300字范文 > 幼儿文学 infant literature英语短句 例句大全

幼儿文学 infant literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-23 15:44:02


幼儿文学 infant literature英语短句 例句大全

幼儿文学,infant literature

1)infant literature幼儿文学

1.The characteristics ofinfant literature itself decide on the peculiar position in infant school education.幼儿文学本身的特点决定了它在幼儿教育中的独特地位,幼儿文学是幼儿园整合课程实现诸多教育目标的平台,其作品是对幼儿进行传统文化教育的载体。

pared with that of adult literature,the use of personification ininfant literature is of distinctive uniqueness.较之于成人文学,拟人在幼儿文学中的运用具有鲜明的独特性。

3.The paper discusses the esthetical characteristics of theinfant literature from the psychological feature of infant.文章从幼儿的审美心理特征探讨了幼儿文学的美学特征,幼儿情趣是幼儿文学的美学特质,使幼儿文学显示出迥异于其它文学的美学特征。


1.Literature for Children and Children s Development--on the Status and Function of Children Literature Course in Preschool Normal Education;幼儿文学与幼儿发展——幼儿师范学校幼儿文学课程的定位与构建

2.Infant Literary Work and Infant Mental Development Relational Inquisition;幼儿文学作品和幼儿心智发展的关系探究

3.Attach Importance to the Platform Contruction Effects of Preschool-Children Literature in Preschool Education;重视幼儿文学在幼儿教育中的平台构建作用

4.A Promising Artistic Stage for Children s Literature:Implications of Contemporary Children s Literature outside China;幼儿文学:可能的艺术空间——当代外国幼儿文学给我们的启示

5.Preschool Literature Education: from Theory of Knowledge to Theory of Being;幼儿文学教育:从认识论走向存在论

6.Attach Importance to the Special Effect of Infant Literature in Pre-School Integreted courses;幼儿文学在学前整合课程中的特殊作用

7.Give the Child a Wonderful World--Analysing the Creation Feature of Infantile Literature from Children s Psychological Character;给孩子一个缤纷的世界——从儿童心理特征看幼儿文学的创作特点

8.On the Personification Features of the Primeval Thought,Children Thought and Infant Literature;论原始思维、儿童思维与幼儿文学的拟人特征——兼与成人文学拟人之比较

9.Non-Aesthetic Tendencies and Aesthetic Guiding Principles of Infant Education for Literary Appreciation;幼儿文学欣赏教育的非审美倾向及审美指导原则

10.Maths Education for Children in China from the Angle of Sino-US Cultural Difference;从中美文化差异看中国幼儿数学教育

11.Function to Infants Cultivation from Mosuo People Folk Literature;摩梭人民间文学对其幼儿的教养作用

12.An accompaniment to‘ Lecture Notes in Paediatrics"( Meadows and Smithells, Blackwell) which demonstrates a paediatrician"s approach to examining babies, toddlers and school-age children.用正统的儿科医学方法检查婴儿、步幼儿和学龄儿童。原版英文发音。

13.Study on Application of Participation Teaching Mode for Kindergarten Teachers on Child Literature Teaching参与式教学在幼师儿童文学教学中的应用研究

14.Study on the Strategies of Kindergarten Mathematics Education under the Vision of Mathematics Culture;数学文化视野下的幼儿园数学教育策略研究

15.A Study of the Family Cultural Capital and Young Children"s Mathematics Learning家庭文化资本及其对幼儿数学学习的影响研究

16.Literature-Based Toddler Language Curriculum;以文学作品为框架设计幼儿语言教育课程

17.The Study Type Organization Theory and the Reconstruction of Kindergarten-based Education Research Culture;学习型组织理论对幼儿园教研文化重建的启示

18.The New Perspectives of Social Ecological Theory in Child Development;幼儿发展的社会文化生态学理论的新进展


preschool literature education幼儿文学教育

1.The major shortcomings of the theory of knowledge applied inpreschool literature education lie in the emphasis on the conflict of subject and object, and the emphasis on the importance of knowledge.幼儿文学教育认识论倾向的主要缺陷在于强调主客体二元对立和知识中心主义取向。

3)Infant literary works幼儿文学作品

4)children"s culture幼儿文化

5)children"s literature appreciation education幼儿文学欣赏教育

6)misunderstandings in children"s literature appreciation education幼儿文学欣赏教育误区


