300字范文 > 校园绿地 campus green space英语短句 例句大全

校园绿地 campus green space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-02 17:52:05


校园绿地 campus green space英语短句 例句大全

校园绿地,campus green space

1)campus green space校园绿地

1.Through quantitative analysis,it got ecological assessment and presents some constructive suggestions on the rebuilding of the threecampus green space system.依据景观生态异质性原理,对复旦大学、华东师范大学以及上海财经大学校园绿地系统做出了景观格局指数分析。


1.The Study on Campus Landscape Design in Northeast of China;东北地区高校校园绿地景观设计研究

2.Study on Campus Landscape Planning and Design;大学校园绿地景观规划与设计的研究

3.Study on University Students Demand for Campus Green Surface in Harbin;哈尔滨市高校学生对校园绿地需求的研究

4.A Study on Green Ground Opening Space and Plant Disposition on University Campus;高校校园绿地开放空间及其植物配置研究

5.Studies on the Structure and Characteristics of Plant Communities in Northern Campus Green Spaces北方高校校园绿地植物群落结构特征的研究

6.Green Space in Campus:A Case of Central China Normal University高校校园绿地分析与研究——以华中师范大学为例

7.Analysis and Evaluation of the Campus Garden in Huhhot呼和浩特地区大学校园绿地现状分析与评价

8.Post Occupancy Evaluation of Green Space on Campus--A Case Study of the East Campus of CAU;大学校园绿地空间使用状况评价——以中国农业大学东校园为例

9.Study on Landscape Planning and Plant Landscape of Harbin Institute of Technology;哈工大校园绿地规划与植物景观的研究

10.The Study on the Design of the Green Space Plant Landscape on the Campus of Universities about Upgrade and Reconstrction大学校园绿地植物景观提质改造设计研究

11.The Practice Research of Conservation and Management of Green Land广西民族大学校园绿地养护管理实践研究

12.Studies on Greenbelt Plant Diversity and Scenic Beauty Estimation of Zhengzhou City Universities Campus郑州市高校校园绿地植物多样性与美景度评价研究

13.The Analysis of Landscape Pattern Indexes on Campus Green Spaces--A Case Study of Three Universities in Shanghai高校校园绿地景观格局指数评析——以上海3所大学为例

14.Multivariate Analysis of the University Campus Landscape Quality--The Case of Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University基于AHP法的大学校园绿地总体景观评价——以上海交通大学闵行校区为例

15.Research and Correlation the Design of Beautified with the Campus of High School in North West;西北地区高校校园绿化环境设计的探索与研究

16.To Turn the Campus Environment Green and to Scientifically Develop and Make Use of Athletics Courses Resources;绿化校园环境科学地开发与利用体育课程资源

17.About the Construction and Development of the University Campus Landscape;高校校园园林绿化建设和发展的探讨

18.Landscape Planning and Design of Green Land in University Campus高校园区绿地景观规划设计——以河南科技学院为例


Campus green spaces高校校园绿地

3)campus greening校园绿化

1.Based on the function ofcampus greening and the characteristics of greening in different function area as well as the very needs of main crowds in campus,some guideline and principle ofcampus greening are put forward.本文从高校校园绿化的功能、各种功能区绿化特点以及校园中活动的人群对校园绿化的需求出发,提出高等院校校园绿化的指导思想和设计原则,最后结合漳州师范学院校园绿化实例,探讨当前高校绿化建设的现状及其存在的不足,以期对高等院校校园绿化设计有借鉴和指导作用。

2.Also we gave some suggestions on construction ofcampus greening.通过对太原大学外语师范学院北区现有的木本植物进行种类统计和鉴定,确定太原大学外语师范学院北区校园内现有木本植物20科、33属、39种,并对学院的校园绿化建设提出几点建议。

3.The problems ofcampus greening were analyzed.通过对山东轻工业学院长清校区木本植物种类调查、鉴定,共有木本植物43科、78属、141种(含变种、栽培变种、变型),分析了校园绿化中存在的问题,提出了校园绿化的工作方向和引种方向等建议。

4)campus virescence校园绿化

1.Simple talking collegecampus virescence construction s program and design;浅谈高校校园绿化建设的规划与设计

2.Campus virescence is an important part of it’s environmental construction, it should reflect the characteristics of the modern university and campus cultural characteristics to form a unique landscape of the campus greening.校园绿化是大学环境建设的重要组成部分,应体现现代大学特点和校园文化特色,形成具有自身特色的校园绿化景观。

5)campus landscaping校园绿化

1.A study on reducing costs incampus landscaping;节约型校园绿化营建研究

2.This article discusses the overall design ofcampus landscaping and the structural elements of campus green culture for Zhejiang University of Technology.应把校园绿化作为校园文化建设的重要组成部分, 以促进校园文化建设, 达到环境育人之目的。

3.Starting from the position ofcampus landscaping in the present-day education, this paper analyzes the special and practical significance of "teaching people in a pleasant environment" as a concept to the all-round education.文章从校园绿化在现代学校教育中的地位出发,分析了"环境育人"在全面育人中具有的特殊现实意义;并提出在校园的景观建设中,要结合校园自身的特点和要求,选择校园绿化类型实施绿化设计,以形成良好的校园生态环境。

6)campus landscape校园绿化

1.The Design of Campus Landscape Management Information System Based on GIS;基于GIS的校园绿化管理信息系统设计与研究

2.Based on the investigation of thecampus landscape of three colleges and universities in Yinchuan,the current situation and future construction and development trend of thecampus landscape is analyzed.在对宁夏银川市几所高等学校校园绿化调查的基础上,针对校园绿化的现状、今后的建设与发展方向等进行了分析与探讨。


