300字范文 > 英语专业自考生 SEMs英语短句 例句大全

英语专业自考生 SEMs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-20 15:10:28


英语专业自考生 SEMs英语短句 例句大全



1.In addition,SEMs’pragmatic competence also exist some deficiencies, such as the lack of pragmatic knowledge and the scarcity of pragmatic awareness, etc.另外,英语专业自考生的英语语用能力也存在一些明显缺陷,如缺乏语用知识,语用意识不足,等等。


1.SEMs" Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation: A Correlation Analysis英语专业自考生英语语用能力与学习动机相关性研究

2.Association Strategy Training in English Major Self-Taught Students Vocabulary Learning;英语专业自考生联想词汇学习策略培训

3.Investigation of Learning s Autonomy of the Freshmen as non - English Majors;非英语专业新生英语自主学习现状分析与思考

4.Problems in College Students" Autonomous Study and Teaching Strategy非英语专业大学生英语自主学习现状与思考

5.A Probe into the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Self-studyExaminations by the Three-year-college Students;英语专业在校大专生参加本科自考利弊研究

6.Self-Taught English Major Students Vocabulary Learning Strategies;英语专业自考助学生词汇学习策略调查

7.Survey of Learning Autonomy and Thoughts on Improving It;英语专业学生自主学习能力的现状、思考与对策

8.A Study on Non-English Majors" Autonomous English Learning Capability and Its Correlation with CET-4非英语专业大学生英语自主学习能力及与四级考试相关性研究

9.Practice and Reflection on Non-English Major Graduate Oral English Teaching;非英语专业研究生英语口语教学的思考与实践

10.Present Situation and Reflection of Non-English Majors Oral English;非英语专业学生的英语口语现状及思考

11.The English oral test of college entrance examination, a obligatory test to candidates majored in English and specialized subjects relevant to English for an entrance examination, has been greatly attached importance to.英语高考口试作为英语专业考生和与英语有关专业考生录取的必考科目已越来越受到重视。

12.A Survey on the English Vocabularies of the Freshmen of English Major and the Reflections on English Reading Teaching;师专英语专业新生英语词汇量调查与英语阅读教学的思考

13.Reflection over the reform of English teaching mode for non-English major graduates;非英语专业研究生英语教学模式改革与思考

14.The Reflection of Non-English-Major Postgraducate English Teaching Under New Circumstances;新形势下非英语专业研究生英语教学的思考

15.An Investigation and Reflection on Non-English Major Students Knowledge of English Literature;对非英语专业学生英语文学知识的调查与思考

16.An Investigation into Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Non-English Majors;非英语专业学生大学英语词汇学习策略思考

17.Non-English Majors Improper Use of Dictionaries and Some Countermeasures;非英语专业大学生使用英语辞典的误区及思考

18.The Survey of Non-English Major Students Reading Situation and its Reflection;非英语专业学生英语阅读现状调查与思考


English majors英语专业生

1.Translation is one of the basic language skills that are required to be mastered byEnglish majors in their undergraduate study.翻译是英语专业生必须掌握的基本技能,但由于涉及作者、译者、读者等多个交际因素,翻译技能对有较好的双语功底和跨文化背景的英语专业本科生仍不易掌握。


4)junior college English majors专科英语专业生

5)English major Oral English course exams英语专业口语课程考试

6)speciality English for automation自动化专业英语

1.The characteristic and status of teaching ofspeciality English for automation major in vocational colleges have been analyzed.分析高职自动化专业英语教学的特点及现状,阐述项目式教学的内涵及意义,并详细分析项目式教学实施的原则。


