300字范文 > 地税征管 Local Tax Levying英语短句 例句大全

地税征管 Local Tax Levying英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-03 05:27:05


地税征管 Local Tax Levying英语短句 例句大全

地税征管,Local Tax Levying

1)Local Tax Levying地税征管



2.Application and research of UDDI in local tax system;UDDI在地税征管系统中的应用研究

3.Empirical Study on Optimalization of Tax Collection Business Process for Hebei Local Revenue;河北地税征管业务流程优化的实证研究

4.The Design and Implementation of LiaoNing Local Taxation Checking Module in Tax Collection System;辽宁地税征管系统稽查模块的设计与实现

bination of State and Local Taxation Bureaus: A Practical Choice of Tax Administration;国、地税机构合并:税收征管的现实选择

6.VAT and the Consumption Tax were levied and administered by the State competent departments of taxation, while the Business Tax was collected and administered by the local competent departments of taxation.增值税和消费税由国家税收主管部门征收和管理,营业税由地方税收主管机关征收和管理。

7.The administration of collection of agricultural tax, animal husbandry tax, cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law.农业税、牧业税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理,参照本法有关规定执行。

8.The Design and Implementation of Tax Collection and Management System for Changyi Local Taxation Bureau昌邑市地方税务局税收征管系统的设计与实现

9.Research on Modern Pattern of Taxes Collection;现代税收征管模式的探索——关于浙江国税以市地为单位集中征收的税收征管改革实践

10.Tax Collection and Administration Bureau(税务)征收管理局(征管局)

11.Problems and Countermeasures for the Management of the TaxSources After the Reforming of Taxes Levy税收属地征管改革后税源管理问题探讨——以西安市为例

12.Strengthening Management to Levying Tax on Occupying Farmland and Protecting Farmland;谈加强耕地占用税征收管理对保护耕地的作用

13.Good morning, sir. We are from The No.2 Branch of Wuxi Local Taxation Bureau.您好!我们是无锡市地方税务局征管二分局的。

14.Research and Comparison of Tax Revenue Collection Pattern Question between Mainland China and Hong Kong;内地与香港税收征管模式问题比较研究

15.The Xi an Local Tax Society Premium Collects the Administrative Efficacy Studying;西安地税社会保险费征收管理的效能研究

16.Study on Performance Appraisal System of Tax Collector of Local Revenue of Yingshan County;英山县地方税务局征管人员绩效考核体系研究

17.Improving the Taxation Collection and Administration, Speeding up the Development of the County Economy;提升地方税收征管水平,加快县域经济发展

18.A Study on the Analysis and Reform of Beijing Local Taxation Collection System;北京市地方税收征管体系分析与改革研究


Location Levy税收属地征管

3)local tax system地税征管系统

1.Application and research of UDDI inlocal tax system;UDDI在地税征管系统中的应用研究

4)tax collection税收征管

1.On problems concerningtax collection under accounting rules;会计准则实施后税收征管应注意的若干问题

2.Brief Discussion on the Challenge of E-Commerce to Tax Collection;浅谈电子商务对我国税收征管的挑战

3.There is the relationship of two levels between the tax system andtax collection.税收制度与税收征管存在两个层面的关系。

5)tax collection and management税收征管

1.According to the development characteristics of e-commerce in our country,the cruxes and principles that should be adhered to levy tax are analyzed and discussed,then,the measures fortax collection and management in e-commerce are presented.本文结合我国电子商务的发展特点,分析、论述了电子商务税收实施中的难点及应坚持的原则,提出了我国电子商务税收征管措施。

2.Analysis on its economic characteristics andtax collection and management is an urgent theory and realistic problem required by the developing progress of Chinese economy.网络经济(我们把在网络中专业经营的经济形式,如电子商务,和其他游戏娱乐涉及的经济形式统称为网络经济),如今尽管还没有成为任何国家国民经济的主体,但它的发展趋势强劲,对其经济特点及税收征管方式进行分析,是当今中国经济发展过程中迫切需要解决的理论和现实问题。

6)Tax collection and administration税收征管

1.Improving credit rating of tax payment:realistic choice of active tax collection and administration in China;完善纳税信用评估:我国税收征管走向主动的现实选择

2.Research on Optimization of Tax Collection and Administration in Chinese Current Pattern;现行征管模式下税收征管优化研究

3.In view of the status of serious tax loss in our tax collection and administration,the game theory has been applied to the analysis of the game behaviors between taxpayers and taxation authorities.针对我国税收征收管理中税收流失严重的现状,用博弈论的方法分析了纳税人与税务机关之间的博弈行为,据此提出加强税收管理工作、完善税收征管机制的对策。


