300字范文 > 新疆高校 universities in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

新疆高校 universities in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-29 17:36:03


新疆高校 universities in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

新疆高校,universities in Xinjiang

1)universities in Xinjiang新疆高校

1.On Causes of Postponement of Postgraduate Education Research in Universities in Xinjiang—— Taking Postgraduate Administrators as an Example;新疆高校研究生教育研究滞后原因探讨——以研究生管理人员为例

2.The author of the present essay analyzes the four characteristics of political idealistic education inuniversities in Xinjiang,thinking that the education should be based on ideas of the scientific world view,philosophy,and value system,so as the enhance the effectiveness of the political idealistic education inuniversities in Xinjiang.文章分析了新疆高校思想政治教育的四大特点,即外部环境的复杂性,教育对象的民族性,思想政治队伍的不平衡性,教育内容的双重性。

3.It is the very important and special component for the teaching of Maxiam in classes inuniversities in Xinjiang.马克思主义宗教观教育是新疆高校马克思主义教育的重要内容和特色内容。


1.Study on Campus Cultural Construction of Xinjiang Universities;新疆高校校园文化建设相关问题研究

2.On the significance of College Graduates Employment in Xinjiang for the Stability and Development of Xinjiang新疆高校毕业生留疆就业对新疆稳定和发展中的作用

3.On the Investigation and Study of Factual Situation about Achievement Test of Minority College Chinese in XinJiang;新疆高校预科汉语成绩测试调查研究

4.An Evaluation on Reading Textbooks of Preparatory Chinese Language;新疆高校预科汉语阅读教材评估略论

5.The Central Asian Research Institutions and International Exchanges in Xinjiang Universities;新疆高校的中亚研究机构与国际交流

6.A Survey into and Considerations on the Scientific Research Conditions of Postgraduates in the Xinjiang Institutions of Higher Learning;新疆高校研究生科研状况调查与思考

7.On The Teaching of Local Traditional Wushu in Colleges and Universities in Xinjiang;新疆高校开展地方传统武术教学探讨

8.An Analysis of and Considerations on the Current State of Leaders in Their Chosen Fields of Learning in Xinjiang Colleges and Universities;新疆高校学科带头人现状分析与思考

9.The Discussion on Raising the Effectiveness of Xinjiang Colleges Internal Audit;加强新疆高校内部审计有效性的探讨

10.Discussion on outside-of-class Physical Education in Xinjiang Higher Learning Institutions;对新疆高校开展课外体育活动的探讨

11.A Research into the Situation and the Functions of College Students Organization in Xinjiang Province新疆高校学生社团的现状和作用研究

12.The Xinjiang University Students Belief Status of the Present and the Countermeasure Analysis新疆高校大学生信仰现状及对策研究

13.Research on the Construction of Knowledge Base of Digital Library in Sinkiang新疆高校数字图书馆知识库建设分析

14.The Research on the Life Styles of Sports Population in Xinjiang Colleges and Universities新疆高校体育人口生活方式状况研究

15.A Discussion on the Curriculum Reform of Chinese Language in Xinjiang Higher Schools新疆高校汉语专业课程设置改革探讨

16.The mental health status analysis of senior intellectuals in the colleges of xinjiang province新疆高校知识分子SCL-90评定结果分析

17.Discussion on the Construction of the Literature Information Security System in Xinjiang"s Colleges and Universities试论新疆高校文献信息保障体系建设

18.Consideration about Characterization of Social Science Periodicals of Xinjiang Higher Education新疆高校社科期刊特色化办刊的思考


colleges and universities in Xinjiang新疆高校

1.Current situation of aerobics incolleges and universities in Xinjiang was investigated through questionnaires,interview and statistics.采用问卷调查、访问调查及数理统计等科研方法,对新疆高校健美操开展现状进行了调查。

2.Since the late nineties,somecolleges and universities in Xinjiang have set up departments of journalism,to carry out journalism training.作为区域内新闻专业人才培养的主要阵地,新疆高校在新闻专业人才培养上起步较晚。

3)Xinjiang universities新疆高校

1.In this foundation, will locate, theXinjiang universities own situation from the college salary level society as well as implements the comprehensive salary strategy several aspects to put forward several proposals to the nextXinjiang universities salary system design.在此基础上,从高等学校薪酬水平的社会定位、新疆高校自身的情况以及实施全面薪酬战略几个方面对今后新疆高校的薪酬制度设计提出了几点建议。

2.The socialization of Xinjiang Universities’rear-service, the most of which beginned in 2000.新疆高校后勤的社会化改革大多开始于2000年,论时间不是很长,但发展的速度很快。

4)University in Xinjiang新疆高校

1.Principal Component Analysis ofUniversity in Xinjiang;新疆高校核心竞争力的主成分分析

2.The result shows that there is a little gym building of university in Xinjiang, the quantity is not very good, the athletic facilities are old, the gym building environment is worse.结果表明:新疆高校的体育场馆数量少,质量低,体育设施陈旧,体育场馆环境较差。

5)Schools of higher learning in Xinjiang Province新疆高等学校

6)Xinjiang common colleges新疆普通高校


新疆话考究—新疆话四级考试1.“匕石”是:(10分) A.一种石头B.一种刀具C.动物的骨骼制成的儿童玩具D.以上答案都不对 2.“氓到”是:(10分) A.形容外地人B.形容流氓C.形容猥琐D.以上答案都不对 3.“皮牙子”是:(10分) A.皮制品B.和牙齿有关C.一种食物D.以上答案都不对 4.“二球”是:(10分) A.二楞子B.球类玩具C.游戏名称D.以上答案都不对 5.“日能”是:(10分) A.能人、厉害的人B.白天做什么都行的人C.骂人脏话D.以上答案都不对 6.“逼蹭”(bi一声ceng一声)是:(10分) A.一种民间运动B.爱显示,显摆,强出头C.逼迫,强迫D.以上答案都不对 7.“搔青”是:(10分) A.形容风骚,爱出风头B.形容女人风情万种C.跳蚤的另个名称D.以上答案都不对 8.“猴筋”是:(10分) A.聪明,有鬼点子B.一种女生用来束头发的C.形容小孩太闹D.以上答案都不对 9.“唧熘”(ji一声liu二声)是:(10分) A.很聪明B.运动C.吃的东西D.以上答案都不对 10.“儿子娃娃”是:(10分) A.爸爸给别人介绍自己的儿子B.好汉,男人C.形容小孩可爱D.以上答案都不对
