300字范文 > 现代教育技术理念 Modern educational technology theory英语短句 例句大全

现代教育技术理念 Modern educational technology theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-01 05:19:15


现代教育技术理念 Modern educational technology theory英语短句 例句大全

现代教育技术理念,Modern educational technology theory

1)Modern educational technology theory现代教育技术理念


1.Applying Modern Educational Technology Theory to Reform Electrotechnics Experiment Instruction;运用现代教育技术理念改革电工实验教学

2.Erect the notion of modern educational technology to promote the reform of teaching method and artifice;树立现代教育技术理念 促进教学方法与手段的改革

3.Discussing the Application of Modern Management Theory inVocational Technical Education;浅谈现代经营理念在职业技术教育中的应用

4.Discussion on the Change of Rural Teachers Teaching Concept under Modern Educational Technology;现代教育技术环境下农村教师教学理念的变化思考

5.Researches on Relation between Modern Educational Technology and the Renewal of Teachers Educational Concept;现代教育技术与更新教师教育观念关系初探

6.Assessment of the Chinese Teachers Based on the Concept of the Course Reform and Modern Educational Technology;课改理念与现代教育技术革新背景下中学语文教师角色重估

7.On Technological Concept of Modern Education under the Condition of Information Technology;论信息技术环境下的现代教育技术观念

8.Renewal of the Educational Idea and the Application of Modern Education Technology;教育观念的更新与现代教育技术的应用

9.The application of modern education techniques and the renewal of the concept of higher education;现代教育技术的应用与大学教育观念的更新

10.Cai Yuan Pei s thinking and Chinese Morden Art Education;蔡元培思想理念与中国现代艺术教育

11.On the Transference of Ideas in Modern Educational Technology for Teachers in College;浅谈高校教师现代教育技术观念的转变

12.Application of Educational Technique Management in the Curriculum of Modern Educational Technology教育技术管理在《现代教育技术》课程中的应用

13.Modern Service Idea in Contemporary Non-government Higher Education in China;当代中国民办高等教育中的现代服务理念——以北京城市学院现代技术服务学部为事例

14.Instructional Design of Physics Assisted by Modern Technology;现代教育技术辅助中学物理教学设计

15.Application of Modern Educational Technologies in Physical Education;现代教育技术在物理学教学中的应用

16.The Exploration and Practice of Students Learning Concept in the Condition of Modern Educational Technology;现代教育技术环境下学生学习观念探究与实践

17.Theoretical Expansion - the Internal Motive Force of the Modern ization of Educational Technology;理论扩展——教育技术现代化的内在动力

18.On the theoretical basis and the development ofmodern educational technology;也论现代教育技术的理论基础及发展


the theory of modern education technique现代教育技术理论

3)Regional Modern Educational Technology Management区域现代教育技术管理

1.The Construction of aRegional Modern Educational Technology Management Mechanism Based on Knowledge Management;基于知识管理的区域现代教育技术管理机制的构建

4)Geographical moden educative technique地理现代教育技术

5)modern education concept现代教育理念

1.The paper analyses the new demands for education concept and talent training by modern social development and discusses the training objectives and innovating course system design for majors of inorganic nonmetal material specialty under the guidance ofmodern education concept.现代教育理念是确立现代人才培养目标的基础,是发展专业创新课程体系的基础,也是现代高等教育教学质量的保障。

6)modern educational concept现代教育理念


