300字范文 > 止水材料 sealing material英语短句 例句大全

止水材料 sealing material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-10 05:43:10


止水材料 sealing material英语短句 例句大全

止水材料,sealing material

1)sealing material止水材料

1.The capability and application ofsealing material for expansion joint;伸缩缝止水材料的性能及应用

2.In order to solve the water—leaked and life—span problems of the expansion joint ssealing materials of hlgh—head steel penstock, we have done plenty of experiment and research work and wed them in practice, having a good effect.为了解决高水头压力钢管伸缩节止水材料的漏水和寿命问题,进行了实验研究,在实际工程中运用取得良好效果。

3.As the sealing and reinforcing approach is not in place,thesealing materials are easy to migrate and distort in the pouring process.采用模板拼装加固措施来固定止水材料,同时,止水材料按设计规定进行合理搭接,施工过程中对止水材料严格保护,能有效的解决止水材料的偏移和变形扭曲。


1.The research of sealing materials and sealing structure of expansion joint in the large scale aqueduct大型渡槽伸缩缝止水材料与结构研究

2.Application of Malishan E in Slurry-injection to Prevent Water新型材料马丽散E在井筒注浆止水中的应用

3.A material used to prevent leakage or seepage, as around a pipe joint.密封圈用来防止漏水或渗漏的一种材料,如水管的接合处

4.A structure of stonework, cement, or other material built to retain a flow of water.堤为阻止水流而以石头、水泥或其他建筑材料建造的建筑物

5.Are fixtures, ducts, and overhead pipes installed to prevent drippage into product and materials?是否有吊顶管路等装置来防止凝聚滴水污染产品和材料?

6.Made of or coated or treated with rubber, plastic, or a sealing agent to prevent penetration by water.用防水材料处理过的以防止漏水而用橡胶、塑料或粘结剂制作、覆盖或处理过的

7.cementitious and reactive waterproofing水泥基及改性防水材料

8.These textile materials act as a barrier to the movement of soil particles but permit the flow of water necessary for adequate drainage.这些纺织材料相当于一道屏障,它阻止了土壤颗粒的运动,但允许水的流动,以利于排水。

9.Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes禁止生产武器用可裂变材料

10.[Objective] To select an effective nasal cavity packing hemostasia material in endoscopic sinus surgery.目的选择有效的鼻腔填塞止血材料。

11.Production has come to a complete halt owing to the lack of raw materials.由于缺少原材料,生产已全部停止。

12.Confine fire spark range with fire proof sheet.用防火材料制成防火屏防止火花喷射。

13.Research status of biomedical absorbable hemostatic agents生物医用可吸收止血材料的研究现状

14.The Study and Clinical Application of Absorbable Hemostatic Agent体内可吸收止血材料研究及临床应用

15.Production and application of thrust bearing,and guide bearing made of filled PTFE in submarine motor pump are introduced.介绍了潜水泵中止推轴承与导向轴承用填充聚四氟乙烯材料进行的生产和应用。

16.garden hose of textile materials浇水带,纺织材料制成

17.fire-hose of textile materials灭火水龙带,纺织材料制

18.Insulation used to prevent heat diffusion, as from a steam pipe.绝热材料用来防止热量散失的绝热材料,如从蒸汽输送管上


waterstop material止水材料

1.The three-parameters rheology equation of viscoelasticity of rubberwaterstop material is formulated by use of constitutive model of differential coefficient.给出了用微分型本构模型研究橡胶类止水材料粘弹性的三参量流变公式。

3)Water sealant止水材料

4)seal material止水材料

1.This article introduces the procedures of peripheral joint sealing construction and its quality control in Yinzidu concrete face rockfill dam,especially presents the structure of peripheral joint and new construction technology ofseal material.通过对引子渡水电站钢筋混凝土面板堆石坝周边缝止水施工过程及质量控制方法的介绍,特别是介绍引子渡电站周边缝结构和新的止水材料施工内容熏为高混凝土面板堆石坝周边缝的设计与施工提供一些可借鉴的经验。

5)GB material for stopping waterGB止水材料

6)SR sealing materialSR止水材料

1.The cause of concrete fissure on face rock fill dam of Dongba Hydropower Station is studied,and it is determined to useSR sealing material to solve the problem.通过对洞巴水电站面板堆石坝混凝土裂缝的原因进行详细分析,确定采用SR止水材料的处理措施。


