300字范文 > 四阶段法 four-stage method英语短句 例句大全

四阶段法 four-stage method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-06 20:38:58


四阶段法 four-stage method英语短句 例句大全

四阶段法,four-stage method

1)four-stage method四阶段法

1.Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional prediction methods in railway passenger volume,a joint application of improved BP neural network andfour-stage method in passenger volume prediction is brought out.针对传统铁路客运量预测方法的不足,提出运用改进BP神经网络结合四阶段法进行客运量预测,给出了预测算法,建立了铁路客运量神经网络预测模型,并对敦煌铁路客运量进行预测,设计网络参数,进行网络学习和训练,最终得到较为精确的及敦煌铁路客运量,为该线路今后的运营管理提供决策参考。

2.This paper analyzes the characteristics of highway construction project,then discusses the traffic forecasting method usingfour-stage method in highway construction project on the basis of area economic development forecasting.从公路建设项目自身特点出发,探讨了在区域社会经济发展预测的基础上应用四阶段法进行公路建设项目中的交通量预测方法。

3.The number was calculated byfour-stage method.根据公交客流量总量的历史数据,以时间序列模型预测T市公交客流量总量,对比该市地铁2号线可行性报告中利用四阶段法得到的公交客流量总量,验证了该报告调查数据的可靠性,同时指出时间序列模型是四阶段法预测客流量的一种有益的补充。


1.Application of Four-Step Method of Traffic Planning to Logistics Demand Forecast交通规划四阶段法在物流需求预测中的应用

2.Four Stages of China’s 30 Years of Public Law Establishment;三十年中国公法制度建设的四阶段论

3.On Four-Stage Teaching Mode of Physical Pedagogy in Middle School;《中学物理教学法》四阶段教学模式初探

4.Study on Theory and Pratice of Anti-Four Step Traffic Regional Control Planning;“逆四阶段”交通分区控制规划方法与实践研究

5.Discussion on the Four Stages of Error Theory Teaching in the College Physics Experiments;大学物理实验的误差理论四阶段教学法探讨

6.How to Use 4 - stageTeaching Methods in Design and Sample of Leather Shoes《皮鞋结构设计与样板制作》四阶段教学法的实施

7.Phase Four - Programme Suspension第四阶段-方案中止

8.The four stages against pirated compact discs打击盗版光盘四个阶段

9."four steps"to zero failure故障趋于零的“四个阶段”

10.The fourth stage was the Long March.长征是第四个阶段。

11.The process of benchmarking includes four phases, such as programming, data colleting and analyzing, practicing and advancing phases.企业应用标杆管理通常包括四个阶段:规划阶段、据搜集及分析阶段、践阶段和提升阶段。

12.multiple stage prediction多阶段预测法 多阶段预测法

13.Soon the third stage of the war ended and the fourth stage began.不久战争的第三阶段结束,第四阶段开始。

14.Research on "4-Phase Innovation Learning Method" Aerobics General Course for College P.E. Major;高校体育专业健美操普修课“四阶段创新学法”的实验研究

15.Application of Clinical Pathway to Pedia in ICU after the Radical Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot;小儿法洛四联症根治术后ICU阶段临床路径的探索

16.A Four-Layer Sample Rotation System for Quarterly Surveys;一种四层次样本轮换方法——基于多阶段季度调查的研究

17.induced block caving阶段人工崩落开采法

18.two-stage Aitken estimation method两阶段艾特肯估计法


four-step traffic demand forecast model四阶段法

1.In the process of traffic demand forecast,calassicalfour-step traffic demand forecast model is widely used in reasearch and accepted by the mass.在交通需求预测中,经典的四阶段法广泛应用于实际之中并被大家所认可。

3)four stage method四阶段法

1.Thefour stage method and a double gravity model were used to forecast the OD(origin-destination) distribution of air traffic flow in the whole airspace of China.基于四阶段法,采用双重力模型,预测全国空域的交通流量OD分布。


5)Four stages predict method四阶段方法

6)four-stage construction procedure四阶段工作法


