300字范文 > 远程教育工程 distance education project英语短句 例句大全

远程教育工程 distance education project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-12 23:15:11


远程教育工程 distance education project英语短句 例句大全

远程教育工程,distance education project

1)distance education project远程教育工程

1.The moderndistance education project in rural middle and primary schools of mid-west regions is the great decision that.其中中西部地区农村中小学现代远程教育工程是党中央、国务院落实西部大开发战略的重大决策。


1.Implement Distance Learning Project,Promote Open Education Development;实施远程教育工程,推动开放教育发展

2.Seize the Opportunity to Develop the Modern Tele Education Project抓机遇 促发展 积极推进现代远程教育工程

3.Discussion on progressiveness of modern distance-education project in rural primary and junior school;论“农村中小学现代远程教育工程”的先进性

4.Advice on Implement of Modern Distance Education Engineering in Countryside;对农村现代远程教育工程实施的一点建议

5.Enforce Modern Distance Education; Change The Educatonal Situation Of Nationality Areas In Sichuan;实施现代远程教育工程 改变四川民族地区教育面貌

6.Modern Forms of Distance Education and Trans-century Teacher Training Programme;现代远程教育形式与“跨世纪园丁工程”

7.Reflection on Civil Engineering CAD Course Teaching in Distance Education;关于远程教育土木工程CAD课程教学的思考

8.Value Engineering on Course Resource Development in Distance Education;运用价值工程指导远程教育课程教学资源建设

9.Differentiating & Analysing Three Essential Conceptions in Relation to Distance Education;远程教育、开放教育、远程高等教育辨析

10.On Practical Teaching Innovation in Civil Engineering Major in Distance Education;远程教育土木工程专业实践教学的创新

11.The Benefit of the Ideological and Political work in the Long-distance Higher Education;谈远程高等教育思想政治工作的效益

12.Pondering on Student Recruiting of RTVU for Distance Education;对电大远程开放教育招生工作的思考

13.Staff Training and Development in Open and Distance Learning;开放和远程教育中的员工培训与发展

14.Ponderation on the Tutors Work in Open Distance Education;远程开放教育中辅导员的工作及思考

15.Discussing something about the examining work of modern distance open education;现代远程开放教育中的考务工作浅探

16.An essay on a challenge which the trade unions will be faced in the field of correspondence long-distance education;论工会系统函授远程教育面临的挑战

17.Conception of information platform for modern long-haul education in the special field of textile engineering;纺织工程专业现代远程教育信息平台的构想

18.Exploration on the Course Evaluation of Distance Education of Shanxi TV University对山西电大远程教育课程考核工作的思考


engineering distance education工科远程教育

3)long-distance education远程教育

1.General system oflong-distance education platform;远程教育平台总体系统结构

2.Modernlong-distance education based on INTERNET;基于INTERNET的现代远程教育

3.Burm s theory of Variable Learning makes apocalypse for mend inlong-distance education in China;布卢姆的学习变量说及其对我国远程教育改革的启示

4)distance education远程教育

1.Reformation in examinations for moderndistance education;浅析现代远程教育考试改革

2.Thedistance education system based on affective computing;基于情感计算的远程教育系统

3.The construction and practice of web teaching platform fordistance education of medical nursing;内科护理学远程教育网络教学平台的构建

5)distant education远程教育

1.Technical analysis and functional realization for developing network intercourse forum indistant educational system;远程教育系统中网络交流论坛开发的技术与功能分析

2.Research and Design of Distributed Resource Network in Distant Education;分布式远程教育资源网的研究与设计

3.Research on the Model of Distant Education System Based on Grid;基于网格的现代远程教育系统模型研究

6)distance learning远程教育

1.Courseware design and development fordistance learning;远程教育课件的设计与开发

2.Analysis of the promotion strategy fordistance learning websites;远程教育型网站促销策略分析

3.IP/multicast video conferencing fordistance learning;基于IP/multicast视频会议技术在远程教育中的应用




