300字范文 > 立地类型小区 site type plot英语短句 例句大全

立地类型小区 site type plot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-06 08:44:46


立地类型小区 site type plot英语短句 例句大全

立地类型小区,site type plot

1)site type plot立地类型小区

1.Based on the investigation to site condition and afforestation species of hilly site subregion in Shanxi\"s westnorth basin,the control technology was determined for everysite type plot,27 afforestation modes were allocated for the site subregion,and the main 12 afforestation modes of that were introduced.在对晋西北盆地丘陵立地亚区立地条件和造林树种调查研究的基础上,确定了各个立地类型小区的治理技术,共配置造林模式27种,并对其中12种主要的造林模式进行了介绍。

2)Site types立地类型

1.Wood anatomy of Chinese fir in different site types of its southern growing district.;南带产区不同立地类型间的杉木木材解剖

2.forests under different site types,we can draw the following conclusions: site types have prominent effects on soil water content;soil water vertical variation tendency of four site types is basicall.本文通过研究不同立地类型人工刺槐林的土壤水分状况,得出立地类型对土壤含水量有显著影响;4种立地类型在同一时期土壤水分垂直变化规律基本一致,自上而下呈减少趋势;不同立地土壤水分均值大小依次为阳坡<半阳坡<半阴坡<阴坡;就平均值来看,春旱时期各立地类型土壤水分均可供应充足。

3.The results showed that CFF comprised 5 site type groups,19 site types in Liangcheng County,Inner Mongolia.结果表明,该县划分为5个立地类型组、19个立地类型,同时,建立了退耕还林立地分类体系和定量化方法,为促进退耕还林工程实现生态、社会、经济的协调发展提供了重要依据。


1.There are two site type districts and four site type subdistricts in Anyuan County and every subdistrict includes twenty-nine or sixteen site types.全县共分为两类立地类型区,四类立地类型亚区,每个亚区有29或16个立地类型。

2.Cluster analysis on site type classification of scenic forest基于聚类分析的风景林立地类型划分

3.Site Classification of Basin Regions of Middle-south Shanxi Province--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅸ)山西中南部盆地立地区立地类型的划分——山西立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅸ)

4.Site Classification of Earthy-rocky Region of East Shanxi--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅺ)山西东部土石山立地区立地类型的划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅺ)

5.Site Classification of Earthy-rocky Region of Lüliang Mountain--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅶ)山西吕梁山土石山立地区立地类型的划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅶ)

6.Site Type Division of Loess Hilly Region in the Northwest of Shanxi Province--Study on site type division and afforestation mode in Shanxi Province(Ⅲ)晋西北黄土丘陵立地区立地类型的划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅲ)

7.Study on the Afforestation Model of Semi-dry Sand Area半干旱风沙区典型立地类型造林模式研究

8.Effect of Different Site Types on Growth and Development of Siraitia Grosvenorii Tissue Cultured Seedlings;不同立地类型对罗汉果组培苗生长发育的影响

9.Biodiversity Characteristics of Eucalyptus Grandis Plantation in Different Site Types不同立地类型巨桉人工林生物多样性特征

10.A Study on the Site Type Classification in Agriculture and Pasturage Interlaced Zone of Northern Shaanxi Based on GIS基于GIS的陕北农牧交错带立地类型划分研究

11.The Study on the Difference of Terrain Feature in Different Types of Regions in the Loess Plateau黄土高原沟谷系统及立地类型分布特征研究

12.Division of Site Type and Selection of Resistant Species on Semiarid Sand Area半干旱风沙区立地类型划分与抗逆树种选择

13.Stand Classification of Loss Hilly Region in Eastern Lvliang Mountain--Stand Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅴ)吕梁山东侧黄土丘陵立地区立地划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅴ)


15.Classification and Spatial Varibility of Forestry Land Site in Fujian Based on GIS;基于GIS技术的福建省森林立地类型分类及其景观空间格局

16.Research on the Site Condition Classification and Analysis of Present Status of Land-using in Jiangjia Ravine;蒋家沟流域立地类型组划分及土地利用现状研究

17.Afforestation Models of Basin Regions of Middle-south Shanxi Province--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅹ)山西中南部盆地立地区造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅹ)

18.Study on Afforestation Mode of Hilly Site Subregion in Shanxi"s Westnorth Basin--Study on site type division and afforestation mode in Shanxi Province(Ⅳ)晋西北盆地丘陵立地亚区造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅳ)


Site types立地类型

1.Wood anatomy of Chinese fir in different site types of its southern growing district.;南带产区不同立地类型间的杉木木材解剖

2.forests under different site types,we can draw the following conclusions: site types have prominent effects on soil water content;soil water vertical variation tendency of four site types is basicall.本文通过研究不同立地类型人工刺槐林的土壤水分状况,得出立地类型对土壤含水量有显著影响;4种立地类型在同一时期土壤水分垂直变化规律基本一致,自上而下呈减少趋势;不同立地土壤水分均值大小依次为阳坡<半阳坡<半阴坡<阴坡;就平均值来看,春旱时期各立地类型土壤水分均可供应充足。

3.The results showed that CFF comprised 5 site type groups,19 site types in Liangcheng County,Inner Mongolia.结果表明,该县划分为5个立地类型组、19个立地类型,同时,建立了退耕还林立地分类体系和定量化方法,为促进退耕还林工程实现生态、社会、经济的协调发展提供了重要依据。

3)site type立地类型

1.Effects of stand density andsite types on root characteristics of Platycladus orientalis plantations in Beijing mountainous area.;林分密度和立地类型对北京山区侧柏人工林根系的影响

2.Study on the stump volume table of Fir plantation on differentsite type;不同立地类型杉木人工林伐根材积表的编制

3.Study on Afforestation Mode in Shanxi Province——Study onsite type division and afforestation mode in Shanxi Province(Ⅱ)山西省造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅱ)

4)dividing of sub-standing type立地类型亚区划分

5)Region type地区类型

6)site type group立地类型组

1.Fuzzy C-means-based classification ofsite type group;基于模糊C-均值的立地类型组划分

2.Based on field investigation and study and according to the principles and systems of site classification in Guizhou province, site sub-areas are classified by rock type,site type groups by grade and site type by the continuity and thickness of the soil in the Huajiang Karst Valley Demonstration Area.共分为2个立地小区、8个立地类型组、20个类型。



血液有形成分各种类型的血细胞虚线指示中间类型的细胞。 李瑞端绘[图]
