300字范文 > 量子信息科学 Quantum information science英语短句 例句大全

量子信息科学 Quantum information science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-20 06:03:29


量子信息科学 Quantum information science英语短句 例句大全

量子信息科学,Quantum information science

1)Quantum information science量子信息科学

1.Quantum information science, as a emerging cross-disciplinary of quantum physics and information science, is considered one of the most potential applications of the developing disciplines and receives so much attention to the researchers.量子信息科学是量子物理与信息科学相结合而形成的新兴交叉学科,它被认为是最具有应用潜力的发展学科之一,因此备受研究者关注。

2)quantum information theory量子信息学

1.This article treats about the status on the new scientific problems of physics and electronics in the 21st century,involving vacuum energy,negative mass of electron,quantum potential,virtual particles,superstring theory and tachyons;as well as the EPR thinking experiment,quantum entanglement ,quantum teleportation,quantum information theory and quantum computers.文章讨论了进入 2 1世纪时物理学和电子学的现状和若干前沿课题 ,涉及真空能、电子负质量、量子势、虚粒子、超弦理论、快子 ,以及EPR思维实验、量子交缠与量子远距传物、量子信息学、量子计算机等方面的最新研究进展与成


1.Summary of the Forum on Quanta Information Science Basic Research“量子信息学基础研究”论坛(纪要)

2.Quantum Information Processes Based on Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics基于腔量子电动力学的量子信息过程

3.Study on Cavity-Qed Scheme in Quantum Information量子信息中的腔量子电动力学方案研究

4.A Statistical Analysis on Publications in Column "Quantum Optics & Quantum Information Studies";“量子光学与量子信息研究”栏目发文统计分析

5.Six mathematical enumerative problems in quantum information and quantum computation;量子信息论与量子计算中的六个数学问题

6.Four Combinational Problems in Quantum Information and Quantum Computation;量子信息论与量子计算中的四个组合数学问题

7.Study on the Properties of Quantum Information Dynamics Within Atoms-Cavities-fields System;原子-腔-场系统中的量子信息动力学特性研究

8.Quantum Information Processing with Linear Optical Elements and Photons基于线性光学元件和光子的量子信息处理

9.Principles and Optical Realizations of Quantum Information Processing;量子信息处理的原理和光学实现的研究

10.Dynamics of Quantum Neural Networks and Its Applications to Information Security;量子神经网络动力学及其在信息安全中的应用


12.A Small Program batch processing Electronic photos in degree information of postgraduates研究生学位信息电子照片批量处理小程序

13.Medical Image Registration Using Equivalent Meridian Plane and Mutual Information基于等效子午面与互信息量的医学图像配准

14.Application of Linguistic Information Aggregation Operator to Teaching Quality Evaluation语言信息集成算子在教学质量评价中的应用

15.The quantum information can be taken from the classical description of physics by Feynman path integrals.通过费曼路径积分可以从物理学的经典描述中提取量子信息。

16.Research on Algorithm and Complexity of Quantum Information and Computational Economics;量子信息论与计算经济学中若干算法与复杂性问题研究

17.Interaction Dynamics and Quantum Information Processing for Josephson Junctions and Cavity;约瑟夫森结与腔场相互作用动力学和量子信息处理

18.Analysis on the current situation of monitoring and appraisal system--practical teaching quality monitoring and appraisal system;实践教学质量监控与评价体系现状分析——高职院校电子信息专业


quantum information theory量子信息学

1.This article treats about the status on the new scientific problems of physics and electronics in the 21st century,involving vacuum energy,negative mass of electron,quantum potential,virtual particles,superstring theory and tachyons;as well as the EPR thinking experiment,quantum entanglement ,quantum teleportation,quantum information theory and quantum computers.文章讨论了进入 2 1世纪时物理学和电子学的现状和若干前沿课题 ,涉及真空能、电子负质量、量子势、虚粒子、超弦理论、快子 ,以及EPR思维实验、量子交缠与量子远距传物、量子信息学、量子计算机等方面的最新研究进展与成

3)quantum informatics量子信息学

1.The united system is analyzed by using of the viewpoint ofquantum informatics.利用量子信息学的观点,分析了多个"任意多模(q模)相干态光场与二能级原子发生依赖于强度的任意多光子(N_k光子)非共振相互作用"构成的联合系统。

2.And quantum entanglement is one of themost significant development direction in the field of thequantum informatics.量子信息学作为新兴学科在国际上兴起是在1994之后,虽然时间很短,但已取得了一系列重要突破。

3.Quantum informatics mainly includes preparation of quantum state, quantum teleportation, quantum communication, quantum photo-communication, quantum coding and quantum dense coding, quantum computation and so on.量子信息学是量子物理学与信息科学相结合而产生的一门新兴的交叉学科。

4)quantum information science量子信息学

5)quantum information量子信息学

1.What is calledquantum information science is substantively to research information science encoding with quantum states.量子信息学是近几年迅速发展起来的一门新兴交叉学科,它是量子力学和信息科学相结合的产物。

2.Quantum information is a cross-discipline of quantum physics and information.量子信息学是量子物理学与信息科学的交叉学科,它是一门利用量子物理学特别是量子力学原理来完成量子信息处理任务的学科。

6)Telecommunication Subject电子信息类学科

1.On Laboratory. Construction ofTelecommunication Subject;本论文针对我国目前电子信息类学科专业实验课教学的现状 ,对该领域的专业实验室建设模式进行了一些新的模式探


单量子阱(见量子阱)单量子阱(见量子阱)single quantum well单且子阱sillgle quantum well见量子阱。
