300字范文 > Koch曲线 Koch curve英语短句 例句大全

Koch曲线 Koch curve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-26 18:20:43


Koch曲线 Koch curve英语短句 例句大全

Koch曲线,Koch curve

1)Koch curveKoch曲线

1.The decimation real-space renormalization group method is applied to S~4 model on the non-branchingKoch curve, and the critical point and critical exponents are calculated.用部分格点消约重整化群变换的方法 ,研究了无分支Koch曲线上S4 模型的相变和临界性质 ,求出了临界点和临界指数 。

2.A study has been done on the accuracy and reliability offractal dimensions determined through slit island methods by employingKoch curves.通过构造Koch曲线岛对剖面小岛法测得的分维的准确性和可靠性进行了研究,并研究了Koch曲线岛的初始边长、形状和嵌套层次等构造因素对分维测量的影响。

3.The paper tries to describeKoch curve and Sierpinski triangle intuitionisticly with Matlab software.以Koch曲线和塞尔平斯基三角形为例,介绍了Ma tlab软件在分形几何方面,对不规则图形进行直观描绘的方法。


1.Hausdorff Dimension of Koch Curve;Koch曲线的Hausdorff维数

2.Fractional Dimension and Computer Simulation of Koch Curve;Koch曲线的分形维数及计算机模拟

3.Facture of Koch Snow Curve with it s Important Conclusion;Koch雪花曲线的制作及其重要结论

4.Design of tag antenna based on Koch and Hilbert curve一种基于Koch和Hilbert分形加载的电子标签天线设计

5.Surf-Surf Intersection Curve曲面与曲面相交求曲线

6.equilateral hyperbola直角双曲线, 等轴双曲线

7.pliable linear system of curves曲线可弯曲线性系统

8.ogee curve双弯曲线, s形曲线

9.isothermal transformation curve(c曲线, S曲线) 等温转变曲线

10.Singularities of Parallels for Hyperbolic Plane Curves双曲平面曲线的平行曲线的奇点分类

11.Forming a curved configuration.成曲线形的,弯曲的

12.He moves in a wild zigzag.他行走的路线弯弯曲曲。

13.Curve Pencil Based Intersection for Degenerated Cases of Curves直线/NURBS曲线等基于曲线束的求交方法

14.Formed, bounded, or characterized by curved lines.曲线的由曲线组成、包围或具有曲线特点的

15.Create U Iso Curve创建u Iso曲线

16.curve (drawing instruments)曲线规(绘图仪器)

17.Create V Iso Curve创建v Iso曲线

18.elasticities of IS and LM curvesIS-LM曲线的弹性


Koch fractal curveKoch分形曲线

1.Koch fractal curve is a normal curve in plane curves.Koch分形曲线是分形图形中一种较为典型的平面曲线。

3)generalized Koch curve推广Koch曲线

4)koch snow curveKoch雪花曲线

1.On the platform of MATLAB software,this paper gives recursion algorithm generatingkoch snow curve and the graph,and proves that an infinitely long curve differentiable nowhere encloses a limited area.在MATLAB软件平台上给出了生成Koch雪花曲线的递归算法和图形,并证明了一条无处可微的无限长的曲线围成了一个有限的面积。

5)modified Koch curve修正Koch曲线

6)deformed Koch curve变形Koch曲线

1.Estimation of Hausdorff measure of severaldeformed Koch curves;几种变形Koch曲线的Hausdorff测度的估计


Koch曲线Image:11623084084824193.jpg koch曲线

