300字范文 > 多元非线性动力学回归 multivariate non-1inear regression英语短句 例句大全

多元非线性动力学回归 multivariate non-1inear regression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-13 15:54:15


多元非线性动力学回归 multivariate non-1inear regression英语短句 例句大全

多元非线性动力学回归,multivariate non-1inear regression

1)multivariate non-1inear regression多元非线性动力学回归

2)multivariate nonlinear regression多元非线性回归

1.Themultivariate nonlinear regression technique was used to select kinetic model of thermal decomposition of Na2SO4·0.采用多元非线性回归对Na2SO4。

2.Using multi-sensor technology,some parameters affecting the measurement of water content of crude oil are measured,and prediction models of water content of crude oil based on the methods ofmultivariate nonlinear regression and artificial neutral networks are presented,and then being improved by subsection modeling.通过多传感器技术对原油含水率测量有影响的多个参量进行测定,提出基于多元非线性回归和神经网络融合处理两种方法建立原油含水率预测模型,并采用分段建模的方法分别进行改进。

3.Amultivariate nonlinear regression model is therefore developed and,based on it,three regression equations are obtained correspondingly to show the effects of the three parameters on arc current.建立了多元非线性回归模型,得到了三个参量对弧流的回归方程。


1.Forecast of wear shield"s disc cuttersbased on multivariate nonlinear regression盾构滚刀磨损的多元非线性回归预测

2.The Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Model Based on MATLAB基于MATLAB的多元非线性回归模型

3.Asymptotical properties of generalized least squares estimation for multiple nonlinear regression models多元非线性回归模型GLS估计的渐近性质

4.Forecasting Methods of Pulping Properties of Fast-Growing Woods with Multiple Nonlinear Regression速生材制浆性能与其材性的多元非线性回归分析及预测方法

5.Using PSO Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Multiregression Based on Generalized Choquet Integrals;粒子群算法求解基于广义Choquet-积分的多元非线性回归模型

6.Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Analyses of Time Series Law to Subgrade Settlement of High-speed Railway Based on the Foundation of Layer-summation基于分层总和法的路基沉降时序规律多元非线性回归分析

7.Some problems on heteroscedasticity in multi-linear regression models;多元线性回归模型中的异方差性问题

8.Principal Components Estimate of Regression Coefficient of Multivariate Linear Regression Model;多元线性模型回归系数的主成分估计


10.Minimax estimation in multivariate linear regression model under restrictions有约束的多元线性回归模型的Minimax估计

11.Multivariate Linear Regression Modeling Method Based on the Cubic Time Series Data时序立体数据多元线性回归建模方法

12.Multiple Linear Regression Model of the Real Estate Market in China中国房地产价格的多元线性回归模型

13.Use of multi factor line regression method for hydrogical forecast多元线性回归法在水文预报中的应用


15.Admissibility for Linear Estimators to Regression Coefficients in a Multivariate Linear Models多元线性模型中回归系数的线性可容许估计

16.Multicollinearity in Multilinear Regression Models and Partial Least Squares Regression;多元线性回归中复共线问题及偏最小二乘回归分析

17.Estimators and Properties for Regression Coefficients in Multivariate Linear Model;多元线性模型回归系数的估计及其性质

18.Reliability Analysis of PBGA Based on Multiple Linear Regression and Global Sensitivity Method Integration基于多元线性回归的PBGA可靠性灵敏度分析


multivariate nonlinear regression多元非线性回归

1.Themultivariate nonlinear regression technique was used to select kinetic model of thermal decomposition of Na2SO4·0.采用多元非线性回归对Na2SO4。

2.Using multi-sensor technology,some parameters affecting the measurement of water content of crude oil are measured,and prediction models of water content of crude oil based on the methods ofmultivariate nonlinear regression and artificial neutral networks are presented,and then being improved by subsection modeling.通过多传感器技术对原油含水率测量有影响的多个参量进行测定,提出基于多元非线性回归和神经网络融合处理两种方法建立原油含水率预测模型,并采用分段建模的方法分别进行改进。

3.Amultivariate nonlinear regression model is therefore developed and,based on it,three regression equations are obtained correspondingly to show the effects of the three parameters on arc current.建立了多元非线性回归模型,得到了三个参量对弧流的回归方程。

3)nonlinear regression多元非线性回归

1.And the regressive equations that to calculate hydrogen content in Chinese anthracite is obtained by using multivariatenonlinear regression.深入研究了中国无烟煤的挥发分和氢含量的内在联系,并利用多元非线性回归分析方法推导出了计算中国主要无烟煤矿区煤的氢含量的回归方程式。

2.In this paper, a new model system is introduced, which synthetically applies time series model,nonlinear regression and combination forecasting model to forecast the change of the market price.文章通过对一套市场价格预测模型体系的介绍,综合运用时间序列模型、多元非线性回归和组合模型来预测市场价格走势,探索从多角度综合预测市场价格的问题。

4)multivariate nonlinear regressing多元非线性回归

1.By means ofmultivariate nonlinear regressing,the mathematical models between the process parameters and the objective qualities were built.使用3参数Barlat-Lian屈服准则,通过有限元软件模拟杯形件的拉深成形,获得压边力、凹模圆角半径参数与破裂、起皱、厚度最大变薄率之间关系的数据;通过多元非线性回归处理,分别建立压边力、凹模圆角半径参数与破裂、起皱、最大变薄率的目标函数模型。

5)multiple nonlinear regression多元非线性回归

1.Asymptotical properties of generalized least squares estimation formultiple nonlinear regression models多元非线性回归模型GLS估计的渐近性质

2.Maths model is built up to show the relationship of density with locating place usingmultiple nonlinear regression analysis of experimental results.根据试验数据,应用多元非线性回归方法建立了密度与摆放位置关系的数学模型,并讨论了改善烧结密度的措施。

3.In this paper,multiple nonlinear regression was used to analyze the relativities of pulping yield and chemical composition,tensile index and tearing index and fiber morphology.采用多元非线性回归方法分析速生阔叶木材的制浆得率与其化学组分、纸浆的抗张指数、撕裂指数分别与纤维形态的相关性,建立速生材制浆性能的预测模型,选取代表性的速生木材进行材性分析和制浆性能试验研究,用实测值与预测模型算出预测值进行对比。

6)multi-nonlinear regression多元非线性回归

bining BP neural network withmulti-nonlinear regression method, a frost-resistance grade prediction model, which depends on the main mix parameters of air-entrained concrete, was developed.在充分利用国内外已有的混凝土抗冻试验数据基础上,用人工神经网络与多元非线性回归两种建模方法相结合的途径,建立了能够反映铺面混凝土配合比参数与抗冻标号之间综合非线性关系的铺面水泥混凝土抗冻标号预估模型。

2.The network’s topological structure and its parameters evaluation method are designed by bonding the gradient GA algorithm andmulti-nonlinear regression so as to avoid getting into infinitesimal locally effectively and keep the merits of high prediction precision and rapid convergence so as to enhance the measurement accuracy.实验表明:应用小波神经网络多元非线性回归方法的含水率测量值与真实值间相对误差均方差为0。


