300字范文 > 《春秋》 The spring and Autumn Annals英语短句 例句大全

《春秋》 The spring and Autumn Annals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-31 13:39:26


《春秋》 The spring and Autumn Annals英语短句 例句大全

《春秋》,The spring and Autumn Annals

1)The spring and Autumn Annals《春秋》

1.Analysis of what was behind Guan Yu s reading The Spring and Autumn Annals;关羽读《春秋》背景刍议

2.The Spring and Autumn Annals and the History Compiling of Northern Song Dynasty;《春秋》对北宋历史编纂之影响探微


1.The Meaning of Chun-qiu(春秋) in Chun-qiu Zuozhuan Zhu(《春秋左传注》);关于《春秋左传注》中《春秋》名称的辨正

2.Analysis on Chun Qiu Ming Jing and Spring and Autumn Period Classic Collection of Imperial Civil Service Examination in Yuan Dynasty;《春秋明经》与元代科举的《春秋》经义

3.On the Status of Du Yu s The Spring And Autumn Annals Studies (Chun Qiu Xue) in the history of This Field;论杜预《春秋》学在《春秋》学史上的地位

4.paintings of Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties andSpring and Autumn Period商-西周-春秋绘画

5.Spring summer, autumn and winter are four seasons.春、夏、秋冬是四季。

6.Spring,summer,autumn and winter are the four seasons.春、夏、秋、冬是四季。

7.On the Name of "Chun-qiu shufa" and "Chun-qiu bifa";从“春秋书法”到“春秋笔法”名称之考察

8.An Analysis of "chunqiu Leaming" Chapters in Chun - Qiu - Fan - lu;《春秋繁露》中的“春秋学”篇章探析

9.Breeding of A New Silkworm Variety "Chunhua×Qiushi" for Spring and Autumn Rearing春秋兼用家蚕新品种“春华×秋实”的育成

10.To differentiate sections about Chun-Qiu theory in Chun Qiu Fan Lu, is a necessary way to comprehend the book.区分《春秋繁露》的春秋学篇章,是了解《春秋繁露》的必要门径。

11.Farmers plough in autumn or spring.农夫在秋天或春天犁地。

12.So the autumn ploughing should be deeper than the spring ploughing.因此秋耕要比春耕深。

13.No autumn fruit without spring blossom.倘无春华,何来秋实。

14.Political thought in Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods of China春秋战国时期政治思想

15.There is the old adage, "In the Spring and Autumn Era there were no righteous wars."古人说:“春秋无义战。”

16.The weather in spring and autumn, however, is very pleasant.但春秋两季气候宜人,

17.Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons.春秋是我喜欢的季节。

18.""There"s no autumn rain without spring wind."“‘不行春风,难得秋雨’。


Spring and Autumn《春秋》

1.Big Revenge Embodied inSpring and Autumn and Revenge-Centered Works in the Han Dynasty;《春秋》大复仇与汉代复仇作品

2.The Tension between Zuozhuan andSpring and Autumn;事与义之间——《左传》与《春秋》之间的张力

3.On the Relation between Sima Qian andSpring and Autumn;司马迁与《春秋》学之关系论

3)Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋》

1.Controversy over the Rite of Princes Audience With Emperor in the Study ofSpring and Autumn Annals in the Han Dynasty;汉代《春秋》学中的朝聘礼之争

2.The Chun Qiu (Spring and Autumn Annals)provides longitudinal material for comparison and collation in the study of the astronomy and calendar of State Lu.《春秋》为鲁国天文历法的研究提供了纵向对勘的资料 ,春秋时期是由观象授历到科学历法过渡的重要阶段。

3.At the end of the Western Han,Liu Xin began to view it as a private history of theSpring and Autumn Annals(Chunqiu).《国语》本为先秦时期“事语”类文献的汇编,自西汉末刘歆始视其为《春秋》之“外传”,后人又多因之,称其为《春秋外传国语》、《春秋外传》、《春秋国语》,亦有简称《外传》,或直呼为《春秋》者。

4)Chun Qiu《春秋》

1.A Textual Research on Ye Mengde’s Writings aboutChun Qiu;叶梦得《春秋》类著述考论

2.A Brief Discussion on the style ofChun Qiu and its Estimate Manner;《春秋》体例及“一字贬褒”笔法简析


1.The Lost Theories by Yang Shi onChunqiu and Its Origin杨时《春秋》遗说及其渊源

2.The Research of Jia Yi"s Adduction ofChunqiu in His Xinshu贾谊《新书》引《春秋》述略

6)the Spring and Autumn Period春秋

1.A Study on the Retainer System and Its Duty inthe Spring and Autumn Period;试论春秋时期的家臣职官系统及其职司

2.Changing of Rhetoric Style fromthe Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States;春秋至战国时期修辞风格的嬗变


