300字范文 > 传统建筑装饰 traditional architecture decoration英语短句 例句大全

传统建筑装饰 traditional architecture decoration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-19 13:04:23


传统建筑装饰 traditional architecture decoration英语短句 例句大全

传统建筑装饰,traditional architecture decoration

1)traditional architecture decoration传统建筑装饰

1.The application of Chinesetraditional architecture decoration in modern interior design;中国传统建筑装饰在现代室内设计中的应用


1.Analysis on Traditional Architectural Decorative Art in South Zhejiang Province--A Case Study of Yongjia County and Taishun County;浙南传统建筑装饰艺术分析——以永嘉、泰顺传统建筑装饰为例

2.The Traditional Chinese Architecture and Modern Environment Art Design;中国传统建筑装饰语素与现代环境艺术设计

3.China s Traditional Arditectural Decoration in the Application of Modern Design;中国传统建筑装饰语言在现代设计中的应用

4.Aesthetic Features of Lingnan Traditional Architectural Decorating Statue;岭南传统建筑装饰雕塑艺术的美学特征

5.Talk on Ethnic Architectural Decoration and Fostering of Students Ability in Design and Creativity;民族传统建筑装饰研究与学生设计创造能力培养

6.Traditional Architectural Features of Small Towns Attractive Symbolic of the Evaluation and Countermeasures小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力评价及对策探析

7.Reflection of Architectural Ornament Culture of Traditional Civilian House in the West of Hunan;对湘西传统民居建筑装饰文化的思考

8.Decorative Characters of the Lintels at the Entrance of Traditional District Buildings in WuXi;无锡传统街区建筑入口门楣装饰特征

9.Art Forms of Traditional Window Decoration in Modern Interior Decoration传统窗饰在当代建筑室内装饰中的艺术形态

10.Trying to Expound Applying Traditional Method to the Modern Architecture Design;试论现代建筑装饰设计中传统手法的应用

11.An Analysis on the Application of Traditional Decorative Symbols in Modern Architecture;传统装饰符号在现代建筑中的运用手法分析

12.On the Research of the Application of the Traditional Folk Houses Decorative Elements in West Sichuan Area in the Modern Architecture;川西传统民居建筑装饰元素在现代建筑中的运用研究

13.Aesthetic and Cultural Meanings of Decorations of Shanxi Folk Houses:Taking the Three Sculptures in Architectural Decorations as Examples山西传统民居建筑装饰的审美及文化意义——以建筑装饰中的三雕为例

14.(architecture) leaf-like decoration.(建筑)叶状装饰物。

15.Research on Decoration Design of Tibetan Buddhism Architecture within Tibet;西藏地区藏传佛教建筑装饰设计初探

16.Traditional Morality Connotation in the Decoration of Shan Shan Provincial Guild Hall (SSPGH) in Sheqi论社旗山陕会馆建筑装饰艺术文化的传统德育内涵

17.Analysis Tradition Common People Residence Construction Decorative Pattern Connotation--Take Shanxi Han city Dangjia Village as the Example;解析传统民居建筑装饰图案的内涵——以陕西韩城党家村为例

18.The South-North Regional Difference for the Decorative Pattern of the Door and Window about the Traditional Residential Architecture in Shaanxi陕西传统民居建筑门窗装饰图案的南北地域差异性


Traditional architectural decoration form in the South of Changjiang River江南传统建筑装饰

3)Vocabulary of Traditional Architectural of China中国传统建筑装饰语素

4)Traditional construction decoration art传统建筑装饰艺术

5)architectural ornament建筑装饰

1.Analyses the characteristics of the veneers ofarchitectural ornament,such as that veneers are too heavy,are easy to drop and the effect of ornament is influenced by the construction technology,put forwards that the development of veneers must be adapted to the construction technology and application,the veneers must to be maked technological innovation.分析建筑装饰陶瓷饰面砖的装饰特点,针对陶瓷饰面砖自重大、易脱落、装饰效果受装饰施工技术及质量的影响等问题,提出陶瓷饰面砖的发展应注重适应装饰施工技术及应用而进行产品的技术创新。

2.The paper is divided into seven chapters, in which the author introduced about the geography survey of North Shaanxi, the form ofarchitectural ornament art.陕北民居建筑装饰艺术是中国传统美学的一个重要组成部分,研究它有助于理解传统文化的艺术内涵。

6)architectural decoration建筑装饰


