300字范文 > 评价函数法 evaluation function method英语短句 例句大全

评价函数法 evaluation function method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-25 17:02:24


评价函数法 evaluation function method英语短句 例句大全

评价函数法,evaluation function method

1)evaluation function method评价函数法

1.The model consists of three objectives and one constraint, and can be solved by usingevaluation function method.建立了大气监测布点多目标规划模型 ,包含 3个目标和 1个约束条件 ,选用评价函数法求解。

2)merit function评价函数

1.After introducing the suitablemerit function,a broad angular broadband W/B_4C multilayer film has been designed successfully by using genetic algorithm.引入适当的评价函数,利用具有全局寻优特性且效率较高的遗传算法,在波长0。

2.And it can decrease the value of themerit function by inserting new thin layer.它通过在膜系中插入薄层,使得膜系评价函数降低,且优化设计可以从任意给定的单层膜开始。

3.The method is a very fast and stable refinement technique that makes for the nearestmerit function minimum, and it is particularly suitable for the adjustment of an already useful design.详细介绍了非线性单纯形方法的算法思想,非线性单纯形方法是一种能够快速、稳定地寻找到评价函数最小值的优化算法,特别适合于对已有的设计进行调整。


1.Additive Evaluation Function in Systems Evaluation and Its Discrimination;系统评价中的可加性评价函数及其判别

2.The Image Segmentation Method Based on Fisher Criterion;基于Fisher评价函数的图像分割方法

3.Image Definition Evaluation Function in Auto-focusing Process图像调焦过程的清晰度评价函数研究

4.Evaluating factor: This is a figure indicating the match condition between the calculated and real time measured spectral.评价函数:是评价实际镀制中光谱曲线与理论曲线吻合程度的数值。

5.Evaluating Function of Economic Effects with Risk Degree and Its Optimization Model;带风险度的经济效果评价函数及其优化模型

6.An autofocus algorithm based on high-pass filtering evaluation function一种基于高通滤波评价函数的自动对焦方法

7.Velocity Compensation of Stepped Frequency Signal Based on Evaluation Function基于评价函数的步进频率信号速度补偿研究

8.Introduces the fitness scaling to improve traditional fitness function.采用适应度的指数尺度变换改进传统的适应度评价函数。

9.The Influence Of Distribution Function Selection On Quality Estimation;分布函数选择方法对质量评价的影响

10.Evaluation of Student Physique Health by Use of EXCEL Function基于EXCEL函数的学生体质健康评价

11.Application of Grey Utility Function in Engineering Mathematics灰色效用函数在评价工科数学中的应用

12.Interval number fuzzy evaluation based on trapezoid subordinate function基于梯形隶属函数的区间数模糊评价方法

13.Field Test and Evaluation of Empirical Root Uptake Functions in Soil Water Movement Models典型经验根系吸水函数的田间模拟检验及评价

14.The Establishment and Evaluation of Soil Fractal Characteristics and Pedo-transfer Functions in Hetao Irrigation District;河套灌区土壤分形特征及转换函数推求与评价

15.The Evaluation of the Effect of AIDS Therapy Based on Fitting Function;基于拟合函数的艾滋病治疗模型的评价

16.The Multi-dimension Contribution Function Evaluation for Construction Project Risk;工程项目风险的多维功效函数评价方法研究

17.The Research of Input-Output Evaluation Modelof Enterprise Technological Innovation;企业技术创新成果C-D生产函数评价模型研究

18.Application of Production Function in Value Evaluation of Human Resource;广义生产函数在人力资源价值评估中的应用


merit function评价函数

1.After introducing the suitablemerit function,a broad angular broadband W/B_4C multilayer film has been designed successfully by using genetic algorithm.引入适当的评价函数,利用具有全局寻优特性且效率较高的遗传算法,在波长0。

2.And it can decrease the value of themerit function by inserting new thin layer.它通过在膜系中插入薄层,使得膜系评价函数降低,且优化设计可以从任意给定的单层膜开始。

3.The method is a very fast and stable refinement technique that makes for the nearestmerit function minimum, and it is particularly suitable for the adjustment of an already useful design.详细介绍了非线性单纯形方法的算法思想,非线性单纯形方法是一种能够快速、稳定地寻找到评价函数最小值的优化算法,特别适合于对已有的设计进行调整。

3)evaluation function评价函数

1.Design and Realization of Automatic Creation System for Test Paper based on Dynamic Evaluation Function;基于动态评价函数的试卷自动生成系统的设计与实现

2.Threshold detection and image segmentation basedon histogramevaluation function;基于直方图评价函数的阈值检测与图象分割

3.An autofocus algorithm based on high-pass filteringevaluation function一种基于高通滤波评价函数的自动对焦方法

4)evaluating function评价函数

1.Several extrema may be produced inevaluating function curves,as image noise is caused by interferences in image gathering,quantifying and transmission processes.将数字图像作为处理对象的自动聚焦系统中,由于图像采样、量化及传输过程中各种干扰引起的图像噪音,导致评价函数曲线可能存在多个极值。

2.To overcome the difficulty of generating larger dithering pattern based onevaluating function, we proposed the strategy of partitioning the initial pattern, and progressively enlarging the dithering pattern.针对利用评价函数生成较大抖动模式比较困难的问题 ,提出了划分初始模式的方法 ,并渐进生成较大抖动模式 ;针对模式抖动中出现的边界赝象 ,引入填充曲线机制加以消除 。

3.One of the key technology for outdoor mobile robot is the optimal control of the high speed wheeled mobile robot, This article deals with theevaluating functions and methods of their solutions in detail, started by analyzing dynamics models of vehicle and typical modes of roads.本文从分析车体动力学模型和典型道路模式入手,仿真讨论了最优控制的评价函数及其求解方法。

5)cost function评价函数

1.So a genetic algorithm(GA) optimization technique is applied to multilevel inverter to determine optimum switching angles for cascaded multilevel inverters for minimizing some predominant lower order harmonics via acost function while maintaining the required fundamental voltage.最优化阶梯波是多电平逆变器常用的控制策略,其核心就是求解一组非线性方程组,但因不能得到解析解,而用迭代法获得数值解的难度仍然很大,故提出了应用遗传算法来进行求解的思想,通过评价函数来最小化主要的低次谐波,然后编写了相应的MATLAB程序,求解了在评价函数<0。

2.In this paper,we reconstruct acost function based on second order statistics.多通道的盲均衡在语音分离、去混响、通信、信号处理和控制等领域具有广泛的应用,本文基于二阶统计量在频域重新构造评价函数,为避免得到平凡解在评价函数中额外引入了一项不可简约多项式的描述。

3.The algorithm could construct and use differentcost functions for the circuit modules with and without fast carry chain.该算法对含有快速进位链和不含快速进位链的电模块分别构造和调用不同的评价函数。

6)score function评价函数

1.The paper researched thescore function of K2 Algorithm for constructing the Bayesian Networks in the distributed settings,and improved thescore function based on the two-party computation of the cryptographic preliminaries.研究了分布式环境下构造贝叶斯网络结构的K2算法的评价函数,并且以密码学中的两方安全计算为基础对该函数进行改进。

2.As a result,an explicit ICA algorithm with flexiblescore functions to various marginal densities was obtained.简要介绍独立成分分析(ICA)及其模型,然后在极大似然估计的框架下,基于两类参数模型—Gaussian混合密度模型和Pearson系统模型,研究了具有对称分布(包括超高斯分布与亚高斯分布)和非对称分布源混合信号的盲分离问题,给出了一种有效的基于灵活评价函数的ICA新算法,该算法在一定意义上实现了对源信号概率分布的真正全“盲”。


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
