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日常词汇 Daily Words英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-29 02:45:58


日常词汇 Daily Words英语短句 例句大全

日常词汇,Daily Words

1)Daily Words日常词汇

1.Hunan Hengshan Dialect sDaily Words Dictionary and the Study of These Words;湖南衡山方言日常词汇词典和词汇研究


1.Hunan Hengshan Dialect s Daily Words Dictionary and the Study of These Words;湖南衡山方言日常词汇词典和词汇研究

2.A Special Handbook for Japanese Word Study--A review of Graded Common Words of Japanese with Explanations;一部颇具特色的日语词汇学习手册——《日本语常用词汇分级精解》评介

3."Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary.“有朝一日”和“某一天”这样的字眼正从我的常用词汇中淡出。

4.Some expressions made a jump from sports events to everyday life.有些词汇是从体育赛事中产生,然后运用到日常生活中去的。

5.Atomic energy was a household word.原子能是一个家常词汇。

6.A list of words and often phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated;a lexicon or glossary.词汇表单词和常常为词组的表,通常按字母顺序排列,并有定义或翻译;专门词汇或专业词汇表

7.Japanese glossary has three kinds of origins.日语的词汇有“和语”、汉语、外来语三种词汇。

8.The Translation of Yan Fu and Japanese "New Chinese Vocabulary;严复的译词与日本的“新汉语”词汇

9.Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a striking feature of Japanese vocabulary.拟声词和拟态词是日语词汇的突出特征。

10.Where these books disappoint, if only slightly, is in the very occasional use of a specialised term when an everyday phrase would have done.如果要说到瑕疵,两本书时而出现的专业词汇其实可以用日常用语来代替。

11.Activities include: Literacy, Numeracy, Phonics, Songs, Art &Craft, Story-telling, Mini-workshop, Team Work as well as Gross Motor and Fine Motor activities.于课程完毕后孩子应能掌握如何服从导师指示,培养阅读兴趣及掌握日常用基本词汇。

12.a compact dictionary for everyday use日常使用的袖珍词典.

13.On Glottal Stop Change in Pronunciation of Chinese Words in Japanese;日语汉语词汇读音中的促音变化研究

14.On the Cultural Terms in Japanese;简论日语中反映民族文化特点的词汇

15.Borrowing Words from Japanese in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Period of the Republic of China and Its Apocalypse晚清民初日语词汇进入汉语及其启示

16.A Discussion About the Analogy of Body Languages in Idioms & Sayings Between Chinese and Japanese论中日惯用语、成语中身体词汇之比喻

17.On the Training of Vocabulary Learning Abilities for Japanese Majors论日语专业学生词汇学习能力的培养

18.A comparison of Chinese,English and Japanese words of marriage field汉日英婚姻场词汇中的文化对比研究



1.An ERP study on the phonological access ofJapanese words in Chinese-Japanese bilinguals;中日双语者日文词汇语音通达的脑电研究

3)Japanese vocabulary日语词汇

1.Understanding the evolution ofJapanese vocabulary and mastering the popular expressions can help us to learn more about the Japanese society and its culture.流行语的出现是日语词汇演变的一个重要标识,流行语是时代特征的体现,它们与世相及人民生活有着千丝万缕的联系。

2.Morgan respectively,we can see the changes and the causes in their eyes: the students returning from abroad as the introducers and users helped popularize the new oral style and the new words;the translation of Japanese books and the borrowing ofJapanese vocabulary were the important cause for the changes of Chinese language;new affixes enhance the ability of Chinese language to create new words.Morgan的著作中可以观察他们所捕捉到的汉语的新变化以及这种变化的原因:留学生是新文体和新词语的积极引入者和使用者,报刊推动了新文体和新词语的普及;日语书的翻译以及日语词汇的借入是汉语发生变化的重要原因;新词缀大大增强了汉语的造词能力。

4)word diary词汇日记

5)virtue doing日常语汇

6)vocabulary for stamping冲压常词汇


西藏土话—日常藏语词汇(二)了,非常感谢。额啊线松,突及其 不客气可儿郎喀马日 请喝茶苏儿掐确 有导游吗?你先吧哟伯? 同他怎么联系?只哇肯浙茄古日 你哪儿不舒服?切让卡日拥给朵 不要紧吧!册切不杜给 记住了!额儿松! 买(卖)尼(冲) 价格孔泽 贵了孔泽青波 便宜孔泽开波 钱贝夏 这是什么?笛卡热? 多少钱?贝夏卡则热? 我买了!(额啊)尼格因! 我不买!(额啊)尼格没!
