300字范文 > 非正规教育 informal education英语短句 例句大全

非正规教育 informal education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-25 01:54:43


非正规教育 informal education英语短句 例句大全

非正规教育,informal education

1)informal education非正规教育


1.literacy and post-literacy non-formal education识字和识字后非正规教育

2.It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning.它既包括在学校所受的正规教育,也包括一切非正规教育。

3.Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence.接受比较非正规教育的人可以学习专业技能。

4.Adolescent girls condition of receiving informal training--ACWF/DFID program survey in Gansu province;西部失辍学大龄女童接受非正规教育的状况——中英大龄女童合作伙伴项目甘肃点调查

5."Informal" Old-age Education and Social Participation of the Elderly“非正规”老年教育与老年人社会参与

6.Exploration on the Equivalent Diploma Accreditation between Formal Education and Informal Education in China;中国非正规高等教育与正规高等教育同等学历认证探索

7.full-time (regular) education全日制(正规)教育

8.The Character Analysis of Education and Training for Informal Employment Labor Force;非正规就业劳动力教育培训的产品性质分析

9.Informal Regulation Study on Accreditation Institution of Higher Education In USA;美国高等教育认证制度的非正式规则分析

10.He was uneducated.他未受过正规教育。

11.The Significant and Implementation Strategy of Informal Science Educating Activities in Kindergartens幼儿园非正规性科学教育活动的意义及实施策略

12.Having had no formal education or instruction.没有受过正规的教育或教导的

13.The Re-establishing of Maksimov’s Pedagogy in the Normalization of Oil Painting Teaching: Studies on Higher Education of Fine Arts in the 1950s;油画教育正规化重建中的“马训班”教学

14.normal [ anomalous ] Zeeman正规[非正规]塞曼效应

15.twilight economy非正规经济(活动)

16.As a child, he was unable to obtain a formal education.小时候,他没能得到正规的教育。

17.Never let formal education get in the way of your learning.“不要让正规教育阻挡你学习的路。”

18.Based on formal education.基础理论的以正规教育为基础的


non-formal education非正规教育

1.As an important part of lifelong education system,non-formal education has the function which formal education cannot be substituted.知识经济的到来,终身教育理念日益深入人心,作为终身教育体系的重要组成部分,非正规教育具有正规教育所不可替代的作用,越来越受到人们的重视。

3)non-regular education非正规教育

1.And then, based on practice ofnon-regular education at home and abroad and a successful case ofnon-regular education oriented to children of farmer workers, the Fourth Ring Play Group, it points out thatnon-regular education has inignorable significance and value for the development of children education.本文探讨了非正规教育的背景和含义,结合国内外非正规教育的实践和“四环游戏小组”这一面向农民工子女的非正规教育成功案例分析,指出非正规教育在幼教事业发展中具有不容忽视的意义和价值。

4)informal science education非正规科学教育

5)nonformula preschool education非正规学前教育

1.Thenonformula preschool education is a kind of systematical education activity which built for 0-6 year-old children unable to receive formal education.非正规学前教育是以无法接受正规学前教育的0—6岁儿童为对象,根据儿童的需求来确定教育的内容和形式,运用环境中一切资源,为其提供有组织、有系统的教育性活动。

6)non-regular children"s education非正规幼儿教育


