300字范文 > 测控专业 measurement control and instrument英语短句 例句大全

测控专业 measurement control and instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-16 10:39:03


测控专业 measurement control and instrument英语短句 例句大全

测控专业,measurement control and instrument

1)measurement control and instrument测控专业

1.The course group of instrument technology is constructed as core courses ofmeasurement control and instrument specialty according to the roles and characteristics of regional university.根据地方院校的特点和定位,扬州大学将测控专业的仪器仪表类课程作为重点建设的课程。


1.The Correlation Analysis of Graduation Project Choosing for Measuring and Control Technology and Instruments我校测控专业毕业设计选题关联度分析

2.On the innovation of the manufacturing practice mode and the cultivation of innovative ability in Measuring & Control Technology and Instruments;测控专业生产实习模式改革与创新能力培养

3.Course Optimization of Digital Image Processing in Measure-Control Technology测控专业“数字图像处理”课程体系优化研究

4.Research on the Coordinating System for the Course of Signal and System for Measuring and Controlling Specialty测控专业“信号与系统”课程的教学统筹和整合

5.Study and Practice of Teaching in Control & Instrument Specialty测控技术与仪器专业教学研究与实践

6.Improving Creativity of Undergraduate Students of Measurement Control and Instrument Specialty;提高测控技术与仪器专业学生创新能力的探索

7.Research on the integrated optimization of the specialized curriculum system of Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument Specialty;测控技术与仪器专业课程体系整体优化研究

8.Considering and Improvements in the Laboratory Education of Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations;测控技术与仪器专业实验教学的思考与改革

9.The discussion about characteristics of running a school in the specialty of measurement and control technical and instrument;我校测控技术与仪器专业办学特色探讨

10.Educator/employer partnerships and Indoor Air Examination and Control Technique program;室内检测与控制技术专业工学结合人才培养模式的探索

11.Course development of the two-year college program Indoor Air Examination and Control Techniques;两年制“室内检测与控制技术”专业课程开发方法的探索

12.Forecasting and controlling balance of supply and demand of logistics major graudates in China;中国高校物流类专业人才培养的供求平衡预测与控制

13.The Exploration and Practice of Measurement and Control Technology & Instrument Professional Training Model;测控技术与仪器专业人才培养模式的探索与实践

14.Research and Practice of Application-oriented Talents Cultivation on Measure and Control Technology and Instrument Specialty;测控技术与仪器专业应用型人才培养研究与实践

15.A Study and Practice on Sensor-course Curriculum in Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument Specialty测控技术与仪器专业传感器系列课程的研究与实践

16.Construction and Practice of Application-oriented Talents Cultivation of Measure & Control Technology and Instrument Specialty测控技术与仪器专业应用型人才培养体系的构建与实施

17.Constructing the Practice Teaching Architecture for State-Level Feature Specialty of "Measurement,Control Technology and Instrumentation"建设国家级测控技术与仪器专业的实践教学体系

18.The Research and Practice of Measurement-Control Technology and Instrument Professional Training Mode测控技术与仪器专业人才培养模式的研究与实践


measurement-control technology and instrumentation specialty测控技术与仪器专业

1.Signal and linear system is a very much important fundamental course formeasurement-control technology and instrumentation specialty.信号与线性系统是测控技术与仪器专业的一门十分重要的专业基础课,该课程将物理问题与数学表达和论证相结合,具有数学推导多、理论性强、难学、枯燥等公认的特点。

3)numerical control数控专业

1.To meet the system of 2-year-talent ofnumerical control in nedds of the professional teaching reform,the authors have established the talent training scheme of making the higher professional educational technical application special field ofnumerical control for 2 years,and have introduced the characteristic of this training scheme in detail.为适应二年制高职数控专业教学改革的需要,为国家培养大批数控技术应用领域技能型紧缺人才,制定了二年制高职数控技术应用专业的人才培养方案,并介绍了该方案的特色和近期工作重点。

2.The present paper introduces how to use Pro/E as an aid in the teaching ofnumerical control.数控专业的基础课程是数控加工的根基,专业课程是数控加工的主干。

4)numerical control specialty数控专业

1.The reform of curriculum model ofnumerical control specialty should pursue synthesis,modularization and integration.中职数控专业课程模式改革应追求综合化、模块化和一体化。

2.The construction of composite teaching system ofnumerical control specialty should definitude and orientate educational objective and practising ability objective of the specialty,then establish ability goals,method and content of practising teaching,the last step is to set teaching order reasonably according to the function and interrelation of the sub-goals.高职数控专业复合化教学体系的构建,首先应明确定位专业培养目标、实践能力目标,然后有针对性地确定能力目标、实践教学的方法和内容,再根据子目标的作用与相互联系,合理设置教学顺序。

3.There exist many problems in the practice teaching innumerical control specialty in higher vocational schools,such as the lack of infrastructure and teaching staff.高职院校数控专业实践教学中存在设备不足、师资匮乏等问题,构建“校企互动实践教学模式”。

5)process control speciality过控专业

6)instrument control specialty仪控专业


抽油机井成组变频测控技术抽油机井成组变频测控技术(以下称成组变频技术),是以抽油机井电能图测试技术、抽油机井智能测控技术和共直流母线变频节能技术等三项技术为核心的新型油田节能测控技术。系统是按照我国石油开发行业地域分块、管理分层的特点,针对油田自然与社会环境恶劣的实际情况而开发的,具有先进可靠、方便实用的特点。 成组变频方案由一个井组动力中心和井组测控中心组成,二者通过有线调制方式进行通信。 井组动力中心有一个整流回馈单元和一个变频器组,这些设备通过直流母线联在一起。每一口抽油机井都可以单独测控,控制每一口井的冲次,但在一个井组内的所有抽油机井的直流电部分是连接在一起的。 由于抽油机井是一个变动的负载,每一时刻的功率都是在变化的,大部分时间在耗电,但总有一段时间处在发电状态。 对于抽油机井所发的电,在一般抽油机井变频拖动方案中,这一部分电能是通过能耗制动的方式消耗了(电能消耗在制动电阻里,引起发热)。如果每一口井都配备一套电能回馈单元成本又太高,而在成组变频方案中,所有井的直流母线是连接在一起的,其中一些口井所发的电别的井可以利用,由于抽油机井发电总是少于耗电,所以一个井组内大部分井是处在耗电状态,井组总体来说不会发电,就算偶尔有发电现象,也可以通过整流及回馈单元将电能回送电网,而不会引起电能浪费。 井组测控中心的工业控制计算机,通过油井诊断分析得出泵功图,根据泵功图的分析得出油井的实际工作状况,对比给定的控制方案进而实现对抽油机井的优化控制。如果存在供液不足就可以降低冲次,如果有井卡、杆断或其它故障而可以停抽报警。这样不断能降低能耗,有利于抽油机井的安全生产,并且可能在摸清油井供液规律的情况下实现优化控制达到高产稳产的目的。
