300字范文 > 综合加工误差 synthetic machining error英语短句 例句大全

综合加工误差 synthetic machining error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-20 13:18:21


综合加工误差 synthetic machining error英语短句 例句大全

综合加工误差,synthetic machining error

1)synthetic machining error综合加工误差

2)composite error综合误差

1.Evaluating method of uncertainty in measurement aboutcomposite error of electric energy at the power exchange point;关口电能综合误差的不确定度评定方法

2.The bi-meshing detecting technology, high-resolution raster system, and infinitely variable speed "flexible" driving are used to detect and sort micron gear"scomposite error rapidly and automatically, and the apparatus are also developed.小模数齿轮综合误差快速自动检测分选仪采用双啮合测量技术,通过高分辨的光栅系统,经无级变速“柔性”传动,达到小模数齿轮快速自动检测分选的目的。

3.This paper discusses on thecomposite errors of the electric energy measurement devices based on their components, makes analysis on the causes of the errors of each part, calculates the errors of each part, and puts forward corresponding improving methods.将电能量装置的综合误差按组成分类讨论,对各部分误差产生的原因、大小进行了计算分析,并提出了相应的改进方法。


1.Discussions on prospected error of observation s systematic error and comprehensive error;关于观测值系统误差与综合误差的方差的探讨

2.The Factors that Affect the Comprehensive Error of Electricity Measure and the Method to Decrease the Errors影响电能计量综合误差的因素及减小综合误差的方法

3.A Study on the Comprehensive Error of Electric Energy Metering Systems and Its Application电能计量系统综合误差研究及其应用

4.Synthetical Error Analysis and Simulation for Double-Star Position System双星定位系统的综合误差分析与仿真

5.An Application of Single Variable Error Calculation Method in Fixture Synthetical Error Calculation;单变量误差计算法在夹具综合误差计算中的应用

6.Analysis of Synthetic Error in Measurement of RMS and Active Power有效值及有功功率测量的综合误差分析

7.Research of Gear Radial Composite Deviation Measure System Based on PC;基于PC的齿轮径向综合误差测量系统的研究

8.Research on the Synthetic Error Analysis of Multi-axes Machining for Globoidal Cam弧面分度凸轮多轴联动加工综合误差分析研究

9.Using Inter-relationship to Evaluate the Integrated Error of Energy Measurement Devices利用相互关系巧妙比对电能计量装置综合误差

prehensive Error Analysis and Compensation for Gateway Electrical Energy Metering Device关口电能计量装置综合误差分析与补偿

11.Reconstruction and Analysis of Gateway Electrical Energy Metering Device Comprehensive Error关口电能计量装置综合误差分析及改造

12.Evaluation of Uncertainty about Integrated Error of Electric Energy Metering电能计量装置综合误差的不确定度评定

13.Gross Error Detection and Reparation for VRS Synthetical Error Based on Unascertained Rational基于未确知有理数的VRS综合误差粗差探测与修复

14.Improvement and Synthesis Error Analysis of Rapid Prototyping Technology by Using SLSSLS快速成型技术误差综合分析与提高

15.Error Synthesis of 6-SPS Parallel Manipulator6—SPS并联机器人机构误差综合

16.Doppler frequency drift and timing error were considered in state transform equations.状态方程综合考虑了多普勒频移、定时误差。

17.He blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag.他把自己的判断失误归咎于时差综合症。

18.Modelling and Compensating for the Comprehensive Geometric Errors of NC Machine Tools;数控机床综合几何误差的建模及补偿研究


composite error综合误差

1.Evaluating method of uncertainty in measurement aboutcomposite error of electric energy at the power exchange point;关口电能综合误差的不确定度评定方法

2.The bi-meshing detecting technology, high-resolution raster system, and infinitely variable speed "flexible" driving are used to detect and sort micron gear"scomposite error rapidly and automatically, and the apparatus are also developed.小模数齿轮综合误差快速自动检测分选仪采用双啮合测量技术,通过高分辨的光栅系统,经无级变速“柔性”传动,达到小模数齿轮快速自动检测分选的目的。

3.This paper discusses on thecomposite errors of the electric energy measurement devices based on their components, makes analysis on the causes of the errors of each part, calculates the errors of each part, and puts forward corresponding improving methods.将电能量装置的综合误差按组成分类讨论,对各部分误差产生的原因、大小进行了计算分析,并提出了相应的改进方法。

3)Comprehensive Error综合误差

1.Measuring Instrument Design forComprehensive Error of High Precision Gears;高精度齿轮综合误差检测仪的设计

2.Discussions on prospected error of observation s systematic error and comprehensive error;关于观测值系统误差与综合误差的方差的探讨

3.The analysis for the position accuracy of machine tools based on comprehensive errors of the ball screw;滚珠丝杠综合误差对机床定位精度的分析

4)composition error综合误差

1.The calculation method for the complsition error of electric energy measruement device and the reducing method for thecomposition error;电能计量装置的综合误差计算及减少综合误差的方法

2.In this paper, a new method of using computer technique on data acquisition and processing of gear′scomposition error is put forward.应用计算机技术,完成齿轮综合误差数据采集和处理。

5)Integrated error综合误差

1.The methods of reducing the integrated errors of electric energy metering devices减小电能计量装置综合误差的方法

2.An integrated error concept was firstly given,then a new neuron controller combining integrated error with traditional neuron controller was formed.给出一种综合误差的概念,将综合误差与传统的单神经元控制器相结合,得到一种基于综合误差理论的单神经元控制器,它可以同时直接调控被控对象的多输出变量。

3.The influence of second circuit and second load of pass measuring transformer on measuring devices are introduced,the errors of voltage transformer under the second load are analyzed specially,the importance of controlling transformer second circuit parameter to reduce integrated errors are explained.介绍关口计量用互感器二次压降与二次负荷对关口计量装置综合误差的影响,重点分析实际运行二次负荷下电压互感器的误差,说明了控制互感器二次回路参数指标对减小关口计量装置综合误差的重要性。

6)error synthesis误差综合

1.An objective function was established for theerror synthesis based on sensitivity constraint conditions and a corre.用矩阵微分法推导了平台位姿误差和42种原始误差之间的关系式,定义了平台位姿误差对各种原始误差的敏感度,并建立基于敏感度约束条件的原始误差优化目标函数,给出了按敏感度的比例对原始误差进行综合的优化方法,通过实例验证了基于敏感度的误差综合方法的有效性。

2.There are two matters in error analysis,the one iserror synthesis,the other is error distribution.误差分析主要有二类,一类是误差综合,另一类是误差分配。

3.This paper was illustrated by Stewart platform to show a novel method forerror synthesis of parallel manipulator.以6—SPS并联机器人机构为例,根据结构约束条件,基于机构瞬时运动方向,找出结构误差敏感方向,建立了敏感方向上的输入误差与输出误差之间的解析关系式,得出误差影响系数,实现了该机构的误差综合。


电能计量装置综合误差电能计量装置综合误差over-all error of elec-tricity metering devicesd IOnneng JI}Iong ZhUongzhl Zonghe Wueha电能计,装t综合误差(over一all error ofeleetrieity metering deviees)电能计童装1的电能表误差、测量用互感器合成误差和电压互感器二次回路压降引起的误差的代数和。综合误差的计算公式为y一yl十入十凡式中y为电能计量装置综合误差,%;y:为电能表误差,%;yZ为互感器的合成误差,环;y3为电压互感器二次回路压降引起的误差,%。世界各国都对电能计量装置的综合误差规定了限值并采取措施减少综合误差。中国对电能计量装置综合误差限值的规定是:对I类电能计量装置,不得超过士。.7%;对I、I类电能计量装置,不得超过士1 .2%。电能表误差(yl)见电能表误差。测t用互感器的合成误差(yZ)由于测量用电流、电压互感器存在比值差(简称比差)和相角差(简称角差),在测量中将引起合成误差。在某些场合,虽然互感器本身的比差、角差都符合要求,但其合成误差可能很大。合成误差的计算公式为,,一丛丛孕二上王xl。。厂1式中孔为互感器的合成误差,%;K,为电流互感器的额定变比;Ku为电压互感器的额定变比;尸:为互感器一次侧的功率;尸2为互感器二次侧功率.电压互感器二次回路压降引起的误差(y3)电能表电压线圈接在电压互感器二次回路中,因回路中的电缆、熔断器有电阻和电抗,会造成电压降,所以电能表端电压和电压互感器出口端电压在数值和相位上不一致,这样就造成了电压互感器二次回路压降误差。压降引起的误差的计算式为 尸产一尸___,q-一~一-;二一~X IUU厂式中y3为电压互感器二次回路压降误差,纬;尸‘为电能表端三相有功功率;尸为电压互感器出口端三相有功功率。减少综合误差的方法通常采用的方法有:(1)电能表调整时考虑互感器的合成误差,使电能表的误差和互感器的合成误差互相抵消,以减少电能计量装置的综合误差。(2)根据互感器的误差,合理地组合配对。配对的原则是接到电能表同一元件的电流互感器和电压互感器的比差fv,与f],、fvZ与力2符号相反、数值接近或相等;而它们的角差乙,与凡,、击2与衡2符号相同、数值接近或相等。(3)根据电能表运行条件合理调表,即根据现场环境温度、季节变化趋势、负荷大小、有无电磁场影响等合理地调表。(4)对互感器误差进行调整。对运行中的电流、电压互感器,可视现场具体情况进行误差补偿,也可调整某一相或两相的互感器比差和角差,以减少合成误差。(5)采用专用的计量回路,尽量缩短二次回路长度,加大导线截面,降低导线电阻,以减少电压互感器二次回路压降引起的误差。
