300字范文 > 通信作者 corresponding author英语短句 例句大全

通信作者 corresponding author英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-30 23:30:43


通信作者 corresponding author英语短句 例句大全

通信作者,corresponding author

1)corresponding author通信作者

1.Discussion on the signature ofcorresponding authors in scientific papers论文中署名“通信作者”的有关问题


1.Discussion on the signature of corresponding authors in scientific papers论文中署名“通信作者”的有关问题

2.Background in communications systems, such as TD-SCDMA and WCDMA, is a plus.具有无线通信系统工作经验者优先。

3.The changes and and roles of Wnt signaling pathway in colon cancer patients结肠癌患者Wnt信号通路的变化和作用

4.The Influence of Editors’Special Letters on the Communication with the Authors编辑专用书信对作者有效沟通的影响

5.A Exploration of the Effect of Cognition Adjustment on Organizational Communication of Information Recipients;浅析信息接受者认知调节在组织沟通中的作用

6.Ended by local Busy.发信者方正在通话。

7.The letters between the authors are written in a unique style of satire, pungency, profundity and steadiness.两位作者的通信用一种尖锐、辣、刻、稳的论战风格写成,别具一格。

8.A Study on Behavior Evolution of Travelers With Different Risk-taking Under ATIS交通信息作用下不同风险属性出行者的行为演进

9.The noun proclaimer, herald( keryx), refers to one who proclaims news publicly.“宣告者”(通报者,传禧信者)指那当众宣告信息的。

10.Workers usually get paid once a week,工作者通常每周拿薪,

11.A good correspondent does not procrastinate.一位勤于写信的通信者不会拖延。

12.write-to-operator (WTO)记录信息通知操作员

SOC (Communications Spacecraft Operation Center)宇宙飞船通信操作中心

14.operator communication manager (OPCOM)操作员通信管理程序

15.radio procedure无线电通信工作程序

16.CADPO (Communications And Data Processing Operation)通信与数据处理操作

17.operational control center of COMSAT通信卫星操作控制中心

18.operator communication control facility (OCCF)操作员通信控制设备


communication partner通信合作者

3)Ma"s Grammar author《文通》作者

4)author information作者信息

1.The conclusion of this paper is that no matter how important additional values could be produced from theauthor information, the academic quality is always the key factor of the academic journals.结合科学社会学原理 ,分析作者信息过多在刊物选稿、作者投稿、读者阅读 ,以及期刊订阅和编辑加工过程中产生的负面影响。


6)the type of ordinariy writer普通型作者


