300字范文 > 概念层次 concept hierarchy英语短句 例句大全

概念层次 concept hierarchy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-15 11:26:22


概念层次 concept hierarchy英语短句 例句大全

概念层次,concept hierarchy

1)concept hierarchy概念层次

1.The algorithm of generatingconcept hierarchy of digital field;连续值属性的概念层次自动提取算法

2.Newconcept hierarchy optimization method in attribute-oriented induction;一种新的面向属性归纳中概念层次技术研究

3.Contrast research of Chinese domain ontologyconcept hierarchy induction methods中文领域本体概念层次获取方法对比研究


1.Building ontology concept hierarchy by restrict relations of concept attribute利用概念属性的约束关系构建本体论概念层次

2.Research of XML Data Mining Based on Concept Hiberarchy Tree基于概念层次树的XML数据挖掘研究


4.Classify Algorithm Based on Normal Partition Distance at Multiple Concept Levels;多概念层次上基于赋范划分距离的分类算法

5.The Re classifying and Recognitition of the Basic Accounting Postulates;会计基本假设:概念层次辨析与重新认识

6.Contrast research of Chinese domain ontology concept hierarchy induction methods中文领域本体概念层次获取方法对比研究

7.Investigation of Concept Hierarchy Classification Based on the Model of Fuzzy Statistical Analysis基于模糊统计分析模型的概念层次分类研究

8.Research on a Data Mining Algorithm Based on Conception Hierarchy Tree and Its Application in CRM;基于概念层次树的数据挖掘算法及在CRM中的应用

9.Web Concept Mining Based on Text Layer Model;基于文本层次模型的Web概念挖掘研究

10.On the Implications of Justice and Different Levels of Justice;论公正概念的内涵和公正的领域层次

11.Liquidity: Concept Evolution,Hierarchical Difference and Internal Connection;流动性:概念演进、层次差异及内在联系

12.The new Course Observes the Step Analysis Going down Mathematics Concept Teaching;新课程观下数学概念教学的层次分析

13.Concept,Connotation and Organization of Firm s Safety Management Capability;企业安全管理能力的概念、内涵与层次

14.The method of literary creation and the principle of literrary creatien:concepts of different gradation;创作方法与创作原则:不同层次的概念

15.This article puts forward the concepts of the gradation and the family network of senior-citizen support.本文提出养老的层次性和养老家庭网概念。

16.Thus, different levels of abstraction may characterize the concept of theory.因此?抽象的不同层次可能描述理论的概念。

17.New Interpretations of the Structural Theory of Five Product Levels──A two way dynamic product concept;产品五层次结构理论新解──双向动态的产品概念

18.Governance: Origins, Concepts and Extensionon the Global Level;管治的起源、概念及其在全球层次的延伸


concept hierarchies概念层次

1.When primitive databases accessed are either undesirable or unavailable, this model can return approximate answers using generalized databases andconcept hierarchies stored at mobile units.提出了一个使用概括数据库的位置相关查询处理模型,当被访问的原始数据库不合适或不可用时,该查询处理模型能用缓存在移动设备中的概念层次和概括数据库返回近似查询。

3)conception hierarchy概念层次

1.Research on Data Mining Algorithm Based on Conception Hierarchy Tree and Its Application;基于概念层次树的数据挖掘算法及应用研究

2.A high-speed mining algorithm for multiple-leveled association rules is imposed in this paper, which uses samples to mining from a cer-taim intermediate level of theconception hierarchy, to increase speed of mining.本文提出了多层次关联规则的一种快速挖掘算法,利用抽样从概念层次树的中间开始挖掘,以提高挖掘的速度。

4)concept hierarchy tree概念层次树

1.This paper improves traditional collaborative filtering algorithm,proposes a new user profile based onconcept hierarchy tree,which can make recommender systems still work even when users have no common rating items.改进了传统的协同过滤算法,提出了基于概念层次树的用户模型,利用该模型进行协同运算,使系统在用户共同评分项极其稀疏时也能产生推荐。

5)concept level tree概念层次树

1.It’s basic idea is to be construct theconcept level tree by the database and the Web log,accords to express the itemsets support of the crossover level by application the interval support, and gives to mining multilevel association rule by application the method of the level tree pruning and the increment renewal.提出了一个快速有效的增量更新挖掘多层关联规则算法MLARU,其基本思想是通过数据库和Web日志构建概念层次树,采用区间支持度的方法表示交叉层次的项集支持度,并采用根据层次树剪枝和增量更新的方法来挖掘多层关联规则。

6)conception hierarchy tree概念层次树

1.Method ofconception hierarchy tree construction based on qualitative mapping;基于定性映射模型的概念层次树构建方法


爱情追求层次爱情追求层次levels of seeking love爱情追求层次(levels of seeking 10ve)爱情追求由低到高的不同水平,共有五层:(l)性欲层。爱情追求的最低层次,为人的自然属性,仅以发生性关系为目的、一般表现为两类:一是使对_方乐十与自己发生性关系;一二是违背对方的意志而强行发生性关系。后者是一种兽性,仅仅是性欲,而不叫爱情。但正常的爱情是应有性欲的成分,没有性欲的爱情,柏拉图式的精神恋爱,不能看作是正常的完美的爱情。当然,在性欲的生理基础上,爱情有它更高的追求层次,有它更深刻的意义。(2)占有层。爱情追求的第_-层次,指为满足自己对被爱对象长期亲近、交合的目的,而力图将对方占为己有的心理倾向。它比性欲高一层,不单单局限在对被爱对象的性满足,尚需要给对方或受对方爱抚、怜浩,但仍属一种自私的欲望,因为基本l不为对方着想。(3)偶合层。爱情追求的第三层,是一种渴望与被爱一方在肉体上、经济上、精神上结合的强烈的心理倾向,是处于热恋中的青年人多能达到的追求层次。他(她)能为对方作些牺牲,但仍以个人的满足为圆心,给予对方的幸福,也是围绕着个人设想出来的生活蓝图,因此,总是不自觉地勉强对方,而以和他(她)结合为最终目的。(4)替代层。爱情追求的第四层,指在爱情进展中,特别在挫折时,总是从被爱者的角度,设身处地为被爱者着想,竭力充当被爱者的角色的一种高尚的心理倾向。(5)无私层。爱情追求的第五层,也是最高层。指对被爱者的理想、事业、前途及眼前爱情现状、所遇挫折、将付代价等作通盘、全面考虑,只为对方着想,愿意为对方牺牲一切的无私心理境界。(周菊花撰茜奋嘉审)
