300字范文 > 光学综合孔径 Optical aperture synthesis英语短句 例句大全

光学综合孔径 Optical aperture synthesis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-02 16:15:16


光学综合孔径 Optical aperture synthesis英语短句 例句大全

光学综合孔径,Optical aperture synthesis

1)Optical aperture synthesis光学综合孔径

1.Some Key Techniques of Fizeau-type Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope;Fizeau型天文光学综合孔径望远镜的若干关键技术研究

2.According to image plane interference status of optical aperture synthesis(OAS) and Huyges Fresnel theory, a mathematical method is set up which fits with the true condition.从惠更斯—菲涅耳原理出发 ,根据光学综合成像像面干涉的实际情况 ,建立了符合实际的光学综合孔径像面干涉数学模型 ;根据针孔干涉的条件 ,把望远镜镜面分成许多子镜面 ,并在此基础上对光学综合孔径像面干涉进行了公式推导和计算机仿真 ;分析了两望远镜的波面倾斜及光程差对干涉条纹的影响 ,并进行了仿真 。

3.Closure phase technology, U-V coverage technology and image reconstruction technology are three key technologies for optical aperture synthesis image.闭合相位技术、U -V覆盖技术和像重构技术是光学综合孔径干涉成像的三个关键技术。


1.Research on the UV Coverage and the Optimization Arrangement of the Optical Synthetic Aperture Telescope Array光学综合孔径望远镜的UV覆盖和孔径排列的研究

2.Array design of redundant spacings calibration technique for optical aperature synthesis光学综合孔径冗余基线校正法中的阵列设计

3.Research on Sub-Telescopes" Beams Parallel and Path Difference Adjustment to the Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope光学综合孔径望远镜中子望远镜平行性和光程差调整的研究

4.Some Key Techniques of Fizeau-type Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope;Fizeau型天文光学综合孔径望远镜的若干关键技术研究

5.Optical Processing of Passive Synthetic Aperture Imaging被动综合孔径成像中的光学处理技术

6.Restoration Methods of Imaging Quality of Optical Sparse Aperture Systems综合孔径光学系统成像质量恢复方法研究

7.aperture synthesis radiotelescope综合孔径射电望远镜

8.Studies on Energy Expending and(u,v) Coverage for Optical Synthetic Aperture Camera on Geosynchronous Orbit地球静止轨道光综合孔径相机的能耗与(u,v)覆盖研究

9.Imaging and Image Restoration of Optical Synthetic Aperture Systems光学合成孔径成像原理及图像复原技术

10.condenser aperture聚光镜孔径;聚光镜孔径;聚光器孔径;聚光器孔

11.Co-Phasing Error Study of the Sub-apertures" for Optical Sparse Aperture System光学稀疏孔径成像系统子孔径位相误差研究

12.Pulse Synthesis Processing of Synthetic Impulse and Aperture Radar(SIAR) and Its Implementation综合脉冲与孔径雷达的脉冲综合处理及其实现

13.Application of Digital Beam Forming Technology in Synthetic Aperture RadiometerDBF技术在综合孔径辐射计中的应用

14.Review of Development of Missile-borne SAR Guidance Technology弹载合成孔径雷达制导技术发展综述

15.The Optical Synthetic Aperture Principle Demonstration Prototype Dynamics Simulation and Experiment Research;光学合成孔径原理演示样机动力学仿真及实验研究

16.Imaging Analysis of Optical Sparse Aperture Systems With Different Multiple-array Configuration Design光学稀疏孔径成像系统复合阵列设计的仿真研究

17.Effect of Different Designs of the Multiple-Array Configuration on Imaging of Optical Sparse Aperture Systems光学稀疏孔径系统复合阵列构造对系统成像的影响

18.Radio astronomers are now able to synthesize the response of a partially filled aperture of large diameter and thus to map variations in nebular brightness.射电天文学家现在已经能够把部分充满的大直径孔径进行综合,从而描绘出星云亮度变化图。


optical synthetic aperture光学综合孔径

1.Positions and diameters of sub-aperture inoptical synthetic aperture array are two important factor for imaging.光学综合孔径阵列中的子孔径的位置和直径的大小对成像质量有着重要的影响。

2.The imaging theory and several realization ways ofoptical synthetic aperture telescope are presented.阐述了光学综合孔径 (OSA)望远镜成像原理以及综合孔径望远镜的几种实现形式 ;采用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法得到了任意子孔径综合模式下的点扩展函数 (PSF)和光学传递函数 (OTF)分布 ;从子孔径结构排列、共相位、图像恢复几个方面论述了光学综合孔径的成像特征。

3)synthetic-aperture optics综合孔径光学

4)optical aperture synthesis telescope technology光学综合孔径成像

1.UV coverage is one of the key parts ofoptical aperture synthesis telescope technology.UV覆盖是光学综合孔径成像技术中一个关键环节,它决定于孔径阵列的排列情况,且影响到后续的图像恢复工作,所以,必须对UV覆盖进行优化,但优化标准目前尚未确定。

5)optical aperture-synthesis imaging technique光学综合孔径成像技术

6)optical sparse aperture system综合孔径光学系统


