300字范文 > 生态流域 River basin ecology英语短句 例句大全

生态流域 River basin ecology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-16 12:53:50


生态流域 River basin ecology英语短句 例句大全

生态流域,River basin ecology

1)River basin ecology生态流域

2)watershed ecology流域生态

1.Under the background of ecology environment becoming worse,compensation forwatershed ecology has become an important measure for renewing and protecting environment ofwatershed ecology.在生态环境危机日益加剧的社会背景下,流域生态补偿已成为恢复和保护流域生态环境的重要措施。


1.The Ecological Tourism Exploitation Research of Fanggan Small Watershed Ecological Area;房干小流域生态区生态旅游开发研究

2.Research on Eco-Environmental Water Requirement of Tarim Mainstream Watershed;塔里木河干流流域生态—环境需水研究

3.Ecological Compensation of Watershed--An Approach for Sustainable Watershed Management;关于流域的可持续管理探讨——流域生态服务补偿

parison of Ecological Restoration Research Between Yangtze River Basin and Rhone Basin长江流域与罗纳河流域生态修复对比探讨

5.Study of Landscape Ecological Planning and Drainage Basin Ecological Management in the Four-Lake Basin;江汉平原四湖流域景观生态规划与流域生态管理研究

6.Watershed,Ecoregion and Landscape Frameworks and Their Integrated Application in Ecological Assessment of the Hai River Basin流域、生态区和景观构架及其在海河流域生态评价中的应用

7.Study on Ecological Environment Construction and Eco-Agriculture in Yumenchuan Basin;玉门川流域生态环境建设与生态农业研究

8.River Basin Ecological Evaluation and Environmental Compensation Model流域生态价值评估及其生态补偿模式研究

9.Study on Watershed Ecological Compensation Standards and Ecological Compensation Mechanism流域生态补偿标准及生态补偿机制研究

10.Analysis on Ecological Footprint and Ecological Carrying Capacity in Caohai of Dianchi Lake Catchment滇池草海流域生态足迹与生态承栽力分析

11.Ecological Security Early-Warning and Its Ecological Regulatory Countermeasures in the Tuojiang River Basin沱江流域生态安全预警及其生态调控对策

12.Ecological investigation and evaluation of interference on eco-system of Yufuhe River Basin玉符河流域生态调查及生态系统干扰评价

13.Conceptual Models of Ecological Environment Evolution in Tarim River Basin塔里木河流域生态环境演变概念模型

14.Study of Eco-environmental Water Requirement of Zhangxi Drainage Basin in Ningbo City;宁波市樟溪河流域生态环境需水研究

15.an ecological shelter along the Yangtze River Valley长江流域的生态掩体

16.Analysis on impact from inter-basin water transfer on regional eco-environment跨流域调水对区域生态环境影响分析

17.Landscape ecological characteristics and construction of small watershed in mountain areas;山区小流域景观生态特征与景观生态建设

18.The Ecological Environment in the Yangtze River Basin in the Age of Writing "Shan Jing《山经》时代长江流域的生态环境研究


watershed ecology流域生态

1.Under the background of ecology environment becoming worse,compensation forwatershed ecology has become an important measure for renewing and protecting environment ofwatershed ecology.在生态环境危机日益加剧的社会背景下,流域生态补偿已成为恢复和保护流域生态环境的重要措施。

3)watershed ecology流域生态学

1.Watershed ecology—New discipline, new idea and new approach.;流域生态学——新学科、新思想、新途径

2.Watershed ecology is an intersect discipline of hydrology, limnology, ecosystem ecology, landscape ecology, eco economics and eco management.在评述流域生态学中的水文、湖沼、生态系统、景观、生态经济和生态管理等主要研究内容和复合生态系统、河流连续统、生态交错带、等级系统、格局 -尺度 -过程、信息系统等概念理论以及流域自然过程、生物功能、系统结构、生态环境、流域生态管理等流域生态学热点问题的基础上 ,总结分析了太湖流域防洪、治污及可持续发展与流域生态学的关系 ,指出流域生态学在太湖流域的流域开发、环境治理、区域可持续发展等实践方面起着越来越重要的指导作用 ,有必要开展深入研究 。

4)ecologic and clean-type small watershed生态清洁小流域

1.It establishes Beijingecologic and clean-type small watersheds monitoring index system by taking anecologic and clean-type small watershed as an object of study.以生态清洁小流域为研究对象,构建了北京市生态清洁小流域水生态环境监测指标体系。

2.Buildingecologic and clean-type small watersheds proceeding from beginning with optimized land use allocation is of an important way to protect regional water and land resources and prevent and control the deterioration of ecologic environment.从优化土地利用配置入手建设生态清洁小流域,是保护区域水土资源、防治生态环境退化的重要途径。

5)Basin eco-security流域生态安全

6)watershed eco-sensitivity流域生态敏感性

1.Based on the analysis of internal and external watershed ecology, the concept ofwatershed eco-sensitivity was proposed.在分析国内外流域生态研究状况的基础上,提出流域生态敏感性概念,针对流域内可能出现的各种生态问题及其敏感性,结合流域特点,建立流域生态敏感性评价指标体系,探讨运用GIS技术对流域生态敏感性进行综合评价的方法,提出流域生态敏感性区划。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
