300字范文 > 非结构化网格 unstructured grid英语短句 例句大全

非结构化网格 unstructured grid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-19 21:02:21


非结构化网格 unstructured grid英语短句 例句大全

非结构化网格,unstructured grid

1)unstructured grid非结构化网格

1.Study onunstructured grid in numerical simulation of cooling water in ACEH Indonesia Power Plant非结构化网格在印尼亚齐电厂温排水模型中的应用研究

2.Numerical simulation of elliptic mild-slope equation onunstructured grid非结构化网格下椭圆型缓坡方程的数值求解

3.So triangularunstructured grids were generated in the domain .鉴于发射药由7根药柱构成,结构复杂,无法在结构化网格基础上求出待求区域的温度场,因此,采用三角形非结构化网格并推导出计算区域内各节点的离散方程。


1.A Study of Unsteady Heat Conduction Computation on Unstructured Grid;非结构化网格上非稳态导热问题的求解与应用

2.Unstructured Mesh Generation and Its Parallelization;非结构化网格生成及其并行化的若干问题研究

3.The Research on Technology of Unstructured Mesh Generation and Optimization;自适应非结构化网格生成及优化技术研究

4.1. The advancing-front method is used to generate two-dimensional unstructured grids of high quality.1.用阵面推进法生成高质量的非结构化网格。

5.The Development of the Calculation Program of the Temperature Field Based on Two-Dimensional Unstructured Grid基于非结构化网格的二维温度场计算程序开发

6.Numerical method of compressible flow on three-dimensional sub-block unstructured grid三维分块非结构化网格上的可压缩流计算方法

7.Local Refinement of Unstructured Grid by Bubble Packing Method气泡堆积法生成局部加密非结构化网格

8.Numerical Simulation of Automobile Defrosting Duct Based on Unstructured Mesh基于非结构化网格的汽车除霜风道数值模拟

9.Numerical simulation of elliptic mild-slope equation on unstructured grid非结构化网格下椭圆型缓坡方程的数值求解

10.Bubble Packing Method Based Unstructured Grid Generation基于气泡堆积的非结构化网格生成技术

11.Three-dimensional non-hydrostatic model for small amplitude free surface flows with unstructured grid基于非结构化网格上的三维微幅自由表面流动非静压数值模型

12.Grid type, structured or unstructured.网格类型(结构化?非结构化??)

13.Structured Grid and Unstructured Grid Generation, Translation and Application;结构与非结构网格的生成、转化及应用

14.Navier-Stokes computations of a grid fin missile on hybrid structured-unstructured grids结构/非结构混合网格数值模拟栅格翼

15.AFT Algorithm for Unstructured Adaptive Finite Element Mesh Generation;非结构化自适应有限元网格生成的AFT方法

16.Unstructured Grid Generation and Simplification in Virtual Reality;虚拟现实系统中非结构网格生成及简化的研究

17.Propeller cavitation research by an unstructured grid based RANS solver基于非结构网格RANS方法螺旋桨空化研究

18.Two-dimensional Unstructured Mesh Generation with Constrained Delaunay Triangulations基于约束Delaunay三角化的二维非结构网格生成方法


unstructured grids非结构化网格

1.In this paper,the velocity and energy governing equations that are similar to the heat conduction equation are solved by using theunstructured grids in several duct geometries and thermal boundary conditions.本文给出几种在不同流道几何形状和热边界条件下,用非结构化网格方法进行数值计算的结果,并与结构化网格的计算结果进行比较分析,从而证明本方法和所给程序的正确性和实用性。

2.Delaunay method for generation of 3Dunstructured grids is analyzed and the tetrahedrization approaches are presented.对生成三维非结构化网格的D e launay方法进行了分析,给出四面体网格生成的基本步骤。

3.The performance of five methods for diffusion flux calculation onunstructured grids was compared and the method of Kobayashi s was modified in this paper.本文分析对比了5种用于非结构化网格的扩散项的离散格式的精度和运算量。

3)unstructured mesh非结构化网格

1.Three-dimensional magnetotellurics modeling using edgebased finite-elementunstructured meshes;基于非结构化网格的三维大地电磁矢量有限元模拟(英文)

2.A numerical method based on the hard sphere model is presented to simulate granular flows applyingunstructured meshes.提出一种在二维非结构化网格下结合硬球模式求解颗粒群运动的数值方法,对颗粒间的碰撞检测策略进行了优化,通过对颗粒采用局部移动的方法大大提高了计算的效率。

3.It shows that the accuracy of the results caculated from structured meshes is better than that of theunstructured meshes,but it takes more time and more handwork to creat meshes.以飞机翼身组合体作为计算的几何模型,研究了结构化网格和非结构化网格两种方法对计算自动化和及时性的影响。

4)unstructured meshes非结构化网格

5)unstructured grid非结构网格

1.Two-step pressure correction method for tidal flow simulation withunstructured grids;非结构网格下两步压力校正算法的潮流模拟

2.Domain decompositions and parallel algorithms to solve Euler equations on theunstructured grid;非结构网格上Euler方程的区域分裂算法及并行计算

3.Numerical optimization in a structured/unstructured grid;结构非结构网格中的数值优化计算

6)unstructured grids非结构网格

1.3-D hydrodynamic model for shallow water onunstructured grids;非结构网格上的三维浅水流动数值模型

2.Numerical solution for two-dimensional shallow watere quations onunstructured grids;二维浅水方程的非结构网格数值解

3.The main purpose of this paper is to develop a discontinuous Galerkin method suitable for the numerical solution of the Euler equations onunstructured grids.对二维非结构网格上的求解欧拉方程的高阶间断有限元方法进行了研究。


