300字范文 > 舞蹈艺术教育 dancing art education英语短句 例句大全

舞蹈艺术教育 dancing art education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-07 13:48:11


舞蹈艺术教育 dancing art education英语短句 例句大全

舞蹈艺术教育,dancing art education

1)dancing art education舞蹈艺术教育

1.This paper analyzes the status ofdancing art education in quality education of higher vocational college,expounds the important role ofdancing art education in quality education of vocational college,and further puts forward the ways to developdancing art education in quality education of higher vocational college.剖析高职素质教育中舞蹈艺术教育的现状,阐述高职素质教育中舞蹈艺术教育的重大意义及作用,提出高职素质教育中舞蹈艺术教育的发展途径。


1.Study on Dancing Art Education in Quality Education of Higher Vocational College;高职素质教育中舞蹈艺术教育的探索

2.The Practice Research of Dancing Art Education In Promoting All-round Development of Physical and Mental of The University Students舞蹈艺术教育促进大学生身心全面发展的实践研究

3.Coexistence of Diversity and Beauty of "Unity" and "Harmony"--On aesthetic thought of the military dance education兼容并蓄“中和为美”——军旅舞蹈艺术教育美学思想之观照

4.Easyly Common Dance Education of University Together with Artistic Quality Education of University Student are Discussed;浅议高校公共舞蹈教学与大学生艺术素质教育

5.Emphasize the Folk Dancing Quality and Improve the Qualitative Education of Art in Universities;重视民族民间舞蹈素养 促进高校艺术素质教育

6.A Research on Current Situation and Countermeasures to Establishment of Dance Courses in the Major of Physical Education of Chinese Colleges;我国高校体育教育专业开设舞蹈艺术课程的现状及对策研究

7.Dances: Dances of Human Life -- On the Artistic Characteristics of Dances;舞蹈 人类生命之舞——谈舞蹈的艺术特色

8.Reform of the Dance Teaching in Performance Colleges Should Advance with Time;艺术院校舞蹈教学改革必须与时俱进

9.Study of Experssive Ability of Professional Players of Latin Dance;体育舞蹈拉丁舞专业选手艺术表现能力研究

10.An Analysis of the Non-tech. Problems Affecting Dancing Skills of Sports Dancers;试析影响体育舞蹈选手舞蹈技艺的几个非技术性问题

11.Especially the Buddhist dances added greatly to the development of Chinese dance art.尤其是佛教舞蹈活动,对我国舞蹈艺术的发展曾起过重大的作用。

12.Primitive Dance and Primitive Religious Worship:The Development and Ultimate Pursuit of the Culture and Art of Dance;原生态舞蹈与原始宗教崇拜——舞蹈文化艺术的发展与终极追求

13.The reviewers lauded the ballet troupe for its terpsichorean artistry.评论家称赞舞蹈团员的舞蹈艺术。

14.My Life for the Art of Dance《我的舞蹈艺术生涯》

15.College Sports Teaching Art "harmonious teaching of" Research and Practice--Teaching dance to college sports as an example;高校体育艺术类教学中“和谐教学法”的研究与实践——以高校体育舞蹈教学为例

16.On the Dance Curriculum Reform of Higher Normal School Dance Education Specialty in China;高师舞蹈教育专业舞蹈课程改革刍议

17.Athletics and Art:on the Dual Value Orientation of Sports Dance in China;竞技与艺术:论我国体育舞蹈的双重价值取向



dance education in Shanghai上海舞蹈艺术教育

1.The dissertation gives the priority to the discussion on the status ofdance education in Shanghai through the fieldwork in Dance school of Shanghai Theatre Academy and the affiliated dance school of Shanghai Theatre Academy, together with the comparison between the dance education in the USA and in China to raise a proper cultivating pattern of dance artists in Shanghai.通过理论阐述与实地探访调研相结合的方式,本文选取上海戏剧学院舞蹈学院和附属舞蹈学校为例,以调查上海舞蹈艺术教育大学本科阶段与中专阶段现状为主,结合中美舞蹈艺术教育对比和国内舞蹈艺术教育现状分析,初步探索适合上海舞蹈艺术教育的定位和教学模式。

3)dancing art舞蹈艺术

1.The present condition of thedancing art in Henan Province and measures for its development;河南省舞蹈艺术的现状及发展对策

2.A brief analysis ondancing art of Umesiben Mama满族萨满史诗《乌布西奔妈妈》中舞蹈艺术浅析

3.According to the influences of dancing on the athletic origin and Chinese ancient athleticd development, an important place held bydancing art in Chinese ancient sports from the origin and development of movement forms to the purposes and results of movement and so on, and its evolution and development are clarified.根据舞蹈对体育运动的起源和我国古代体育运动产生与发展的影响 ,论述了舞蹈艺术在我国古代体育运动中 ,从运动形式的产生与发展到运动目的与结果诸方面所发挥的重大作用 ,其演变与发展是我国古代体育运动在方法和形式上的重要载体之


1.As the cream of human culture,dance plays a special role in humanistic e- ducation.作为人类文化结晶的舞蹈艺术在人文素质教育中有着不可替代的特殊作用。

5)Dance art舞蹈艺术

1.On the differences and similarities between dance art and basketball art试论舞蹈艺术与篮球艺术的异同

6)dancing education舞蹈教育

1.The relationship between thedancing education and the multi-inte llectual development;舞蹈教育与多元智能发展的关系

2.According to this concept,indancing education,priority should be given to training professional skills of dancing.这是因长期经验式教学所形成的思维惯性带来的必然结果,认为舞蹈教育的课程结构主要是突出专业教育“高、精、尖”的技能特征即可。

3.With the development of innovation in basic art education, the function of thedancing education has drawn much attention from the art education field.舞蹈在基础艺术教育中的作用已越来越得到艺术教育界普遍关注,但是作为培养基础艺术教育师资的高师舞蹈教育却并不令人乐观,具体体现在舞蹈课程定位不准、师资力量薄弱、教学内容缺乏针对性等诸多方面。


