税,一般纳入到所得税或法人税中征收。③土地保有税。以固定资产税、不动产税形式征收。日本设有特别土地保有税,以抑制土地投机。中国现行的土地税种中,有城镇土地使用税、房产税、农业税、耕地占用税、土地增值税和土地房屋不动产税等。(张月蓉)
