300字范文 > 城乡社会断裂 the broken of urban and rural social structure英语短句 例句大全

城乡社会断裂 the broken of urban and rural social structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-02 12:16:58


城乡社会断裂 the broken of urban and rural social structure英语短句 例句大全

城乡社会断裂,the broken of urban and rural social structure

1)the broken of urban and rural social structure城乡社会断裂


1.The Study of Fiscal Expenditure on the Broken of Urban and Rural Social Structure in China基于城乡社会断裂的中国财政支出政策研究

2.On the Urban and Rural Distribution of Sports Industry Caused by a Structural Split between Urban and Rural Society in China中国城乡社会结构性断裂引发的体育产业城乡布局思考

3.Specious Rupture Rural Society of China“似断裂非断裂”的中国乡村社会

4.The Judge Class in Rifted Society--Conflict between the Local Judges and the Professional Judges断裂社会下的法官阶层——乡土法官与职业法官的冲突

5.Strengthen Urban-rural Relating and Plan Urban-rural Economic and Social Development as a Whole;加强城乡关联 统筹城乡社会经济发展

6.Resident Social Relation Network s Cleavage and Reconstruction in the Removal of City;城市房屋拆迁过程中居民社会关系网络的断裂与重构

7.Villages in City:a Connective Area of Rifted Society--a Case Study of Haojia Village in Xi’an;“城中村”:断裂社会的连接带——基于西安市“郝家村”的个案研究

8.We should develop social relief and welfare programs in urban and rural areas.发展城乡社会救济和社会福利事业。

9.Evolvement and Discontinuities: The Dynamic and Structural Analysis of the Interaction between the City and the Countryside;嬗变与断裂:城乡互动的动态性和结构性分析

10.Analysis on Effects of Financial Revenue and Expenditure on Income Gap Between Urban and Countryside财政收支对我国城乡收入断裂的影响分析

11.Income Gap Will be Drminished by Overall Planing Economic Development Between Urban and Rural Area;统筹城乡经济社会发展 缩小城乡居民收入差距

12.Change Urban and Rural Dual Social Structure, Realize Their Harmonious Development;改变城乡二元社会结构 实现城乡协调发展

13.Abolish Dual-structure Society of Rural and Urban Areas and Integrate the Nation"s Rural and Urban Economic Society into One破除城乡二元结构,实现城乡经济社会一体化

14.Overall Planning the Development of the Urban and Rural Economy Society;Constructing Modern Civilization and Harmonious Society;统筹城乡经济社会发展 构建社会主义和谐社会

15.How should developing countries change the backward economic situation in rural area caused by the dualistic structure in urban and rural areas?城乡二元结构包括城乡二元经济结构和城乡二元社会结构。

16.Investigation Report on Community Sport Organization of Cities and Villages in China;我国城乡社区社会体育组织调研报告

mittee on Socio-Economic Measures to Alleviate Poverty in Rural and Urban Areas城乡扶贫社会经济措施委员会

18.The Rupture of the Rationality--Discussion on the Science and Technology in the Risk Society;理性的断裂——论风险社会中的科学技术


structural split between urban and rural society城乡社会的结构性断裂

3)rifted society断裂社会

4)social break社会断裂

1.The sociological scholars pay special attention to the unharmonious relations of social classes,proposes some issues about the social repelled=nce,the socialdeprivation,social break and so on.社会学学者们特别关注社会阶层关系的不和谐,提出了社会排斥、社会剥夺和社会断裂等概念来说明这一问题。

5)urban-rural income Fracture城乡收入断裂

6)Social development in urban and rural areas城乡社会发展


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
